RT @CochraneNursing: An update of #CochraneReview shows #glucocorticoids reduce symptoms of #croup in #children (≤18 years) at 2 hours, sho…
RT @CochraneJapan: 小児のクループに対するグルココルチコイド https://t.co/JPpepZdI29
小児のクループに対するグルココルチコイド https://t.co/JPpepZdI29
@DocNrw @doc_ecmo @JesseVentura86 https://t.co/RuWH6yZTHT Scheint die Häufigkeit von Wiedervorstellung zu reduzieren. Haben vor jahren umgestellt, auch weil ich die onesizefitsall-dosis irgendwie nicht optimal finde.
RT @CochraneNursing: An update of #CochraneReview shows #glucocorticoids reduce symptoms of #croup in #children (≤18 years) at 2 hours, sho…
RT @CochraneNursing: An update of #CochraneReview shows #glucocorticoids reduce symptoms of #croup in #children (≤18 years) at 2 hours, sho…
RT @CochraneNursing: An update of #CochraneReview shows #glucocorticoids reduce symptoms of #croup in #children (≤18 years) at 2 hours, sho…
An update of #CochraneReview shows #glucocorticoids reduce symptoms of #croup in #children (≤18 years) at 2 hours, shorten hospital stays, & reduce the rate of return visits or readmissions (a synthesis of 45 RCTs)💡https://t.co/lB145mDIgO @CochraneLib
@PiR2_BA @JeromeD_01 @docTorvic120 Cadeau du Cochrane https://t.co/yMDSnAOXyi
Glucocorticoïdes pour la laryngite chez l'enfant - Aregbesola, A - 2023 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/1l3NjM93Pr
❓Les glucocorticoïdes sont-ils efficaces pour traiter la laryngite chez l'enfant ? 📚Revue @CochraneARI mise à jour évaluant 45 ECR 📄Résumé scientifique et simplifié disponible dans la @CochraneLibrary 👉https://t.co/nvyx8EbjQ4 @Cochrane_Child
Aktueller #CochraneReview: Wie wirksam und sicher sind kortisonhaltige Medikamente bei der Behandlung von Kindern mit Pseudokrupp? https://t.co/YFRrTmN7mt https://t.co/77Q2mg53wo
Glucocorticoides y crup: ➡️Reducen los síntomas del crup a las 2 horas ➡️Acortan estancias hospitalarias ➡️Reducen la tasa de visitas y reingresos Una dosis de 0,15 mg/kg de dexametasona puede ser tan eficaz como la dosis de 0,60 mg/kg. https://t.co/tph9
RT @Cochrane_DE: Wie wirksam und sicher sind kortisonhaltige Medikamente bei der Behandlung von Kindern mit Pseudokrupp? Den #CochraneRevie…
RT @Cochrane_DE: Wie wirksam und sicher sind kortisonhaltige Medikamente bei der Behandlung von Kindern mit Pseudokrupp? Den #CochraneRevie…
Wie wirksam und sicher sind kortisonhaltige Medikamente bei der Behandlung von Kindern mit Pseudokrupp? Den #CochraneReview zu dieser Frage finden Sie hier: https://t.co/YFRrTmMzwV https://t.co/izXAnv4UbQ
RT @CochraneLibrary: Are low-dose #steroids effective in treating #croup, a #viral respiratory infection, in children? ➡️ Read the updated…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Are low-dose #steroids effective in treating #croup, a #viral respiratory infection, in children? ➡️ Read the updated…
RT @alfonso_casi: Glucocorticoides para la laringotraqueobronquitis (o crup) en niños: La evidencia de que reducen los síntomas a las dos h…
Glucocorticoids for croup in children https://t.co/dDKKsmIyl7
Glucocorticoides para la laringotraqueobronquitis (o crup) en niños: La evidencia de que reducen los síntomas a las dos horas, acortan la estancia hospitalaria y reducen la tasa de nuevas visitas o (re)ingresos no ha cambiado en esta actualización... https
RT @CochraneConsumr: Croup leads to a swelling of the throat and airway, which can make breathing difficul and a barking type of cough. Thi…
Glucocorticoids for croup in children - Aregbesola, A - 2023 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/89O9XXkVto
Are low-dose #steroids effective in treating #croup, a #viral respiratory infection, in children? ➡️ Read the updated @CochraneARI #CochraneReview for the latest evidence. https://t.co/CHXSb6aY0I @Cochrane_Child
RT @CochraneConsumr: Croup leads to a swelling of the throat and airway, which can make breathing difficul and a barking type of cough. This new review looks he effectiveness and safety of glucocorticoids when treating children with croup. https://t.co/62
RT @CochraneConsumr: Croup leads to a swelling of the throat and airway, which can make breathing difficul and a barking type of cough. Thi…
Croup leads to a swelling of the throat and airway, which can make breathing difficul and a barking type of cough. This new review looks he effectiveness and safety of glucocorticoids when treating children with croup. https://t.co/d6FXJpNEvr https://t.co
Updated review investigates the effects and safety of #glucocorticoids in the treatment of #croup in children aged 18 years and below. https://t.co/Md9KMSUw1u https://t.co/hxQmEyQzLE
RT @CochraneARI: Are low-dose #steroids effective in treating #croup, a #viral respiratory infection, in children? Read our updated #Cochra…
RT @CochraneARI: Are low-dose #steroids effective in treating #croup, a #viral respiratory infection, in children? Read our updated #Cochra…
Are low-dose #steroids effective in treating #croup, a #viral respiratory infection, in children? Read our updated #CochraneReview for the latest #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/0j1aeiF1TG @CochraneLibrary