RT @CochraneOHG: Topical fluoride (toothpastes, mouthrinses, gels or varnishes) for preventing dental caries in children & adolescents http…
Topical fluoride (toothpastes, mouthrinses, gels or varnishes) for preventing dental caries in children & adolescents http://t.co/T4UByNpbNE
RT @CochraneOHG: Topical #fluorides compared. Which is most effective in preventing tooth decay in children? http://t.co/0seN9SkjEs
Topical #fluorides compared. Which is most effective in preventing tooth decay in children? http://t.co/yavmDi1F2d
Topical #fluorides compared. Which is most effective in preventing tooth decay in children? http://t.co/yavmDi1F2d
Use of topical #fluoride to prevent #toothdecay in children. #Cochrane review of 144 clinical trials: http://t.co/wJGL5jLmpW
Use of topical #fluoride to prevent #toothdecay in children. #Cochrane review of 144 clinical trials: http://t.co/wJGL5jLmpW
Use of topical #fluoride to prevent #toothdecay in children. #Cochrane review of 144 clinical trials: http://t.co/wJGL5jLmpW
Use of topical #fluoride to prevent #toothdecay in children. #Cochrane review of 144 clinical trials: http://t.co/wJGL5jLmpW
Topical #fluoride can help maintain a healthy mouth, says #Cochrane review: http://t.co/IzIsfzQANK #NSM14
Topical #fluoride can help maintain a healthy mouth, says #Cochrane review: http://t.co/IzIsfzQANK #NSM14
Topical #fluoride can help maintain a healthy mouth, says #Cochrane review: http://t.co/IzIsfzQANK #NSM14
Topical fluoride (toothpastes, mo... [Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI http://t.co/RcJrDBDufP