RT @CochraneSzGroup: No superiority shown in efficacy of high-potency perphenazine over low-potency first-generation #antipsychotics https:…
RT @CochraneSzGroup: No superiority shown in efficacy of high-potency perphenazine over low-potency first-generation #antipsychotics https:…
#Perphenazine versus low-potency first-generation #antipsychotic #drugs for #schizophrenia https://t.co/LJHBCzeVnt
Is high-potency perphenazine more effective than low-potency #antipsychotics? https://t.co/LJHBCzeVnt
#Perfenatsiini verrattuna matalan annoksen ensimmäisen sukupolven #antipsykoosilääkkeisiin #skitsofrenian hoidossa. https://t.co/N5hTjUwxEC
RT @CochraneSzGroup: No superiority shown in efficacy of high-potency perphenazine over low-potency first-generation #antipsychotics https:…
Onko korkea-annoksinen #perfenatsiini tehokkaampi kuin matalan annoksen #antipsykoosilääkkeet? https://t.co/N5hTjUwxEC
No superiority shown in efficacy of high-potency perphenazine over low-potency first-generation #antipsychotics https://t.co/LJHBCzeVnt
Korkean annoksen #perfenatsiini ei parempi matalan annoksen ensimmäisen sukupolven #psykoosilääkkeisiin verrattuna. https://t.co/N5hTjUwxEC
#Perphenazine versus low-potency first-generation #antipsychotic #drugs for #schizophrenia https://t.co/gAD9Knmb3n
Is high-potency perphenazine more effective than low-potency #antipsychotics? https://t.co/gAD9Knmb3n
No superiority shown in efficacy of high-potency perphenazine over low-potency first-generation #antipsychotics https://t.co/gAD9Knmb3n
Cochrane Review: Perphenazine versus lowpotency firstgeneration antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia http://t.co/XOYiHgcmIC
Cochrane Review: Perphenazine versus lowpotency firstgeneration antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia http://t.co/XOYiHgcmIC
(Cochrane) Perfenazina vs antipsicóticos de baja potencia de 1ª generación en esquizofrenia http://t.co/qqOk3QLqCk
(Cochrane) Perfenazina vs antipsicóticos de baja potencia de 1ª generación en esquizofrenia http://t.co/qqOk3QLqCk
(Cochrane) Perfenazina vs antipsicóticos de baja potencia de 1ª generación en esquizofrenia http://t.co/qqOk3QLqCk
(Cochrane) Perfenazina vs antipsicóticos de baja potencia de 1ª generación en esquizofrenia http://t.co/qqOk3QLqCk
Perphenazine versus low-potency first-generation drugs for schizophrenia http://t.co/eGX17dzc5a
[schizo] Perphenazine versus low-potency first-generation antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia. http://t.co/F0ujXV3y0e