@Martyrofsand @Creiz21 @womenpostingws It is difficult for a large number of people, as is evident in the literature (https://t.co/cpopBrm34v for example). Blaming peoples lack of self control only implies that abstinence is too difficult to achieve for ma
@mazulmer4 @donaroset @nicodfb @joseantoniokast @JoseMezaPereira https://t.co/PIuEItO9Qw acá evidencia de calidad, no una revisión de la bibliografia q me envió ud
@hectorillo15 @eltabanord @jaguerrerobta Bien que estemos de acuerdo. Sobre la efectividad de los programas de abstinencia, sí existe evidencia: https://t.co/QpZgufhLmZ
@_Steeech Coño y ademas de otras 2 grandes revisiones: 1-https://t.co/K4hURPH7xD 2-https://t.co/QnQ0QPCUiO Esque madre mia asi yo tmb digo que laeducacion sexual es inneficaz y que la que se basa en abstinencia no se ha probado su innefectividad si cher
RT @Abduzcan__: @Susi62Mabel @PabloMIturrieta Señora, pero si esa es una página religiosa. Y por cierto quiero saber cual es la "nueva tend…
@Susi62Mabel @PabloMIturrieta Señora, pero si esa es una página religiosa. Y por cierto quiero saber cual es la "nueva tendencia de abstinencia", si ese artículo es del 2003. PD: No, no funcionan. https://t.co/Xx4Sax5pvQ
@Susi62Mabel @alana2x @PabloMIturrieta No, no funcionan https://t.co/Xx4Sax5pvQ
Para empezar, la efectividad de los programas de abstinencia para la prevención de la infección por VIH y los embarazos no deseados en los países de ingresos altos resultaron ser infectivos. https://t.co/oObE0NCHs8
@piolhudinho @juanpablodardon @Quetzaluman Hay estudios y no funciona. https://t.co/9mLuzV8HZ6
What did they find? You guessed it! There was no evidence that abstinence-only education had any impact on HIV infection rates. You can read more here: https://t.co/ZzOZkOUEhh [6]
Cool, the uber religious America is spreading its cancer globally. Abstinence Only programs do not work. Places where abstinence only education is taught sees higher rates of teen pregnancy and STI prevalence. https://t.co/4f2Pjqdthb https://t.co/zPomraC68
RT @KLDneuro: @Libertarian4you @Mooseplainer more on abstinence-only and how much it sucks https://t.co/OTs9K5gJy9 https://t.co/Ta8IrqHvx8
RT @KLDneuro: @Libertarian4you @Mooseplainer more on abstinence-only and how much it sucks https://t.co/OTs9K5gJy9 https://t.co/Ta8IrqHvx8
RT @KLDneuro: @Libertarian4you @Mooseplainer more on abstinence-only and how much it sucks https://t.co/OTs9K5gJy9 https://t.co/Ta8IrqHvx8
@OneMomsVoice http://t.co/quGJzokviX and http://t.co/D1e0Lk4m2P are examples of reviews that tried to rank programs by effectiveness...
@BobSullivan87 There is no info there about effectiveness at preventing STDs. http://t.co/tJFIn5omqV reviewed abstinence-only programs...
Abstinence-only programs in the USA have NO effect on HIV risk. http://t.co/d0OZOQnHaw
@MPTIreland @seedOftheNeed The General US population, yes: http://t.co/qqmKRzCL8O. This is also worth a look: http://t.co/UpV8ZJzhT0.
@mjmyers1997 Here’s one of very many: http://t.co/8HFcEhpe2x
@djdjskmsdu In high income countries, for example, abstinence programs have had no effect whatsoever: http://t.co/Sfn569Zq
Both Romney & Santorum: Abstinence only education does not restrict out-of-wedlock babies or std’s (may increase both): http://t.co/UtpEDneE
Cochrane Review (2007) Abstinence-only programs for HIV infection prevention in high-income countries http://t.co/hmOAVgXH
Cochrane Review (2007) Abstinence-only programs for HIV infection prevention in high-income countries http://t.co/y5LWpPSb
@AmMijares #RHBill #prolifefail Nope father, abstinence is a failure. http://t.co/Y9noSPFo http://t.co/4PkhVreA
@pageman @lilmseditor #RHBill Another study that showed abstinence as inadequate in HIV prevention. http://t.co/Y9noSPFo