This is disgusting.
RT @DaveBM2020: This is a bit heavy but if you can read it, do. Britney said in June and July that she was forced into medication against…
This is a bit heavy but if you can read it, do. Britney said in June and July that she was forced into medication against her will, put on large doses that left her feeling drunk, and believe people were trying to kill her. All while her father was justi
RT @xoxo___mel: SHOUTING from the rooftops, STOP sharing this! THIS IS NOT ACCURATE.
RT @freebritneyoh: This thread is quite thought-provoking & very concerning, but this account may be onto something... #JusticeForBritney #…
SHOUTING from the rooftops, STOP sharing this! THIS IS NOT ACCURATE.
I don’t know enough about this medical process to say this is what happened to Britney but I hope whatever she meant by “gallons” of blood gets thoroughly investigated.
Read this thread: just 😮 #JusticeForBritney
I thought she was exaggerating too & I don’t know exactly how true this is bc they could’ve been taking lots of her blood for other reasons but either way this is crazy & just fucked up
This is crazy but makes so much sense.
Lord, this is probably one of many scary things that happened to Britney. It definitely makes a LOT of sense. Holy crap. #britneyspears
This is the sad truth . I’ve been saying it for years .
This thread is quite thought-provoking & very concerning, but this account may be onto something... #JusticeForBritney #FreedBritney #BelieveBritney #britney #BritneySpears #EndConservatorshipAbuse 🤨 🤔 😢
RT @BIBLEGIRL222: everytime i have listened to her testimony i always hear ‘gallons’ - the idea is nauseating to the point of having to thi…
I was in a way lucky that I only got an Asperger's. That is not enough to keep someone locked in. It's not that kind of diagnosis suitable for a ward stay. I'm not accepting that at all, and want that written off.
RT @BIBLEGIRL222: everytime i have listened to her testimony i always hear ‘gallons’ - the idea is nauseating to the point of having to thi…
RT @8bit_bb: You know how Britney kept saying the treatment facility drew "gallons" of blood from her? I thought she was just exaggerating…
This is so upsetting
RT @khtoxdoc: No good evidence for dialyzing lithium toxic patients Hemodialysis for lithium poisoning. - PubMed - NCBI…
No good evidence for dialyzing lithium toxic patients Hemodialysis for lithium poisoning. - PubMed - NCBI
Hemodialysis for lithium poisoning.
RT @Wyomingsteve: Useless Cochrane lithium review. Absense of data with limited methods does not equal no data! Analyze what is there. http…
RT @Wyomingsteve: Useless Cochrane lithium review. Absense of data with limited methods does not equal no data! Analyze what is there. http…
Useless Cochrane lithium review. Absense of data with limited methods does not equal no data! Analyze what is there.
#Rev_Sist #Cochra #Hemodiálisis para la gestión de la intoxicación por litio @SENefrologia @SEMES_