RT @aglasinovic: A no sobre estimar la efectividad del paracetamol en la artrosis de cadera y rodilla https://t.co/v45GGzDCWe
RT @aglasinovic: A no sobre estimar la efectividad del paracetamol en la artrosis de cadera y rodilla https://t.co/v45GGzDCWe
A no sobre estimar la efectividad del paracetamol en la artrosis de cadera y rodilla
RT @Actual_clinica: Paracetamol para el tratamiento de los pacientes con artrosis de cadera o rodilla Cochrane https://t.co/dsJmtpeSsA
Paracetamol para el tratamiento de los pacientes con artrosis de cadera o rodilla Cochrane https://t.co/dsJmtpeSsA
New Cochrane review: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/f2EgdgQocb https://t.co/vYtE0enSar
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @centinel5051: Paracetamol para la artrosis de rodilla y cadera, revisión Cochrane https://t.co/65E8jCWRLw Mínima utilidad
Paracetamol para la artrosis de rodilla y cadera, revisión Cochrane https://t.co/65E8jCWRLw Mínima utilidad
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK @CochraneMKS #eehealthchoices https://t.co/hle7ijDd9L
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK @CochraneMKS #eehealthchoices https://t.co/ZxNGT3KE13
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @MedicAcupuntura: #Paracetamol no es mejor q Pastilla d azucar para Artrosis d Rodilla y Cadera. ¿Verdad q a los mayores q conoces les…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
#Paracetamol no es mejor q Pastilla d azucar para Artrosis d Rodilla y Cadera. ¿Verdad q a los mayores q conoces les han inflado a Paracetamol tanto Médico d Familia como Especialistas? @luisacarcedo: ¿Paracetamol Pseudoterapia? ¿Paracetamol Homeopatía?
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
Sarcastic reply about ursine lavatory habits. Tell me something that every little old lady with bad knees hasn’t been muttering under her breath for years. (You’re better off sparing your liver and going straight to opiates)
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
итак, парацетамол в вопросах остеоартрита на кокране таки добили окончательно: "при тазобедренном/коленном остеоартрите эффект лекарства незначителен либо отсутствует".
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK @CochraneMKS #eehealthchoices https://t.co/46BiY08Ozj
Paracetamol versus placebo for knee and hip osteoarthritis. - PubMed - NCBI 害がなくて,やや疼痛緩和できる程度の効果であっても,除痛ラダーのfirst lineであることには変わりないですよね〜 https://t.co/faDDaMCiWA
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @S3LTE: 🔵 Cochrane Review; "Feb2019" . "Paracetamol"provide only minimal improvement in pain & function of osteoarthritis Knee & Hip:…
RT @PhysioAftermath: Paracetamol versus placebo for knee and hip osteoarthritis https://t.co/JjzioYen0X #Servicetweet #lesenbildet
🔵 Cochrane Review; "Feb2019" . "Paracetamol"provide only minimal improvement in pain & function of osteoarthritis Knee & Hip: https://t.co/x7ClVbZaux https://t.co/uj7MbuxBdF
Paracetamol versus placebo for knee and hip osteoarthritis https://t.co/JjzioYen0X #Servicetweet #lesenbildet
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @CindyFarquharNZ: What’s the alternative to paracetamol? https://t.co/ioFG6Zcyix
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/gGQs23456x @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
RT @DrMAlAteeq: خلافا للتوصيات الحالية ، دراسة استقصائية لعشرة بحوث تجريبية عشوائية RCT شملت أكثر من 3500 مريض : الباراسيتامول ( بانادول/ف…
Interesting article from the Cochran’s library.
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @sgoncos: Cochrane en Twitter: "Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/hNlisjOq…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
Cochrane en Twitter: "Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/hNlisjOqVW @CochraneUK @CochraneMKS #eehealthchoices https://t.co/851ETHYyUI" / Twitter https://t.co/C5sX9XXr44
Voisivatko lääkärit lukea näitä meta-analyyseja🤔#kivunlievitys
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
RT @cochranecollab: Paracetamol gives little or no benefit for people with hip or knee #osteoarthritis https://t.co/NRDLjhcfD7 @CochraneUK…
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