RT @CochraneIberoam: Revisión #Cochrane: Intervenciones con redes sociales para promover la #anticoncepción en mujeres en edad fértil. http…
RT @CochraneIberoam: Revisión #Cochrane: Intervenciones con redes sociales para promover la #anticoncepción en mujeres en edad fértil. http…
Revisión #Cochrane: Intervenciones con redes sociales para promover la #anticoncepción en mujeres en edad fértil. https://t.co/1jEJCyvrjJ Poca evidencia científica en este asunto a pesar del uso común de las redes sociales.
[paper] concludes: despite the prevalence of social networks sites, there is little scientific evidence to support their use to improve #contraception or adherence among #women. I guess Digital is not the solution for everything #reproductivehealth https:
Interventions proposées via les #réseaux_sociaux pour encourager l'utilisation de la #contraception par les femmes : https://t.co/SZz9arwRC6
Interventions using social networking sites to promote contraception in women of reproductive age - Jawad, A - 2019 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/6CrIcTgVo6
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women'…
New Cochrane Review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/ad8FgNp5xF Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs. https://t.co/cU2ys7XzLE
New Cochrane Review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/UKR00mxXIe Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs. https://t.co/r0e29wHePu
RT @CochraneFrg: New @CochraneFrg review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive a…
New Cochrane Review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/ad8FgNp5xF Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs.
New @CochraneFrg review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/ySX1DbvLvC Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs.
New Cochrane Review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/UKR00mxXIe Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs. https://t.co/swmvO86ht6
New Cochrane Review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/nxLAk2fQ8T Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs. https://t.co/wTUPSvHR5s
New Cochrane Review - Interventions using social networking sites to promote #contraception in women of reproductive age https://t.co/ad8FgNp5xF Little scientific evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs. https://t.co/w7ZsWFu1Lh
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women'…
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women'…
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women'…
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women'…
RT @Dr2NisreenAlwan: Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women'…
Our @CochraneLibrary systematic review on interventions delivered by social networking sites (#SNSs) to support women's use of #contraception is now published. We found little evidence on this despite the common use of SNSs. #Preconception https://t.co/1J