@JanneSarkela @RainIsWetter Funny that... "We analysed a total of 2106 participants from the three studies we found. All three studies showed that wearing a face mask during surgery neither increases nor decreases the number of wound infections occurring
@Cedjy @Sowell_Man @CulDeSacHero @becksbissel @YesThatAnna Here’s another one dipshit: https://t.co/TTqVP5gogo
@AnimalsandFrie1 @AlexanderKekule @welt Guter Einwand! https://t.co/WOkRTurOuv
@JavierGomaL Certeza mascarillas?? https://t.co/Rq0qSxQJZm https://t.co/6KLSxrMDL5 Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery https://t.co/OLYY4Dlznd
RT @AsadLonePhD: Do masks work better as source control? From Cochrane review (surgical context): “it is unclear whether the wearing of…
No those are the safety Goggles , masks are designed to stop the spread of bacteria from the breath getting into open wounds during operations. They are effective, as otherwise there would be an awful lot of dead ppl
@skaeptisch @usouedi Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst. 2/2 https://t.co/DR2Islz8Xg
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
@PojuJ @Annuauroora @SaneEpi Maskeista leikkauksessa ei ole oikein pystytty osoittamaan olevan hyötyä. https://t.co/QddEBo3ey6
Do masks work better as source control? From Cochrane review (surgical context): “it is unclear whether the wearing of surgical face #masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infection rates” #COVID19 #facemasks #science h
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
@CmPooley1972 @carlheneghan @BobTaffy69 @spectator There have been several studies. https://t.co/jtqtRIAKSN
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
@CmPooley1972 @carlheneghan @BobTaffy69 @spectator Actually, surprisingly there is no clear evidence that wearing disposable face masks affects the likelihood of wound infections developing after clean surgery. https://t.co/jtqtRIAKSN
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
@JJJoywriting @honestrob3 @GrahamJ18821678 @ClarkeMicah There may be a difference in wound infection and respiratory infection! Science is based on research, new facts change our actions! https://t.co/c2kwVFxefO https://t.co/7xuAfG7zb0 https://t.co/PwTU
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
RT @mipardudire: 4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHny…
4/4 Sjøl y Kelbaek 2002 llegaron a la misma conclusión https://t.co/dmniLhbi68 Lipp y Edwards 2014 https://t.co/SbYHnyrb29 Vincent y Edwards 2016 https://t.co/sp9wQg5kUc Si los bozales sirvieran nuestros antepasados los habrian usado y eso NUNCA ocur
@shanecomedy @RandPaul “There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials.” https://t.co/fl70k7q89u
RT @JennDeGruchy: @l29923941 @rese0013 @TomFitton They literally wear them so they don't spread viruses and bacteria to their patients. htt…
@l29923941 @rese0013 @TomFitton They literally wear them so they don't spread viruses and bacteria to their patients. https://t.co/kwqW8ofEXZ
@majstroll @Johannaregn @rebeccaamiri Det är de inte. Det finns inte ens vetenskapligt stöd för att de har någon effekt vid operationer! https://t.co/sU71fHsDDq
@Canigula3 @kerpen @SteveDeaceShow Funny you say that. Multiple RCTs show surgical masks do not reduce postoperative infection and may even increase it https://t.co/pEcSeCAqTO https://t.co/1a5PIi1LJz https://t.co/UTWloHEOKn
@Pasico99 @policiademadrid No es humanamente posible llevar correctamente la 😷durante mucho tiempo. Y ese factor humano limitante se alega en muchos estudios para “justificar” la falta de eficacia de 😷 Los cirujanos deberían cambiarla c/2 h X auto contamin
@simoncstock @PClarke654 @janeforchange1 @ClarkeMicah We wear it to prevent bodily fluids contamination. They don’t really do much even in the surgical setting. General public wearing them is pure insanity. https://t.co/eUplSektDB - Disposable surgica
@mariposasflores @karlhawkes @mmjblair Face masks (cotton masks, surgical masks) don’t protect shit. "Disposable Surgical Face Masks for Preventing Surgical Wound Infection in Clean Surgery" Cochrane 2016 https://t.co/VqmhpVXFIw "Unmasking the Surgeons…"
@ZiehlRicco @PhiSchn Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst. https://t.co/DR2Islz8Xg
@pcemkr1 @thelinecanada Randomized controlled studies on masks during sugery: 'We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in a
@AyhanKarata6 @herkesicinCHP Covid'den önce yapılan bir araştırma, zahmet olmazsa okuyun. https://t.co/8enTl2ujXy https://t.co/Q8zAH3IhQq
Of course, as we all know, masks don't work.
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
@crackedscience Surgeons use surgical 😷 in sterile settings, use them properly and change them frequently...and patients under anestesia do not care about smiles By the way, surgical masks are useless even for them...😷s do not ⬇️ surgical wound infection
@baerchiblogspot @juliedaronch Danke, dass Sie es ansprechen: https://t.co/WOkRTurOuv "Wir schließen daraus, dass es keine klare Evidenz dafür gibt, dass Einweg-OP-Gesichtsmasken die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Wundinfektionen nach der Operation beeinflusst."
RT @jonnyboyt: @mark_melbin @afmmelb @JaggerMickOZ @3AWNeilMitchell Here's a study showing that's there's no evidence showing face masks wo…
RT @jonnyboyt: @mark_melbin @afmmelb @JaggerMickOZ @3AWNeilMitchell Here's a study showing that's there's no evidence showing face masks wo…
RT @jonnyboyt: @mark_melbin @afmmelb @JaggerMickOZ @3AWNeilMitchell Here's a study showing that's there's no evidence showing face masks wo…
@announcer_stef Surgery requires a fully Sterile environment. Human mouths have quite a few bacteria etc lingering, which can cause infection, & so all their PPE reduces risk of infection. more here: https://t.co/CfbEBNMIuV
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
RT @MarkChangizi: Face mask motivation for surgeons is to not get droplets directly into the open wound. But, even there, “wearing a face…
@redditor @angie_rasmussen @redditor I'm sure you'd be happy if your surgeon didn't wear his or her mask when doing open-heart surgery on you, amirite? 😕 https://t.co/cq4D1ECYSp
@Strafdichter @swisslaw1 @ZeitW Äpfel mit Birnen Vergleich! https://t.co/jpOoFdDzMC
@Karl_Lauterbach Gute Nachricht für Maskenverweigerer: Bei chirurgische Händedesinfektion und OP-Masken ist die Evidenz der Infektionsverhinderung auch nicht erwiesen (https://t.co/pwvKwGff0s). Also, Eure nächste OP könnt ihr ganz locker auf der nächsten P
@ElonBachman There are actually 3 of those studies , all same result: https://t.co/qLTGIAH7wC
@reedsandrods @MartinKulldorff @SWAtlasHoover If a study is well-conducted, why would it not hold weight? If we as a society are going to get through this, we need to consider evidence that does not support our views. But here are more recent studies https
@BlvlMore @PeterLattimer @SueWard64 Have they really now? The staff in healthcare need help they can read this published research. There's load more if you want it... https://t.co/ySV9TnNbBG https://t.co/Gnu1uvmVDo https://t.co/iA5r24d3vH https://t.co/
RT @rhwtsh: @j_sato 議論が少し脇道にそれますが、「外科手術でのマスク」すらも、本来意図されている効果の一部である「患者が創感染するのを防止」できるかというと、それを支持する実証研究がほぼ皆無という状況なんだそうです https://t.co/C0lbWp2G…
@ScottAdamsSays There isn't even evidence to support mask use in the operating room to prevent surgical site infections. So how could people believe masks are a silver bullet for covid?!! https://t.co/Jxw8hQV2QY
RT @Michael12895397: @_stah @AlexBerenson If surgical masks in the OR don’t prevent surgical site infections, not sure if cloth masks worn…
@AlexBerenson There isn’t even evidence that surgical masks prevent surgical site infections in the operating room! https://t.co/Jxw8hQV2QY
@_stah @AlexBerenson If surgical masks in the OR don’t prevent surgical site infections, not sure if cloth masks worn incorrectly in the real world will stop a virus! https://t.co/Jxw8hQV2QY
@125OHD @HerzNusi @RFromdablock @MMittermeier @aya_velazquez Dann tun wir das gleich richtig und lesen bei der Evidenz nach. https://t.co/AT2B1hnylm
@DrKatrin_Rabiei @uppsalamats @Anton_Vikstrom Finns en cochrane rapport av 3 RCT som visar att kirurgisk mask vid kirurgi troligen varken ökar eller minskar postoperativa infektioner. Dom flesta av oss använder mask för att undvika att få olika kroppsvätsk
@ceecee1248 @mark_mtyler @inathinglass @EssexPR @TheOwlHighBeach The cochrane library drew similar results, and concluded that it was unclear whether the wearing of surgical face masks by members of the surgical team has any impact on surgical wound infect
@MasksDont @Glennpa65027596 @EricMMatheny no.. lol its to keep bacteria from their mouth to get into your organs.. https://t.co/WtIevesJ7v. I pity the right sometimes.. American cult worshipping tends to make everyone dumb..
RT @louisejgray: @Hintza05 @devisridhar Masks don’t work end of. Surgical masks last 20 mins if that they just breed bacteria causing more…
@Hintza05 @devisridhar Masks don’t work end of. Surgical masks last 20 mins if that they just breed bacteria causing more harm https://t.co/v4GkAudyq1 2016 Cochran “There was no statistically significantly difference in infection rates between the masked
@ThatMichiganGir @BeccaPiano @becourageous18 @HaleighNiece @MajorPatriot @PaulaReidCBS Actually, dual purpose, to prevent surgeon’s face from blood spatter as well, and it’s still unclear whether post-op wound infection rates are affected by wearing or no
RT @carialla: @GoonerBrian321 @CNN @Apple Bacterial pneumonia from rebreathing all your other germs. Degraded blood-O2 levels -> degraded j…
@Hugo99205016 @AlGensollen @subversifperrin https://t.co/NPdiO3fCr7 On a aucune preuve qu'un masque est éfficace pour les chirurgiens C'est con ca :d
Effizienz der Schutzmasken ist unklar: #N95Masken sind #OPMasken offenbar nicht überlegen - und OPMasken senken wiederum das Risiko für Wundinfektionern nicht signifikant. https://t.co/CS8iEE98Hw https://t.co/9YsPAVi8Ey
Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery - Vincent, M - 2016 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/LmAZk90Uez
#OPGesichtsmasken haben offenbar keinen nachweisbaren Nutzeffekt wenn es um die Verhinderung von postoperativen Infektionen der OP-Wunden geht. https://t.co/9YsPAVi8Ey
@vg75105 @philthatremains https://t.co/angJ7yMp9K "We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials. We identi
@brittney_spikes @LouisWu1992 @MarcBuergi @AoifeWa86097583 Surgeons use surgical 😷 in sterile settings, use them properly and change them frequently... https://t.co/Ryoc39hYfg By the way, surgical masks are useless even for them...😷s do not ⬇️ surgical w
@Elnajjjar @Mikel_Jollett @DeAnna4Congress 2014, 2016 Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery https://t.co/C80xehwyK6 “There was no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked a
RT @Waqeup2: @Henry22David @DeniselxN @meganparty @globalnews @HotTopic Surgeons wear masks to reduce germs from entering wounds not to pre…
@Henry22David @DeniselxN @meganparty @globalnews @HotTopic Surgeons wear masks to reduce germs from entering wounds not to prevent viruses.Research shows masks worn by surgeons are often not worn correctly.I can guarantee typical people aren't wearing them
@ChaseMasterson Or maybe they aren’t the miracle prophylaxis/cure that some believe them to be? https://t.co/9UgYVFEMJ2 https://t.co/FJRx2oHyUx https://t.co/DEGdpmdtEb https://t.co/qbSqO71fr4 https://t.co/LVQnDA24HX https://t.co/Ivm0z5om1a
Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery https://t.co/Unza7osohg
@EcstacyOfG0ld @boriquagato Maybe surgeons don’t need to and/or maybe even shouldn’t wear masks all the time. https://t.co/9UgYVFEMJ2 https://t.co/FJRx2oHyUx https://t.co/DEGdpmdtEb https://t.co/qbSqO71fr4 https://t.co/LVQnDA24HX https://t.co/Ivm0z5