RT @AdamMeakins: Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! h…
RT @AdamMeakins: Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! h…
RT @AdamMeakins: Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! h…
RT @AdamMeakins: Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! h…
RT @AdamMeakins: Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! h…
RT @AdamMeakins: Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! h…
Its uncertain if surgery for rotator cuff tears provides any meaningful clinical benefits over and above rehabilitation! https://t.co/MtQKJeJRTq
Surgery for RTC tears? At 1 yr, moderate‐certainty evidence (downgraded for bias) from 3 trials with 258 participants indicates that surgery probably provides little/no improvement in pain Pretty much same for function and QOL as well. Let's rehab first
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
So that's ASDs & cuff atraumatic cuff repairs. I think we all need to eat some humble pie and learn from it.
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
腱板(ローテーターカフ)断裂に対する手術 "現時点では、腱板修復術が症状のある断裂の患者に臨床的に意味のある利益をもたらすかどうかは不明" "このレビューの結論は、外傷性断裂、肩甲下筋腱を含む大きな断裂や若い人々には適用できないかもしれない"
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
Don't rush into surgeries.
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
Surgery for rotator cuff tears
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
RT @AdamMeakins: There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful impr…
There is NO evidence that surgical repair of non traumatic supraspinatus rotator cuff tears provides… 1) meaningful improvements in pain 2) significant increases in function 3) reduction of joint degeneration https://t.co/MtQKJesguQ
Overuse of surgery for rotator cuff disease is a problem Subacromial decompression is not superior to placebo https://t.co/q4DNU0vHrM Rotator cuff repair provides limited benefit over non-surgical options for full thickness cuff tears https://t.co/YM0jj
RT @zadro_josh: Subacromial decompression and rotator cuff repair surgery are often used to treat subacromial shoulder pain Evidence sugge…
Subacromial decompression and rotator cuff repair surgery are often used to treat subacromial shoulder pain Evidence suggests they provide limited benefit and may cause harm https://t.co/Wv5KsYaKi3 https://t.co/HkCG5mhADH https://t.co/JHx4cMHb8l
【腱板断裂の手術】 ▽腱板断裂の患者を手術群、非手術群で比較した時に… ・痛みは非手術群の方が改善がみられる ・機能回復も非手術群のほうが改善 ・生活の質は手術群はむしろ悪化と報告 https://t.co/RNkq9S7uBm 腱板断裂は果たして本当に問題となるのか… https://t.co/893mEeZMRe
Overuse of surgery and imaging for rotator cuff disease are huge issues Subacromial decompression is not superior to placebo https://t.co/q4DNU0dydE Rotator cuff repair provides limited benefit over non-surgical options for full thickness cuff tears http
RT @King2980: @SimonR31511270 @ShoulderGeek1 @DrPeteMalliaras https://t.co/ng0rQveafa Point taken
RT @King2980: @SimonR31511270 @ShoulderGeek1 @DrPeteMalliaras https://t.co/ng0rQveafa Point taken
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @PhysioMeScience: Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
Surgery for rotator cuff tears 👀👀👇 https://t.co/ob9LqijY0E https://t.co/GiXSHtVBev
RT @CochraneMSK: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefits f…
La cirugía puede no mejorar el dolor o la función del hombro en comparación con los ejercicios, con o sin inyecciones de glucocorticoides. https://t.co/lwU6wkArRZ
RT @drSainzdMurieta: Revisión Cochrane reciente sobre la cirugía de la rotura del manguito rotador #hombrodoloroso - PubMed - NCBI https://…
RT @drSainzdMurieta: Revisión Cochrane reciente sobre la cirugía de la rotura del manguito rotador #hombrodoloroso - PubMed - NCBI https://…
RT @drSainzdMurieta: Revisión Cochrane reciente sobre la cirugía de la rotura del manguito rotador #hombrodoloroso - PubMed - NCBI https://…
RT @drSainzdMurieta: Revisión Cochrane reciente sobre la cirugía de la rotura del manguito rotador #hombrodoloroso - PubMed - NCBI https://…
Revisión Cochrane reciente sobre la cirugía de la rotura del manguito rotador #hombrodoloroso - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/YtDiJL3TTt
RT @Amro_Hussien: Does repair of torn rotator cuff #tendons work? Analysis of 9 trials (1007 participants) found that surgery resulted in…
RT @Rheumatology: surgery for rotator cuff tears https://t.co/kmk2n0doEp
surgery for rotator cuff tears https://t.co/kmk2n0doEp
Surgery for rotator cuff tears - Karjalainen, TV - 2019 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/95c5kJGmwC
Mínima mejoría con el tratamiento quirúrgico en lesiones del manguito rotador según esta revisión de @CochraneLibrary.
RT @Amro_Hussien: Does repair of torn rotator cuff #tendons work? Analysis of 9 trials (1007 participants) found that surgery resulted in…
RT @Amro_Hussien: Does repair of torn rotator cuff #tendons work? Analysis of 9 trials (1007 participants) found that surgery resulted in…
RT @Amro_Hussien: Does repair of torn rotator cuff #tendons work? Analysis of 9 trials (1007 participants) found that surgery resulted in…
RT @Amro_Hussien: Does repair of torn rotator cuff #tendons work? Analysis of 9 trials (1007 participants) found that surgery resulted in…
RT @EUGsurf: Noticias interesantes de vuelta de vacaciones! Comparada con tratamiento conservador (#ejercicio +- #corticoides), la #cirugia…
RT @EUGsurf: Noticias interesantes de vuelta de vacaciones! Comparada con tratamiento conservador (#ejercicio +- #corticoides), la #cirugia…
Noticias interesantes de vuelta de vacaciones! Comparada con tratamiento conservador (#ejercicio +- #corticoides), la #cirugia del #manguito de rotadores no beneficia #dolor, #función ni #calidaddevida. Revisión #cochrane. https://t.co/GmiYYxaCIp #investig
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
A good @schoudernetwerk 2020; also for stakeholders @deorthopedie shoulder surgeons who had, in perspective of external level 1 evidence, a not so good 2019 🤧; starting with critisizing decompression https://t.co/pqj19xTjcz but also repair https://t.co/B76
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
Wow- that’s important— need to
RT @jpbettger: 460,000 rotator cuff surgeries per year in the US - New @CochraneMSK concludes rotator cuff repair surgery (compared with no…
460,000 rotator cuff surgeries per year in the US - New @CochraneMSK concludes rotator cuff repair surgery (compared with nonsurgical tx) has little to no clinically important benefits (!!) Another great case for improved referral pathways @DukeOrtho @Du
RT @CochraneLibrary: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefi…
Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefits for patients in relation to important outcomes like pain, function, & overall quality of life: https://t.co/l0fuGRXNCk The latest e
Surgery for rotator cuff tears - Karjalainen, TV - 2019 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/dTDkjUWUnw
RT @danielhmajor: Surgery for rotator cuff tears. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 https://t.co/fhU7TjB0EF
RT @danielhmajor: Surgery for rotator cuff tears. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 https://t.co/fhU7TjB0EF
RT @drSainzdMurieta: #prescriboejercicio Revisión Cochrane sobre la cirugía del manguito rotador del hombro. Llama la atención la importanc…
Surgery for rotator cuff tears. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 https://t.co/fhU7TjB0EF
Surgery for rotator cuff tears. Revisión Cochrane de diciembre 2019. #UpRHB https://t.co/SWSPD9wbGk
But just how effective is surgery for rotator cuff injuries? 🤔 https://t.co/kAuwA426Je
RT @drSainzdMurieta: #prescriboejercicio Revisión Cochrane sobre la cirugía del manguito rotador del hombro. Llama la atención la importanc…
RT @drSainzdMurieta: #prescriboejercicio Revisión Cochrane sobre la cirugía del manguito rotador del hombro. Llama la atención la importanc…
#prescriboejercicio Revisión Cochrane sobre la cirugía del manguito rotador del hombro. Llama la atención la importancia del #ejercicio en este proceso. PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/YtDiJL3TTt
RT @CochraneMSK: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefits f…
RT @CochraneMSK: Compared with non-surgical treatment, rotator cuff repair surgery may provide little or no clinically important benefits f…
RT @ACadogan_NZ: Comprehensive review comparing outcomes of surgical vs non-surgical Rx of RC tears. Results may not be applicable to traum…