Régimes hypolipidiques pour le traitement de l'hypercholestérolémie acquise https://t.co/0SscXBCtqr
@dezequielp Opa, tinha esquecido disso, seguem alguns: https://t.co/ukSiUVghJY https://t.co/wLLlGetNrQ https://t.co/TFm2CWUk9T
@puddleg @IMWHorvitz @DaveKeto @FatEmperor @Gearoidmuar @rand18m @ItsTheWooo @JeffStanleyMD @JeffryGerberMD @livinlowcarbman @drericwestman @sergi_p @nationallipid @enduracin @DrNadolsky Data all over the place on effect of diet on LDLc & HDLc. Its mor
Low-fat diets for acquired hypercholesterolemia (Unproven!) http://t.co/xo5Y7g19IM
RT @ProfTimNoakes: @bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
@bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
@bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
@bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
@bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
@bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
@bengoldacre Missing data? Cochrane Database finds not one decent study of low fat diet in Rx of hypercholesterolemia http://t.co/SXPLATJNWl
Low-fat diets (up to 6 mon) for acquired hypercholesterolemia (Cochrane, 2010, no firm evidence, quality study needed) http://t.co/upNpfWsl