Dr.Sharifah's Clinic,
Apakah isu ini? Bayi yang sangat besar (atau makrosomia, dengan berat lahir lebih daripada 4000 g) boleh menghadapi kesukaran…
Apakah isu ini? Bayi yang sangat besar (atau makrosomia, dengan berat lahir lebih daripada 4000 g) boleh menghadapi kesukaran…
Apakah isu ini? Bayi yang sangat besar (atau makrosomia, dengan berat lahir lebih daripada 4000 g) boleh menghadapi kesukaran…
В чём же заключается проблема? У очень крупных детей (или макросоматов, вес которых при рождении более 4000 г) могут быть трудные…
What is the issue? Babies who are very large (or macrosomic, weighing over 4000 g when born) can have difficult and…
What is the issue? Babies who are very large (or macrosomic, weighing over 4000 g when born) can have difficult and…
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Medycyna Oparta na Dowodach o indukowaniu porodu. Warto przeczytać. Krótko i węzłowato http://www.cochrane.org/pl/CD000938/wywola…
Indukcija porođaja na termin ili prije termina ako se sumnja da je dijete vrlo veliko (fetalna makrosomija) Djeca koja su vrlo…
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http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD000938.pub2/full "Authors' conclusions: Induction of labour for suspected…
"Findings from trials included in the review suggest that to prevent one fracture it would be necessary to induce labour in 60…
"Findings from trials included in the review suggest that to prevent one fracture it would be necessary to induce labour in 60…
New research on induction of labour for babies large for gestational age... #gestationaldiabetes #diabetesinpregnancy #macrosomia…
Bardzo duże dziecko: indukować poród czy zostawić siłom natury? Dzięki indukcji porodu, liczba porodów podczas których doszło…
A nagynak becsült magzatok esetén vitatott (továbbra is) a rutinszerű szülésindítás. Előnye lehet, hogy nem gyakoribb így a csász…
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I am SO tired of seeing reviews claiming that induction of labour is justifiable because, even though there's not much…
New research publication: Induction of labour at or near term for suspected fetal macrosomia. "Induction of labour for…