@dr_andrealove No, Andrea, you're wrong, the best evidence available tells us Flu Shots are basically useless. In fact, it may cause harm due to immune imprinting: https://t.co/hKcJXcZVAl Solution? Use early safe treatments.. Here's the answer in case yo
RT @VaccineMole: Not misinformation @dr_andrealove,it's finding best credible scientific information. Cochrane's highest evidence-based he…
RT @VaccineMole: Not misinformation @dr_andrealove,it's finding best credible scientific information. Cochrane's highest evidence-based he…
Not misinformation @dr_andrealove,it's finding best credible scientific information. Cochrane's highest evidence-based health care conclusion: "Flu vaccine has no effect on prevention/hosp/death" Next time just ask this mole.. https://t.co/SZQQgz0Paw h
Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who care for people aged 60 or older living in long-term care institutions | Cochrane 😷 https://t.co/8eFyDe6OKT
@v_virpi @akuuttigeriatri Aikaisempi Cochrane-katsaus oli inkonklusiivinen hoitokotipotilaiden kohdalta https://t.co/TUqfFUmUuh
@Toni01806260 Una pena lo lejos que llegan las mentiras. Hay personas forrándose a costa de tu ignorancia. https://t.co/HrPFJmZNN4
RT @Arif_Koroglu69: @hakikatbilgisi Sağlık çalışanlarına influenza aşısı yapılmasının hastaları yeterli miktarda influenzadan koruduğu iddi…
@hakikatbilgisi Sağlık çalışanlarına influenza aşısı yapılmasının hastaları yeterli miktarda influenzadan koruduğu iddiasının hiçbir geçerli temeli bulunmamaktadır. Kaynak ; https://t.co/MggcbKutB9 https://t.co/9GBtRR97mG https://t.co/YRlOK1fkcv
Tämä tutkimus kyseenalaistaa hoitohenkilökunnan influensarokotuksen hyödyt. Onko pakko rokotuksista pienintäkään järkeä?
長期療養施設に入居する60歳以上を 介護する医療従事者へインフル💉https://t.co/cIrW9RbiZg 臨床検査で証明されたインフルに殆ど効果がない可能性 入院に殆どか全く影響を及ぼさない可能性 長期介護施設で高齢者の世話をする医療従事者にインフル💉義務付けを正当化する証拠は殆どない
医療従事者💉 長期療養中の高齢者のインフル予防する証拠は依然不足 https://t.co/ZhtaN7Nbeu *誰も研究費ださないだろうな
RT @VaccineMole: This mole asks @NHSuk to encourage early treatment available for decades OTC/prescribed for flu Flu vaccine "may have litt…
RT @VaccineMole: This mole asks @NHSuk to encourage early treatment available for decades OTC/prescribed for flu Flu vaccine "may have litt…
This mole asks @NHSuk to encourage early treatment available for decades OTC/prescribed for flu Flu vaccine "may have little to no effect on lab proven influenza",always mutating Just ask this mole or Cochrane most trusted evidence https://t.co/VnAM0BjsD0
@BAG_OFSP_UFSP Auf Ihrer Kampagnen-Website steht "[die Impfung] schützt nicht nur die geimpfte Person, sondern auch deren privates und berufliches Umfeld". Was sind Ihre Quellen? Ein Cochrane-Review von 2016 spricht eher gegen Ihre Aussage: https://t.co/3Z
RT @ResilientsTv: 5/5 C'est en fait difficile de faire du factchecking avec des institutions qui ne fournissent pas de source à l'appui de…
RT @ResilientsTv: 5/5 C'est en fait difficile de faire du factchecking avec des institutions qui ne fournissent pas de source à l'appui de…
5/5 C'est en fait difficile de faire du factchecking avec des institutions qui ne fournissent pas de source à l'appui de leurs affirmations. Vous pouvez (respectueusement) leur en demander par écrit. Peut-être fourniront-ils de bons arguments. Cochrane: h
@vaksinebloggen @Oslounivsykehus @fossum_even @krias2 @arnargudjonsson Og det finnes seriøse motstemmer, både i Cochrane review og publikasjoner. Viktig m diskusjon og åpenhet 👇
RT @Tapani1_: @SillanpaaPia @kuikka_p Työntekijöiden influenssarokotteen vaikutuksesta potilasturvallisuuteen ei sitä paitsi edes ole vakuu…
@NzhoDara @Minna_Leh @akuuttigeriatri @SamiAntinniemi Erityisesti koronarokotteen mutta myös influenssarokotteen (*) teho suojata muita on hyvin kyseenalainen. Aivan erityisesti niiden vaatiminen keneltäkään on kyseenalaista ja kuvastuu enemmänkin jonkinla
@SillanpaaPia @kuikka_p Työntekijöiden influenssarokotteen vaikutuksesta potilasturvallisuuteen ei sitä paitsi edes ole vakuuttavaa näyttöä. Velvoite tässäkin mielessä kyseenalainen. https://t.co/yzyOYEsI27
RT @AppManPeter: @Gerhardhormann Verwijzend naar deze studie: https://t.co/zPjszsqaXX https://t.co/yFE6HultCs
@Gerhardhormann Verwijzend naar deze studie: https://t.co/zPjszsqaXX https://t.co/yFE6HultCs
RT @LaMadreDeSatan: Pues bien, la vacuna de la gripe NO previene el contagio. Aquí enlazo la revisión Cochrane sobre vacunación de personal…
RT @LaMadreDeSatan: Pues bien, la vacuna de la gripe NO previene el contagio. Aquí enlazo la revisión Cochrane sobre vacunación de personal…
@acadmed @afpfr @olivierveran @Sante_Gouv @HAS_sante @JeanCASTEX @EmmanuelMacron @APHP @aphm_actu @ordre_medecins @OrdreInfirmiers Les avantages de la vaccination des soignants contre la grippe pour la mortalité des résidents en EHPAD plaide en faveur d'un
Cochrane review / benefits of #influenza vaccination for healthcare workers in nursing homes: https://t.co/zPEDI5RB0J
RT @keisuke4713: そもそも インフルエンザ💉も効果ないのに 騙されて打って来た習慣 まるで家畜
そもそも インフルエンザ💉も効果ないのに 騙されて打って来た習慣 まるで家畜
@GallaherCaren @DrLovlie @DrSuneelDhand Would love all of your thoughts on this: https://t.co/jKFpb8FG5J
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @VaccineMole: @Jikkyleaks This mole suggests @cochranecollab,they may have good answers for that Fellow mice from underground told this…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
@Jikkyleaks This mole suggests @cochranecollab,they may have good answers for that Fellow mice from underground told this mole @cochranecollab considered highest standard in evidence... https://t.co/bKiduDghTY
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
Сколько должно вакцинироваться и умереть чтобы ты вакцинировался и умер?
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
RT @pfizergate: @Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest redu…
@Jikkyleaks more flu jabs more death so suggests this study https://t.co/KPLC7rAQ2j and vaccinating care works doest reduce transmission so this suggests https://t.co/81gI5ZYq58
RT @VaccineMole: @TheRevelator144 @TLAVagabond @stkirsch In respect of flu vaccines,not only doesn't make sense,it's a false claim Ppl were…
@TheRevelator144 @TLAVagabond @stkirsch In respect of flu vaccines,not only doesn't make sense,it's a false claim Ppl were/still being mislead,notice there's no word on early treatment wish is what keeps ppl out of hospitals Cochrane's internationally reco
@drayeshaverrall This is blatant misinformation. Here is the evidence that flu jabs do not stop the spread. Stop spreading lies minister. https://t.co/i773eLXnxS
@Bvolz3 @DrCanuckMD Or.. https://t.co/75St7GF6tR It’s all about how high of a bar do we set, in order to set policy (such as requiring flu shots among hcw’s). https://t.co/V6hhTPEYBD
@mbx1900 Aggiungerei: i coronaviridae sono virus parainfluenzali (ergo era ovvia la non sterilità del vaccino -> vista anche nel l’antinfluenzale: https://t.co/OuwLQcTAlf)
@akuuttigeriatri @KuivistoAnnukka @MLaatikainen potilasturvallisuuteen) Cochrane-katsaus: https://t.co/yzyOYEtfRF
@luckytran @derrywan Nope. Just coz millions of tax payer money spent telling ppl to get flu vaccines, doesn't mean they work: https://t.co/WfBeddQYtf
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
https://t.co/8dK562BtUm revue de littérature cochrane : "Cette revue ne fournit pas de preuves raisonnables à l'appui de la vaccination des travailleurs de la santé pour prévenir la grippe chez les personnes âgées de 60 ans ou plus résidant dans des ESLD"
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
@BhimaNitai @smarzeli @drdeferentt @FriedScones @Patty77026967 This 2016 Cochrane review specifically assessed the effect of vaccinating healthcare workers and found it had no effect in reducing influenza cases in their facilities or hospitalizations https
Review de la librairie Cochrane : pas d'efficacité significative de la vaccination anti-grippale des soignants pour protéger leurs patients. Et pourquoi ça marcherait pour la Covid, et qu'il faudrait donc ne pas ré-intégrer les soignants non-vaccinés ? ht
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @luft_michelle: This is true! And flu vaccines are completely useless!
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @DrKellyWheeler: Good information!
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
Good information!
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who care for people aged 60 or older living in long-term care institutions #HealthCare #health via https://t.co/yNOfVDx5DP https://t.co/orGrOHEhTS
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who care for people aged 60 or older living in long-term care institutions #HealthCare #health via https://t.co/9o68dJj2l4 https://t.co/SxIXsyq3oZ
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that patients don't benefit from healthcare workers getting an annual flu shot? https://t.co/NpUYkPMXyg…