¿Sirven las restricciones en los viajes ✈️transfronterizos para contener la #pandemia de #covid19? #saludpública @sanidadgob @CochraneLibrary https://t.co/keViUkvwcN https://t.co/7EXEgmHAbM
JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the summary https://t.co/7waatjDmkl and the full review https://t.co/x89dJxzoCh #COVID #pandemic #COVID19 https://t.co/bV2QiPRCPz
Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic: a rapid review - Burns, J - 2020 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/orDJMG9zsa
RT @vrodriguez81: Recomendaciones cientificas sobre COVID-19 y viajar: https://t.co/lkFGCekjxy
@RobertoVidri Dejare esto por aqui: https://t.co/oAB73o2bzO
JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the summary https://t.co/qVQsVKf299 and the full review https://t.co/277Cza8WwY #COVID #pandemic #COVID19 https://t.co/5qRRIpdoEX
Can travel-related control measures contain the spread of the #COVID19 pandemic? Read the latest evidence from @CochraneLibrary 's rapid review here: https://t.co/GlIuoJssDG https://t.co/QlYK2lDEMG
RT @PSPH_Munich: A team of scientists @PSPH_Munich has published a Cochrane review regarding the effectivness of travel-restricting measure…
RT @CochraneLibrary: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read th…
RT @Cartabellotta: Revisione #Cochrane sull’efficacia delle misure correlate ai viaggi per contenere la #pandemia #COVID19
RT @PSPH_Munich: A team of scientists @PSPH_Munich has published a Cochrane review regarding the effectivness of travel-restricting measure…
JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the summary https://t.co/JNHlBs3DSl and the full review https://t.co/BIioKsQBsv #COVID #pandemic #COVID19
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @Cartabellotta: Revisione #Cochrane sull’efficacia delle misure correlate ai viaggi per contenere la #pandemia #COVID19
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie…
RT @PSPH_Munich: A team of scientists @PSPH_Munich has published a Cochrane review regarding the effectivness of travel-restricting measure…
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie…
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie…
Was bringen #Quarantäne, #Reisebeschränkungen und ein allgemeines Screening gegen die Verbreitung von #COVID19? Die #Evidenz ist nicht bombastisch, aber auch Tendenzen sind ja hilfreich für politische Entscheidungen. #Cochrane liefert.
The certainty of evidence for most travel‐related control measures is very low given largely modelling studies and little empirical evidence. Cochrane review finds travel restrictions may limit disease spread across national borders. https://t.co/Hxc3m4qOQ
RT @CochraneLibrary: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read th…
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @Cartabellotta: Revisione #Cochrane sull’efficacia delle misure correlate ai viaggi per contenere la #pandemia #COVID19
RT @Cartabellotta: Revisione #Cochrane sull’efficacia delle misure correlate ai viaggi per contenere la #pandemia #COVID19 https://t.co/PQL…
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
Vaya, consejos cientificos para viajar
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie…
RT @CochraneLibrary: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read th…
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @Cartabellotta: Revisione #Cochrane sull’efficacia delle misure correlate ai viaggi per contenere la #pandemia #COVID19
RT @cochranecollab: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the…
RT @Cartabellotta: Revisione #Cochrane sull’efficacia delle misure correlate ai viaggi per contenere la #pandemia #COVID19
JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the summary https://t.co/xaqvRkrNTG and the full review https://t.co/GNr9mYRYtc #COVID #pandemic #COVID19 https://t.co/ngt6LMUNC6
RT @PSPH_Munich: A team of scientists @PSPH_Munich has published a Cochrane review regarding the effectivness of travel-restricting measure…
RT @PSPH_Munich: A team of scientists @PSPH_Munich has published a Cochrane review regarding the effectivness of travel-restricting measure…
RT @CochraneLibrary: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read th…
RT @CochraneLibrary: JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read th…
JUST PUBLISHED - Travel‐related control measures to contain the COVID‐19 pandemic. A @CochranePH rapid review. Read the summary https://t.co/A6zFTNLjTF and the full review https://t.co/YqPkuxwC2v #COVID #pandemic #COVID19 https://t.co/bMVRwgpSIL
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie…
A team of scientists @PSPH_Munich has published a Cochrane review regarding the effectivness of travel-restricting measures to contain SARS-CoV-2 https://t.co/KZUDqxUVLJ
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie…
Neuer #Cochrane Rapid Review zur Wirksamkeit reisebezogener Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen die Ausbreitung von #COVID19-Pandemie https://t.co/hjXotalnLL. Zusammenfassung: https://t.co/T2IQlKDUHx Vollständiger Review: https://t.co/9pAcqjn1db