Cuando se empieza a revisar la evidencia empezamos a romper mitos...
@jt_kerwin @dylanmatt @AdeAdamson Oh? I’d love to learn more. I’ve always been a little skeptical. For example this one RCT found no benefit to 4 years of daily sunscreen use. But it’s only one study. And despite having 1600 subjects is likely underpowered
@liammannix Is sunscreen effective : (no melanoma?+hats glasses etc) *We were unable to demonstrate from the available evidence whether sunscreen was effective for the prevention of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) or cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC).* (
RT @ToshiAkima: 4. The study excludes the most serious skin cancer, melanoma. “We were unable to demonstrate from the available evidence wh…
RT @ToshiAkima: No “evidence” that hats prevent skin cancer (need to show reduced skin cancer mortality in a placebo-blinded trial). https:…
RT @ToshiAkima: No “evidence” that hats prevent skin cancer (need to show reduced skin cancer mortality in a placebo-blinded trial). https:…
RT @ToshiAkima: 4. The study excludes the most serious skin cancer, melanoma. “We were unable to demonstrate from the available evidence wh…
RT @ToshiAkima: No “evidence” that hats prevent skin cancer (need to show reduced skin cancer mortality in a placebo-blinded trial). https:…
4. The study excludes the most serious skin cancer, melanoma. “We were unable to demonstrate from the available evidence whether sunscreen was effective for the prevention of basal cell carcinoma or cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.”
No “evidence” that hats prevent skin cancer (need to show reduced skin cancer mortality in a placebo-blinded trial).
RT @SimonChapmanAO: @WePublicHealth @DrBFreeman There is even less evidence that wearing sunscreen prevents skin cancers (because RCTs for…
RT @dainezi: Segundo esse nível extremo de evidência científica, para alguns influenciadores que reclamam da turma cannabica, quem usa prot…
RT @CochraneSkin: In honor of UV Safety Month, read about sun protection for preventing basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers! A Cochra…
In honor of UV Safety Month, read about sun protection for preventing basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers! A Cochrane Skin Review!
RT @CochraneSkin: July is UV Safety Awareness Month! Brush up on your UV safety and skin cancer fund of knowledge by reading #CochraneSkin…
RT @CochraneSkin: July is UV Safety Awareness Month! Brush up on your UV safety and skin cancer fund of knowledge by reading #CochraneSkin…
RT @CochraneSkin: July is UV Safety Awareness Month! Brush up on your UV safety and skin cancer fund of knowledge by reading #CochraneSkin…
RT @CochraneSkin: July is UV Safety Awareness Month! Brush up on your UV safety and skin cancer fund of knowledge by reading #CochraneSkin…
July is UV Safety Awareness Month! Brush up on your UV safety and skin cancer fund of knowledge by reading #CochraneSkin Group's systematic review "Sun protection for preventing basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers" Review Link:
RT @CochraneLibrary: Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @Coc…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @Coc…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @Coc…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @Coc…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @Coc…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @Coc…
Plain Language Summaries help people to understand and interpret health research findings and are included in ALL @CochraneLibrary Reviews. Search them here:
Reading @TimHarford's new book rn. Struck by how many reliable plain-language sources he includes. Just found out about the @cochranecollab which synthesizes medical research and is easily searchable. Like this on on the effectiveness of sunscreen. https:/
@jakymoty Y aún así...
@monikajung só não melanoma: melanoma e não melanoma (de longe a melhor revisão recente): pesquisas heterogêneas, resultados contraditórios:
RT @PabloRichly: La evidencia marca que no queda claro ni que sea riesgoso su uso para los humanos (si lo es para el ambiente) ni que reduz…
La evidencia marca que no queda claro ni que sea riesgoso su uso para los humanos (si lo es para el ambiente) ni que reduzca el riesgo de cáncer de piel y
@ValeArvejita @florzata @Chequeado Genial. Avisame que encontrás porque al menos la evidencia que conozco sobre la eficacia de los protectores solares para prevenir cáncer deja mucho que desear.
@MarijoVD Al menos Cochrane no esta tan convencido. Yo personalmente lo uso pero no puedo afirmar con certeza sus beneficios.
Would appreciate some feedback on this article. Sun protection (including sunscreens) to prevent basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
RT @SimonChapmanAO: @WePublicHealth @DrBFreeman There is even less evidence that wearing sunscreen prevents skin cancers (because RCTs for…
@WePublicHealth @DrBFreeman There is even less evidence that wearing sunscreen prevents skin cancers (because RCTs for this purpose considered unethical). You'll never guess the country that conducted the one study Cochrane was able to find... https://t.c
testing testing sun protection study via
RT @EstebanDL: @Hjorvik @DoctorCasado @luckytras @jserranodf @deborahciencia Pedro, seriamente, CUALQUIER INTERVENCION, necesita EVIDENCIA,…
@deborahciencia @EstebanDL @luckytras @jserranodf Me río por no llorar Con protección solar no se produce Vitamina D3 Las cremas no han mostrado beneficios Aquí lee
Important information on #skincancer and solar radiation exposure at work. #SunAwarenessWeek
Here's the #CochraneEvidence on #Sunscreen for preventing #Keratinocyte cancer:
RT @cochrane_nz: Sun is out but do we need to wear sunscreen everyday? Checkout Cochrane evidence on sun protection to prevent cancer https…
Sun is out but do we need to wear sunscreen everyday? Checkout Cochrane evidence on sun protection to prevent cancer
Sun protection for preventing basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers. - PubMed - NCBI
me das cremita o pa qué?
We found no difference between the number of people who developed BCC or cSCC in the two groups over the time...
[Cochrane] "one study:unable to demonstrate" Sun protection for preventing basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers
RT @drcarlosrepetto: "@Actual_clinica: Protección contra el sol para prevenir el cáncer de piel escamocelular y basocelular Cochrane https…
Protección contra el sol para prevenir el cáncer de piel escamocelular y basocelular Cochrane
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
It's August it's sunny, here's #cochraneauthor evidence about #sunprotection for #skincancers
Sun protection (including sunscreens) to prevent basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of...
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
RT @MedBunker: Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
Le creme solari proteggono dalle scottature ma non dai tumori della pelle.
Giorgia Quintaliani
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
RT @blogpaleodieta: Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3 ht…
Lo siento pero usar crema solar regularmente no evita el cancer de piel Lo que si evita es que fabriques #vitaminaD3
Sun protection(including sunscreens) to prevent basal cell and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
Sun protection to prevent basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
RT @MichelRochonRC: Un grand vide dans la littérature scientifique sur l'efficacité des crèmes solaires sur 2 grands cancers de peau...http…
Un grand vide dans la littérature scientifique sur l'efficacité des crèmes solaires sur 2 grands cancers de peau...
Study finds no evidence for sun screen to prevent non-melanoma skin cancer.
Sun protection (including sunscreens) to prevent basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of...
RT @ColinChampMD: Cochran Review on #Sun Protection (including #sunscreen) Data (or lack thereof)
Toujours peu de preuve d'une efficacité des crèmes solaires pour prévenir les cancers de la peau...
RT @CebdNottm: The Cochrane Skin Group are based here at CEBD. Latest publication is on Sun protection for preventing skin cancers: https:/…