El arándano (Vaccinium spp.) ha sido recomendado para el tratamiento de la infección del tracto urinario (ITU); sin embargo, su…
El arándano (Vaccinium spp.) ha sido recomendado para el tratamiento de la infección del tracto urinario (ITU); sin embargo, su…
Bladder infections can be a recurrent problem for many, and some have speculated that cranberry products may be helpful in…
"Cranberrysaft bietet offenbar keinen eindeutigen Nutzen bei der Verhinderung von HWI und eine langfristige Einnahme wird möglich…
Cranberry products fail to prevent urinary tract…
Karpalomehua suositellaan melko laajasti virtsatieinfektioiden hoitoon. Se on perustunut pieniin ja menetelmiltään…
Karpalomehua suositellaan melko laajasti virtsatieinfektioiden hoitoon. Se on perustunut pieniin ja menetelmiltään…
Kranberi (biasanya dalam bentuk jus kranberi) telah digunakan untuk mencegah jangkitan saluran kencing ('urinary tract infection…
Kranberi (biasanya dalam bentuk jus kranberi) telah digunakan untuk mencegah jangkitan saluran kencing ('urinary tract infection…
bow bowng
Do you drink cranberry juice to prevent UTIs? This review of studies says it's not effective.
Cranberry juice for UTIs? Well..cranberry concentrate or pills maybe? http://consumer.healthday.com/alternative-medicine-informat…
Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections - The Cochrane Collaboration (http://www.cochrane.org/cochrane-reviews…
Cranberries may not be as effective for preventing UTIs as previously suggested ...
Nema dokaza da proizvodi od brusnice pomažu u prevenciji upala mokraćnih kanala, zaključak je Cochrane sustavnog preglednog člank…
The latest from Cochrane suggests cranberries (and cranberry 'products' such as tablets and capsules) do NOT prevent recurrent…
Ruth Jepson @SCPHRP cranberry review at number 8 in top 50 Cochrane reviews http://t.co/Wm6nhXRJ read it at http://t.co/mXcVrCcs
via@cochrane T1E2A2: los arandanos SIN evidencias para su recomendación frente a ITU http://t.co/bpVXQJzr
Arándanos para la prevención de las infecciones de las vías urinarias (recuerden que tmb tiene efectos para prevención del cáncer…
Cranberries makes no difference to preventing a urinary tract infection. Latest Cochrane review reversed a previous finding…
Cranberry products not proven effective against urinary tract infections (UTIs) Cochrane Collaboration reviewers are…
Urinary tract infections no prevented by cranberries. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001321.pub5/abstract…
another myth is lost Urinary Tract Infections Not Prevented by Cranberry Juice http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/772829