For Ear infections only 1 in 20 children are helped by antibiotics. Compare that to risks and side effects of antibiotics! http:…
For Ear infections only 1 in 20 children are helped by antibiotics. Compare that to risks and side effects of antibiotics! http:…
Related Articles Antibiotics for acute otitis media in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;1:CD000219 Authors: Venekamp…
For antibiotics for AOM a study from January 2013. I love the conclusion. "...but since most children (82%) settle…
about 20 children must be treated to prevent one suffering from ear pain at two to seven days. Additionally, antibiotic…
Cochrane studie om antibiotika for akutt mellomørebetennelse. Må behandle 20 for å ha effekt hos 1. 1 av 14 får bivirkning.