RT @CochraneSzGroup: Haloperidol + promethazine has a lot of evidence from diverse situations of swift, safe clinically valuable effects. h…
Haloperidol + promethazine has a lot of evidence from diverse situations of swift, safe clinically valuable effects. https://t.co/WOGqXmW7Lp
#Haloperidol plus promethazine for #psychosis-induced aggression https://t.co/WOGqXmW7Lp
Haloperidolin + prometatsiini puolesta paljon näyttöä nopeasta turvallisesta ja kliinisesti arvokaasta vaikutuksesta https://t.co/9iwgtUI4A2
#Haloperidoli plus #prometatsiini #psykoosin aiheuttamassa aggressiossa. https://t.co/9iwgtUI4A2
RT @CochraneSzGroup: Is haloperidol plus promethazine an effective #treatment for psychosis induced agitation/aggression? https://t.co/WOGq…
Is haloperidol plus promethazine an effective #treatment for psychosis induced agitation/aggression? https://t.co/WOGqXmW7Lp
Onko #haloperidoli plus #prometatsiini tehokas hoitomuoto #psykoosin aiheuttamassa aggressiossa? https://t.co/9iwgtUI4A2
Haloperidol + promethazine has a lot of evidence from diverse situations of swift, safe clinically valuable effects. https://t.co/wNAwglpdDz
#Haloperidol plus promethazine for #psychosis-induced aggression https://t.co/wNAwglpdDz
Is haloperidol plus promethazine an effective #treatment for psychosis induced agitation/aggression? https://t.co/wNAwglpdDz
@schizophreniari Sleep dysfunction affects treatment. Difficult scenario since some #antipsychotics aim to help sleep http://t.co/nucn7DAT0c