Dessuten har vi få kliniske studier som viser at nytten av tvungen behandling klart oppveier ulempene. RCTer på TUD viser at tvungen behandling ikke er forbundet med bedre utfall enn frivillig behandling. og
RT @leahida: @Mad_In_America @slooterman @BudrykZack @SFdirewolf @amyklobuchar @PeteButtegieg @AlisonBarkoff “The Cochrane review concluded…
RT @leahida: @Mad_In_America @slooterman @BudrykZack @SFdirewolf @amyklobuchar @PeteButtegieg @AlisonBarkoff “The Cochrane review concluded…
@Mad_In_America @slooterman @BudrykZack @SFdirewolf @amyklobuchar @PeteButtegieg @AlisonBarkoff “The Cochrane review concluded that compulsory outpatient treatment orders do not ‘result in better service use, social functioning, mental state, or quality of
RT @joarhalvorsen: Om tvang kan sikre den beste behandlingen for alvorlige psykiske lidelser vet vi ikke før vi begynner å gjennomføre rand…
Etter dine krav til evidens vet vi strengt tatt heller ikke om HLR har noe for seg @joarhalvorsen
Om tvang kan sikre den beste behandlingen for alvorlige psykiske lidelser vet vi ikke før vi begynner å gjennomføre randomiserte kontrollerte studier på tvangsbehandling. Den lille forskningen som foreligger på tvangsbehandling tyder på ingen effekt, e.g.
@andreas_omh @StvAftenblad Det er en god og betimelig innvending. Men jeg mener og tror det bør være mulig - selv om det både er etisk og praktisk utfordrende - å gjennomføre effektforskning på tvangsbehandling
@Novafar Kan hende. Samtidig finnes det jo også veldig begrenset kunnskap om effektene av tvangsbehandling, så hvordan kan vi vite? TUD ser jo ikke ut til å ha antatt/påberopt effekt, e.g. * * *
Nosotros también decimos #NOalTAI. Atenta contra los derechos fundamentales. Con eso nos bastaría, pero además es ineficaz:
RT @JuanGrvas: Cochrane. Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. Lack of evidenc…
RT @JuanGrvas: Cochrane. Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. Lack of evidenc…
RT @JuanGrvas: Cochrane. Tratamiento obligatorio en la comunidad y tratamiento ambulatorio no voluntario para personas con trastornos ment…
RT @JuanGrvas: Cochrane. Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. Lack of evidenc…
Cochrane. Tratamiento obligatorio en la comunidad y tratamiento ambulatorio no voluntario para personas con trastornos mentales graves. Piénselo dos veces, es casi sin fundamento. Vía @fjeiroa
Cochrane. Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. Lack of evidence.
In case anyone had any doubt about the uselessness of suffering caused by Involuntary Outpatient Treatment, a review of the highest quality has confirmed it @ENUSP @SurvivorsNotPD @EUFAMI @InclusionEurope
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for people w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQ_News
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for people w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQ_News
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for people w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQ_News
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for people w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQ_News
New NNT→Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders.
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for ppl w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQMedicine #SMI
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for ppl w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQMedicine #SMI
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for ppl w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQMedicine #SMI
Compulsory community & involuntary outpatient treatment for ppl w severe mental disorders [a] HT @UQMedicine #SMI
Les #soins de #proximité et #ambulatoires #sansconsentement pour les personnes ayant des #troublesmentauxsévères :
@Sigrun_T Effektforskning om tvang -compulsory & mandated treatment er oppsummert og tilgjengelig i Cochrane Library
RT @cochrane_nz: Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. #CochraneReview https:/…
RT @cochrane_nz: Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. #CochraneReview https:/…
Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. #CochraneReview
Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. - PubMed - NCBI
Compulsory community and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental…