@catsscareme2021 How to prevent it right away??? High doses of vitamin C- https://t.co/pQdFjejVI9
@DrSyedHaider Found the study i was referring to. https://t.co/pQdFjejVI9
@IvalliSarkasti @IambutdustA Eläinkokeissa havaittu selkeää hyötyä : https://t.co/gKzNbR8G6o Yhdessä ihmiskokeessa saatu myös lupaavia tuloksia. Ikävä kyllä asiaa ei ole tutkittu sen enempää. Oisko syy se että rokotteet menee kaupaksi, ja C-vitamiini melk
@EmmyR1978 @KristiNoem Here is the National Library of Medicine. Their conclusion is that it works, but they can’t recommend it. Of course not. More money to be made with vaccines. https://t.co/nBGpaZChYY
@BadMedicalTakes At least this has a source: https://t.co/YxgzGDsjVG
@yeahimspleeny @luigicollevecc3 @LaBombetta76 @Rotelli_MD https://t.co/RxwlKgr3P0 Questo perché il tetano dipende da carenza di vitamina C. Che è un antidoto alla tossina.
@FederfArnecchi @Roberto81497000 @SerFil58 @lisameyerildra1 Vitamina C per prevenire e curare il tetano https://t.co/RxwlKgr3P0
@df_faoro @LorianoRagni @Agenzia_Ansa Ah quindi la data ci dice se una cosa è vera o falsa ? Ecco qui lo studio su vitamina C e tetano https://t.co/RxwlKgqvZs
@Nyles87cc @TheFistfullDie Il tetano dipende dalla carenza di vitamina C che è un antidoto della tossina tetanica, I clostridi stanno normalmente nell'intestino. https://t.co/RxwlKgqvZs
@mmpbowen @barbyblanche Secondo te non lo so cosa è lo scorbuto? La vitamina C è un antidoto per la tossina tetanica perché la ossida. https://t.co/RxwlKgqvZs
Source : https://t.co/vEaOMXXa3E
2/2 Arrêtez de faire du mal aux enfants. Hemilä, H., & Koivula, T. (2013). Vitamin C for preventing and treating tetanus. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (11), CD006665. https://t.co/xUndOSrwIt https://t.co/ZQupVoE85y
@marc_g_wathelet Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir. On ne vous l'a jamais dit. Par ailleurs, l'efficacité de la vitamine C est sujette à caution. https://t.co/5EoIKbxiio.
RT @tiobiloute_l: @StephaneG05 une simple petite recherche pour constater que cela est vrai https://t.co/iKnGP7n9R8
@DrFranckClarot @Conseil_constit et pourtant .., mais c'est vrai que cela coute pas grand chose la vit C , donc on ne s'y intéresse pas 😭 https://t.co/JGwPYQHK7T
RT @tiobiloute_l: @StephaneG05 une simple petite recherche pour constater que cela est vrai https://t.co/iKnGP7n9R8
RT @tiobiloute_l: @StephaneG05 une simple petite recherche pour constater que cela est vrai https://t.co/iKnGP7n9R8
@vaccinologie @XavierBazin2 Une accusation de cherry picking venant de vous, c'est cocasse. Enfin au moins vous vous y connaissez, c'est votre fond de commerce. Je n'ai rien à expliquer, cette étude n'est pas fiable. https://t.co/Y8ixMsgB2M). https://t.co/
@StephaneG05 une simple petite recherche pour constater que cela est vrai https://t.co/iKnGP7n9R8
@MonerpMon347390 @vaccinologie @stefracassenr1 @AnneVanmaercke il y a eu aussi eu cette "méta" en 2013 (une seule étude elligible, celle de Jahan et al) https://t.co/5WdGa9VpCz
@vaccinologie @AnneVanmaercke Sans compter les confounding factors de l'étude. La seule menée sur cette association apparement. 2 reviews ultérieures pointent les faiblesses de la méthodologie https://t.co/5WdGa9VpCz https://t.co/xysWLSABQS https://t.co/Op
RT @BaptisteJ17: @XavierBazin2 @docprimum Bonjour @XavierBazin2 On peut éventuellement vous expliquer pourquoi l'étude que vous présentez…
@XavierBazin2 @docprimum Bonjour @XavierBazin2 On peut éventuellement vous expliquer pourquoi l'étude que vous présentez n'est pas significative et vous demander pourquoi vous ne répondez pas aux questions précises, spécifiques qui vous ont été posées ?
@KareliaPeReb Jäykkäkouristus olisi varmaankin hoidettavissa c-vitamiinilla. Pieniä lupaavia tutkimuksia on, mutta asia ei jostain syystä oikein ketään kiinosta. Ja haavan hoito on myös tärkeää. Tetanus bakteeri tarvitsee hapettomat olot elääkseen. https:
@Cheveuss @JuanMuncc Una cosa es discutir la eficacia de la vacuna COVID, si la tiene, y otra decir chorradas. Solo hay un trabajo sobre vit C en tétanos y era JUNTO al tratamiento convencional. La viruela está erradicada así que poco hay que discutir sobr
@salanaland @who_is_lloyd @MaxieJaxn @IanMitchellGill @jonathanstea Lol, hello kettle😏 Also make sure u have adequate intake of vit c. Which can also b a treatment! I wonder why they won't study it more 🤔 oh I know 💰💰💰 https://t.co/TgBNVE5HGF
@looneyfox1 @DonSuths88 @jonathanstea tetanus is rare and it's treatable w antibodies and antibiotics, as well as it's been observed that not having enough vit c can make u susceptible to a bad case of tetanus as well as it can help cure https://t.co/TgBNV
@who_is_lloyd @MaxieJaxn @IanMitchellGill @jonathanstea Oh look vit c can prevent and treat tetanus https://t.co/TgBNVE59R7
@who_is_lloyd @MaxieJaxn @IanMitchellGill @jonathanstea Look 👇vitamin c can help treat tetanus AND prevent it. No one is jab deficient. People r vit/mineral deficient https://t.co/TgBNVE59R7
Jäykkäkouristuksen hoidosta c-vitamiinilla on lupaavia tuloksia, mutta ainoa tutkimus on kovin heikkolaatuinen. Voi vain ihmetellä että miksi tätä ei ole tutkittu enempää. Nimittäin jos tulokset ovat edes sinnepäin, kyseessä ois liki ihmelääke ja rokott...
RT @luisa50685254: La Vitamina C previene il Tetano https://t.co/gfr15wYMaM 😅😅😅
RT @luisa50685254: La Vitamina C previene il Tetano https://t.co/gfr15wYMaM 😅😅😅
La Vitamina C previene il Tetano https://t.co/gfr15wYMaM 😅😅😅
La Vitamina C impedisce e tratta il Tetano . https://t.co/Y1wgUuTQWN
@Len_nonT @Gaia39141231 @KarenSBelcher @catsscareme2021 I’d avoid the antibiotics and take a few high doses of vitamin C in combination with a little AGNPs (colloidal silver) https://t.co/5FiDVtOcvs
@drtomcowan @3dom13 Intravenous vitamin C reduced child mortality from tetanus by 100%. https://t.co/fxIF77CQoa
Zdroje 🔽 článek na webu Rozalio: https://t.co/o3tengUnli [1] https://t.co/smc8MHv07G [2] https://t.co/EOTac3Hcc8 [3] https://t.co/LnEgBenxx5 [4] https://t.co/SXz7cP77zG [5] https://t.co/M2xJxxlqF0 obrázek: Unsplash (fotografie je pouze ilustrační)
RT @AGNCanada: @TonyAda89223627 @Anthony23Bryant @Mercy37358610 @GoPoolie What they don’t want you to know.. https://t.co/5FiDVtOcvs
@TonyAda89223627 @Anthony23Bryant @Mercy37358610 @GoPoolie What they don’t want you to know.. https://t.co/5FiDVtOcvs
@HeiniKettunen @Riku_Ranta @yleuutiset C-vitamiini on ilmeisesit tehokas lääke jäykkäkouristusta vastaan. https://t.co/4NhONX0a45
@ZaynJaffer @ForlornTheresa @sorryantivaxxer Vitamin C Tetanus https://t.co/PNssybrfQM.
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
Tetanus #VitaminC
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @LotusOak2: #STUDY: Vitamin C for preventing & treating #TETANUS https://t.co/74RokRdixA Adding as little as 1g/day of IV #VitaminC to…
RT @EpigeneticWhisp: #VitaminC & #VitaminD so thoroughly embarrass #vaccines it’s not even funny. #our 37 trillion cells rely on 40 or so m…