Unheilbar, aber halb so schlimm: Erkältungen und was man dagegen tun kann
Wissen was wirkt,
Halb Deutschland hustet, schnieft und fiebert; Medikamente werden knapp: Erkältungskrankheiten grassieren dieses Jahr wie schon…
Halb Deutschland hustet, schnieft und fiebert; Medikamente werden knapp: Erkältungskrankheiten grassieren dieses Jahr wie schon…
Dr Lynda Ware looks at the Cochrane evidence behind 14 possible interventions for treating or preventing the common cold – is…
Las personas suelen tomar equinácea para reforzar la inmunidad y evitar resfriados u otros virus. Usan la cúrcuma para aliviar…
Over the winter holidays, I caught one of those ever-lasting colds — one that was so brutal that in a weakened state, I begged…
We are heading into cold and flu season, so Time magazine decided to helpfully tell us what the science says about echinacea…
Nadia Charania, Auckland University of…
Echinacea ist beliebt bei Erkältungen. Dass der Extrakt dieser Pflanze wirklich hilft, ist jedoch unklar. Die Studienlage dazu…
The common cold is a perfect condition for providers of alternative medicine: it is prevalent (good money to be earned), it is…
Acupuncture Today. "Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig; es ist nicht einmal falsch!" It is because they LAc an understanding of…
Oh, who doesn’t hate colds. You’re miserable, achy, tired, congested, and coughing. You may need to miss work, or go to the…
Dans la foulée d’une étude très, très intéressante parue ce matin à propos du curcuma, épice à laquelle on prête une liste de…
Ginkgo trees lining a path.Dietary supplements are big business. They are promoted for all sorts of health benefits, including…
What if we connected the people most in need of healthy food with the expensive, nutrient-dense greens that just happen to be gro…
There’s a flu shot for the flu. But what about colds? Does anything work? Let’s find out. This is Healthcare Triage. For those…
Cochrane evidence is not to be sneezed at... The post Evidently Advent Day 5: best health evidence wrapped up for the festive…
Many interventions have been suggested as treatments for the common cold, or as ways to prevent it. Echinacea is among these…
Many interventions have been suggested as treatments for the common cold, or as ways to prevent it. Echinacea is among these…
I am hesitant to review diet books because they are so often a tangled mess of fact and fiction. Teasing out their truth from…
I am hesitant to review diet books because they are so often a tangled mess of fact and fiction. Teasing out their truth from…
Jump to follow-up The absurdness of allowing statutory regulation of herbal medicines, both Western and Chinese has already…
There's no persuasive evidence Flu Shield, or other echinacea products, can prevents colds or the flu, or lessen their symptoms…
This week, New Scientist will be telling you all about the common cold: why researchers are treating it with new respect, and…