以下の論文になります。 https://t.co/U1qVUrHAzu
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke https://t.co/EriuQ9rwHP
【①トレッドミルトレーニング】 トレッドミルマシンの上を歩くリハビリ #免荷式も含む ● 歩行速度・距離・バランスの向上 ● 推進力トレ・高強度トレも可能 ● 圧倒的な量のエビデンス もはや脳卒中歩行リハの主役、使わない理由がない😌 ▶︎読みたい論文 https://t.co/Me7wbCTyC9
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke; have a read here: https://t.co/nNewnmbCoi @cochranecollab @CochraneLibrary https://t.co/een99WVq28
RT @pt_neuro: Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke - Mehrholz, J - 2017 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/4OIH…
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke - Mehrholz, J - 2017 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/4OIHeyRQMC
New from #CSO_Scotland https://t.co/P03ofpVf5g Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke
RT @centrocefine: Entrenamiento de marcha tras ACV 🚶♂️ (abro hilo...) 📚 https://t.co/gzUXQNrVem #ACV #neurorehab #Fisioterapia #Kinesi…
RT @centrocefine: Entrenamiento de marcha tras ACV 🚶♂️ (abro hilo...) 📚 https://t.co/gzUXQNrVem #ACV #neurorehab #Fisioterapia #Kinesi…
RT @centrocefine: Entrenamiento de marcha tras ACV 🚶♂️ (abro hilo...) 📚 https://t.co/gzUXQNrVem #ACV #neurorehab #Fisioterapia #Kinesi…
@DI_1982 👇🏽
RT @centrocefine: Entrenamiento de marcha tras ACV 🚶♂️ (abro hilo...) 📚 https://t.co/gzUXQNrVem #ACV #neurorehab #Fisioterapia #Kinesi…
Entrenamiento de marcha tras ACV 🚶♂️ (abro hilo...) 📚 https://t.co/gzUXQNrVem #ACV #neurorehab #Fisioterapia #Kinesiologia #terapiaocupacional https://t.co/Io3ZKqf0oP
اخيرا Cochrane review عن treadmill body weight support بعد الجلطة الدماغية يبين انه غير مفيد او يحتاج دراسة اكثر https://t.co/yIZTtvYVMh
@omi_duki まずはこちらから https://t.co/WjyPoaQmrr 既に読まれているかもしれませんが。。。
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke https://t.co/AO09nJlVYv
@Sandy_REACHLab @alliecwelsh @StrokeBrainPRC @saeboukglyn @gillyminn @NUH_StrokePTs @CummingToby @Kath1872 @ozcboss Hey Allie, so far we have only used our harness as a safety measure (to catch fallers) / confidence booster. You might find some useful inf
RT @NicolaJHancock: This is really important; we need to finally debunk some of the myths around treadmill training and stroke #ACPIN18 htt…
RT @NicolaJHancock: This is really important; we need to finally debunk some of the myths around treadmill training and stroke #ACPIN18 htt…
RT @NicolaJHancock: This is really important; we need to finally debunk some of the myths around treadmill training and stroke #ACPIN18 htt…
RT @JSoutschek: Einfaches Gangtraining auf Laufbändern macht Schlaganfallpatienten fitter, verbessert allerdings nicht Gehschwäche. Spez. K…
MT: Cochrane UK @CochraneUK About 60% of people who have had a stroke have difficulties with walking. Here's the evidence on treadmill training & body weight support for walking after stroke: https://t.co/LRWTxW2ySZ @CochraneStroke Depends on walking a
RT @NicolaJHancock: This is really important; we need to finally debunk some of the myths around treadmill training and stroke #ACPIN18 htt…
RT @NicolaJHancock: This is really important; we need to finally debunk some of the myths around treadmill training and stroke #ACPIN18 htt…
This is really important; we need to finally debunk some of the myths around treadmill training and stroke #ACPIN18 https://t.co/RdnLTKfNpM
Einfaches Gangtraining auf Laufbändern macht Schlaganfallpatienten fitter, verbessert allerdings nicht Gehschwäche. Spez. Koordination notw. https://t.co/KdOwXcDuMN
Results with #treadmill training post #stroke is not yet encouraging. https://t.co/QVbby1AxJL
RT @CochraneUK: Treadmill training & body weight support for walking after stroke https://t.co/j43WKpPUmq #EEAHP #CochraneEvidence @Cochran…
RT @Di_zyM: ping @AnniBrangs https://t.co/ws9gnVxXfG
@CochraneStroke treadmill do not improve the ability to walk in #stroke victims #rehabilitation https://t.co/5wMdyLEfSa
Limited benefit... importance of having right indications @KULneuroPT @vanes_janssens https://t.co/Lp2zMykAwV
RT @Cochrane_DE: Neue #CochraneEvidence: Laufbandtraining nach Schlaganfall könnte sich positiv auf Gehgeschwindigkeit auswirken https://t.…
RT @wissenwaswirkt: Neue #CochraneEvidence: Laufbandtraining nach Schlaganfall könnte sich positiv auf Gehgeschwindigkeit auswirken https:/…
RT @wissenwaswirkt: Neue #CochraneEvidence: Laufbandtraining nach Schlaganfall könnte sich positiv auf Gehgeschwindigkeit auswirken https:/…
Neue #CochraneEvidence: Laufbandtraining nach Schlaganfall könnte sich positiv auf Gehgeschwindigkeit auswirken https://t.co/gbizkP2sSx https://t.co/3w9gWWkFyg
Neue #CochraneEvidence: Laufbandtraining nach Schlaganfall könnte sich positiv auf Gehgeschwindigkeit auswirken https://t.co/j5o49FbcS0 https://t.co/O6hZRrmBne
RT @GeorgeMetsios: Treadmill #training and body weight support for #walking after #stroke: metaanalysis https://t.co/lYI6jTnJGF @exercisewo…
Treadmill #training and body weight support for #walking after #stroke: metaanalysis https://t.co/lYI6jTnJGF @exerciseworks @TheBHF @bacpr
RT @Reyesneurof: Buena revisión sobre el entrenamiento en cinta andadora #ictus #neurorrehabilitación https://t.co/QaI6BtZXoc
RT @CochraneLibrary: #CochraneEvidence: people who receive #treadmill training not more likely to improve walking ability after #stroke: ht…
#CochraneEvidence: people who receive #treadmill training not more likely to improve walking ability after #stroke: https://t.co/Jzb1spdCZe
Buena revisión sobre el entrenamiento en cinta andadora #ictus #neurorrehabilitación https://t.co/QaI6BtZXoc
Latest review of the evidence: treadmill training and body weight support for walking after #stroke @StrokewiseNZ https://t.co/J8uVPoyIyb https://t.co/ZT0RNZj4P3
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke - https://t.co/YngXT7G13b #GoogleAlerts
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke. https://t.co/wI6W9dhEll
Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke https://t.co/gX1VKrixsB
CochraneLibrary: Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke https://t.co/E4Qp1AcF4L https://t.co/m3CiXVdAU3