RT @GeriMedMD: @camilla_wong @GeriInterestGp @CanGeriSoc And… if doing evidence based work gives you joy. Well then geriatric medicine has…
@camilla_wong @GeriInterestGp @CanGeriSoc And… if doing evidence based work gives you joy. Well then geriatric medicine has you covered such as shown in this @CochraneLibrary metanalysis: https://t.co/lTijX05lAw
The @cochranecollab #review on CGA from @GrahamEllis247 and colleagues https://t.co/KOy5UdTNEH
@132_dc @gocarissimo @Doc_DocDoc C'est pas ce que dit https://t.co/5tV4S5kAe6
RT @Elissa_Campbell: Prof @GrahamEllis247 gives the opening plenary at #EuGMS2022 about Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) from his p…
RT @Elissa_Campbell: Prof @GrahamEllis247 gives the opening plenary at #EuGMS2022 about Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) from his p…
RT @Elissa_Campbell: Prof @GrahamEllis247 gives the opening plenary at #EuGMS2022 about Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) from his p…
RT @Elissa_Campbell: Prof @GrahamEllis247 gives the opening plenary at #EuGMS2022 about Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) from his p…
RT @Age_and_Ageing: We know that CGA reduces mortality and dependence after an acute medical admission (https://t.co/KrbAsXcZSc) - this is…
RT @Age_and_Ageing: We know that CGA reduces mortality and dependence after an acute medical admission (https://t.co/KrbAsXcZSc) - this is…
RT @Elissa_Campbell: Prof @GrahamEllis247 gives the opening plenary at #EuGMS2022 about Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) from his p…
We know that CGA reduces mortality and dependence after an acute medical admission (https://t.co/KrbAsXcZSc) - this is also true in orthopaedics and surgery #EuGMS2022
Prof @GrahamEllis247 gives the opening plenary at #EuGMS2022 about Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) from his perspective as manager, clinician/geriatrician, academic and carer He led this Cochrane Review that is so useful when talking to funders h
様々な程度のフレイルに対するCGAの影響を調べるため、今後の研究にはより多様で多くの参加者含めるべきです。 https://t.co/qCCy52OmYt https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD https://t.co/XfeVVQ584z https://t.co/P93zrbRSih https://t.co/NienoPSLAy
前述のレビューに含まれている研究では12カ月後の追跡調査の方が短い追跡調査よりもADLに対する影響が大きいことが示されて*おり、ここでも虚弱高齢者がADLを取り戻すまでの時間が長い可能性が示唆されています。 https://t.co/KHRxfTNmhv https://t.co/XfeVVQmb6z
そのためCGAが虚弱高齢者のADL低下を減らしうるという事実は、とても建設的といえます。これはCGA後のADLに有意な影響が見いだせなかった過去のレビュー*と一致しませんが、このレビューではCGA後の虚弱高齢者が自宅退院する傾向が見られていました。 https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD https://t.co/XfeVVQ584z
CGAを受けた高齢者は未実施の高齢者よりも在宅復帰が多かった*と報告されていますが、CGA実施がADLに与える影響は確認されませんでした。ADL低下が在宅復帰に影響を与えることを考慮すると、これはやや意外な結果でした。 https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD https://t.co/XfeVVQ584z https://t.co/DZvPvJaSzg
結論は出ていません*が、ADLの自立は高齢者にとって重要な場*である在宅生活に大きな影響を与える*ため、虚弱高齢者の診療ではADL低下予防の重要性が指摘*されています。 https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD https://t.co/XfeVVQ584z https://t.co/DZvPvJaSzg https://t.co/HcKlWkEsGx https://t.co/qCCy52OmYt
CGAには体系的かつ包括的なチームの評価と治療が含まれ、学際的チームが実施します。また虚弱高齢者の医療、生活機能、精神、社会的能力に焦点を当てて*います。 https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD
多くの研究やレビューで入院中の虚弱高齢者に対するCGAは生活機能、再入院、在宅復帰に有益とされており*、これらはQOLや社会保障費に影響を与えるため個人・社会いずれに対しても重要です。 https://t.co/0Ae0LyRazn https://t.co/vKnmfg0T5i https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD https://t.co/XfeVVQ584z
高齢者総合機能評価(CGA)に基づくケアが虚弱高齢者に有益だとする多くの根拠がありますが、虚弱高齢者に対するケア法に関して医療と社会的ケアの間にまだ広いギャップがあります。 https://t.co/0Ae0LyRazn https://t.co/vKnmfg0T5i https://t.co/KHRxfU5vvD https://t.co/XfeVVQ584z
6/n Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to #hospital "...Older patients are more likely to be alive and in their own homes at follow-up if they received #CGA on admission to hospital..." @CochraneLibrary @GrahamEllis247 https://
RT @UCaidasAB: 🦶🏼Older patients are more likely to be alive and in their own homes at follow-up if they received CGA on admission to hospit…
RT @UCaidasAB: 🦶🏼Older patients are more likely to be alive and in their own homes at follow-up if they received CGA on admission to hospit…
🦶🏼Older patients are more likely to be alive and in their own homes at follow-up if they received CGA on admission to hospital. #Geriatría #Geriatrics #YoElijoGeriatría 🗞 https://t.co/ZKXwP9812S
Older people who receive comprehensive geriatric assessment after admission to hospital are more likely to be living at home up to a year after discharge. However, the effects of the risk of death and functional dependence were not significant. https://t.c
RT @Laconic_doc: @macesari I'd suggest, initially, this Cochrane systematic review confirming that we do actually add value... ...*as a te…
RT @Laconic_doc: @macesari I'd suggest, initially, this Cochrane systematic review confirming that we do actually add value... ...*as a te…
RT @Laconic_doc: @macesari I'd suggest, initially, this Cochrane systematic review confirming that we do actually add value... ...*as a te…
RT @Laconic_doc: @macesari I'd suggest, initially, this Cochrane systematic review confirming that we do actually add value... ...*as a te…
@macesari I'd suggest, initially, this Cochrane systematic review confirming that we do actually add value... ...*as a team*! [ref: https://t.co/TDDVbDRaC4] https://t.co/7LfBA7r0B7
RT @DrMqAgMas: Opino que están a tiempo de rectificar @ivmaroto_nacho @GT_Pluri_SEMI Si hablamos de evidencia las cosas por su nombre. Comp…
RT @DrMqAgMas: Opino que están a tiempo de rectificar @ivmaroto_nacho @GT_Pluri_SEMI Si hablamos de evidencia las cosas por su nombre. Comp…
RT @DrMqAgMas: Opino que están a tiempo de rectificar @ivmaroto_nacho @GT_Pluri_SEMI Si hablamos de evidencia las cosas por su nombre. Comp…
RT @DrMqAgMas: Opino que están a tiempo de rectificar @ivmaroto_nacho @GT_Pluri_SEMI Si hablamos de evidencia las cosas por su nombre. Comp…
Opino que están a tiempo de rectificar @ivmaroto_nacho @GT_Pluri_SEMI Si hablamos de evidencia las cosas por su nombre. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment=Valoración Geriátrica Integral https://t.co/qgmng5z2a4 Estamos para sumar juntos 🤝 no para inventar @
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
Better than Smarties!
RT @geris_lucy: #24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for peo…
#24frailtyfacts no. 11: comprehensive geriatric assessment is an evidence based intervention for improving outcomes for people with frailty, but more research needed! @GERED_DOC @GrahamEllis247 @GeriSoc https://t.co/qabAEvQJFj
The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) https://t.co/nse6xzoxjX #VPUK20 https://t.co/Z5aHf6NCRc
RT @GeriMedMD: @Krockdoc @GrahamEllis247 What a thread! #ThisisGeriatrics, the most evidence based specialty. See the below @cochranecollab…
RT @GeriMedMD: @Krockdoc @GrahamEllis247 What a thread! #ThisisGeriatrics, the most evidence based specialty. See the below @cochranecollab…
RT @GeriMedMD: @Krockdoc @GrahamEllis247 What a thread! #ThisisGeriatrics, the most evidence based specialty. See the below @cochranecollab…
Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital - Ellis, G - 2017 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/07tJK8pt2q
RT @GeriMedMD: @Krockdoc @GrahamEllis247 What a thread! #ThisisGeriatrics, the most evidence based specialty. See the below @cochranecollab…
RT @GeriMedMD: @Krockdoc @GrahamEllis247 What a thread! #ThisisGeriatrics, the most evidence based specialty. See the below @cochranecollab…
@Krockdoc @GrahamEllis247 What a thread! #ThisisGeriatrics, the most evidence based specialty. See the below @cochranecollab Meta-analysis to prove our worth: https://t.co/6Gd3JIGc3e Also of note, from data at our hospital, the average #CFS of an older
RT @camilla_wong: @thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults…
RT @HolroydJm: More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @cami…
RT @camilla_wong: @thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults…
RT @HolroydJm: More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @cami…
RT @HolroydJm: More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @cami…
RT @HolroydJm: More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @cami…
RT @HolroydJm: More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @cami…
RT @camilla_wong: @thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults…
RT @camilla_wong: @thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults…
RT @camilla_wong: @thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults…
RT @HolroydJm: More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @cami…
More evidence showing the value of involving geriatric medicine teams in the care for frail older patients in hospital @camilla_wong @adrianwagg @FruetelKaren @dryiu_verna #frailty #geriatrics #CGA
RT @camilla_wong: @thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults…
@thomringer @RogerWong10 @BJGoldlist @ulahwang @DrSamirSinha Why #GeriEM should get the #CGA ball rolling on older adults with #frailty admitted to hospital. More likely to be alive and return to their own homes: https://t.co/8E3mH7xANZ https://t.co/V3Z2YE
@Elissa_Campbell @meera_agar @Heather73825979 That’s why geriatric medicine is a specialty! Cochrane review re CGA effectiveness: specialty expertise, multi‐dimensional assessment, MDM, patient‐centred goals, delivery (incl. rehabilitation), iterative revi
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
RT @runnermandoc: Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 1…
Actually it’s good but not THAT good. CGA increases likelihood that patients will be alive & in their own homes at 3 to 12 months' follow‐up (risk ratio (RR) 1.06, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01 to 1.10) so a % improved likelihood not a multiplier.
@OslersChild @DrLindaDykes @csubbe @acutemedicine @AcuteMedEd @DrBenLovell @Cooper00Nicola Clearly the 24 hours is arbitrary - but the quicker we can initiate and start those changes - I would think the better . Our frailty team more likely to discharge at
@RowanHarwood Further reading from @RowanHarwood "Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital" https://t.co/Ks9Q9J6fE6
RT @Laconic_doc: @purmj @SDawlatly @pash22 @methodsmanmd Geriatric medicine at least has evidence showing MDT reviews (i.e. CGA) had an imp…
RT @Laconic_doc: @purmj @SDawlatly @pash22 @methodsmanmd Geriatric medicine at least has evidence showing MDT reviews (i.e. CGA) had an imp…
@purmj @SDawlatly @pash22 @methodsmanmd Geriatric medicine at least has evidence showing MDT reviews (i.e. CGA) had an impact on outcomes on our (complex) in-pts... ...quasi supporting evidence! 😉 [https://t.co/redZfXt2S1]
RT @GeriMedJC: Why CGA in hospitalized older adults matter. More likely to be living at home. Period. @cochranecollab systematic review:…
Why CGA in hospitalized older adults matter. More likely to be living at home. Period. @cochranecollab systematic review: https://t.co/Ilb1LnwA2C https://t.co/mOqQmv1Fzg
@GrahamEllis247 And quick mention now for your Cochrane review of CGA https://t.co/IvlrK9DiS3 #BGSConf