RT @matsuikentaro1: シフトワークによる睡眠問題に対する薬物を用いた介入のシステマティックレビュー(2014年の報告なので新しくはない、ただの備忘録) https://t.co/ThU0V5estI メラトニンやカフェインはRCTで有効性が示唆されてるんだね
RT @matsuikentaro1: シフトワークによる睡眠問題に対する薬物を用いた介入のシステマティックレビュー(2014年の報告なので新しくはない、ただの備忘録) https://t.co/ThU0V5estI メラトニンやカフェインはRCTで有効性が示唆されてるんだね
RT @matsuikentaro1: シフトワークによる睡眠問題に対する薬物を用いた介入のシステマティックレビュー(2014年の報告なので新しくはない、ただの備忘録) https://t.co/ThU0V5estI メラトニンやカフェインはRCTで有効性が示唆されてるんだね
RT @matsuikentaro1: シフトワークによる睡眠問題に対する薬物を用いた介入のシステマティックレビュー(2014年の報告なので新しくはない、ただの備忘録) https://t.co/ThU0V5estI メラトニンやカフェインはRCTで有効性が示唆されてるんだね
シフトワークによる睡眠問題に対する薬物を用いた介入のシステマティックレビュー(2014年の報告なので新しくはない、ただの備忘録) https://t.co/ThU0V5estI メラトニンやカフェインはRCTで有効性が示唆されてるんだね
交替勤務就業中の眠気および業務終了後の睡眠障害を訴える人の治療を目的とする薬剤 コクラン・ライブラリ https://t.co/1SQdnsmclT
交替勤務就業中の眠気および業務終了後の睡眠障害を訴える人の治療を目的とする薬剤 https://t.co/44PoJAODMd
@ketaminh @jaz_medicine @techpriest https://t.co/wTuvmsbFLh Interesting.. some evidence in improves length of sleep but otherwise pretty mixed results. No harm though so.. 🤷🏻♂️
RT @CochraneTyoterv: Unilääkkeiden hyödyistä vuorotyöntekijöille on vähän näyttöä tai ne ovat jopa haitallisia: https://t.co/cqVCz4RT2j Sen…
Unilääkkeiden hyödyistä vuorotyöntekijöille on vähän näyttöä tai ne ovat jopa haitallisia: https://t.co/cqVCz4RT2j Sen sijaan #melatoniini on toimiva ja turvallinen apu. Katsaus työvuorojärjestelyjen vaikutuksista on vielä kesken. @tyoterveys https://t.co
Didn't see our reviews mentioned. Pharma interventions (melatonin, hypnotics): https://t.co/j08vji2KJ1 and non-pharma (bright light, naps, etc.): https://t.co/a1MWHGwclP https://t.co/mnLhDPiYEJ
Hmmm... Not surprised that relevant #CochraneEvidence is not used. We have reviews about pharmaceuticals, illumination, napping, e.g. https://t.co/o2h6kaKQ35 https://t.co/64p6dILnAC
@c_diazepine Cochrane has weighed in as well https://t.co/dFHnEFpeJY https://t.co/70JVxP8o4m
RT @MrJaniR: Might be a good idea to try #Melatonin, especially if engaged in #ShiftWork: https://t.co/pVMJEkyiW9 https://t.co/1AztXADOjR
RT @CochraneWork: #ShiftWorkers take note: #Melatonin improves sleep length after a #NightShift. https://t.co/LsW1tBPsig #SleepAwarenessWee…
RT @CochraneWork: #ShiftWorkers take note: #Melatonin improves sleep length after a #NightShift. https://t.co/LsW1tBPsig #SleepAwarenessWee…
Might be a good idea to try #Melatonin, especially if engaged in #ShiftWork: https://t.co/pVMJEkyiW9 https://t.co/1AztXADOjR
#Shiftworkers! Weak evidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness promoting drugs: https://t.co/HCFVWcmvBc #SleepAwarenessWeek https://t.co/Egp6PJFdTN
RT @CochraneWork: #ShiftWorkers take note: #Melatonin improves sleep length after a #NightShift. https://t.co/LsW1tBPsig #SleepAwarenessWee…
#ShiftWorkers take note: #Melatonin improves sleep length after a #NightShift. https://t.co/LsW1tBPsig #SleepAwarenessWeek @FIOH @NIOSHManuf https://t.co/w6jHmQkN5p
Drugs for treating people with sleepiness during shift work and sleep problems after shift work https://t.co/Dj9QQUdA5U
RT @MrJaniR: We've published reviews about pharma & non-pharma interventions https://t.co/QsmDxcUqOY https://t.co/3y5R0tNryl https://t.co/W…
RT @MrJaniR: We've published reviews about pharma & non-pharma interventions https://t.co/QsmDxcUqOY https://t.co/3y5R0tNryl https://t.co/W…
RT @MrJaniR: We've published reviews about pharma & non-pharma interventions https://t.co/QsmDxcUqOY https://t.co/3y5R0tNryl https://t.co/W…
We've published reviews about pharma & non-pharma interventions https://t.co/QsmDxcUqOY https://t.co/3y5R0tNryl https://t.co/WmK4L7pRff
RT @Luis_Muino: Los fármacos reguladores del sueño para los trabajadores por turnos no funcionan http://t.co/Jt2v3R9bRc
RT @OSHdoc: Modafenil/Armodafenil help staying awake in #shiftwork but serious side-effects in new #Cochrane review http://t.co/RJN2GK3WIl
シフト勤務による眠気・睡眠障害に対する薬物治療 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 12;8:CD009776. http://t.co/G8cUEZlLpM
シフト勤務による眠気・睡眠障害に対する薬物治療 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 12;8:CD009776. http://t.co/G8cUEZlLpM
シフト勤務による眠気・睡眠障害に対する薬物治療 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 12;8:CD009776. http://t.co/G8cUEZlLpM
シフト勤務による眠気・睡眠障害に対する薬物治療 Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 12;8:CD009776. http://t.co/G8cUEZlLpM
Pharmacological interventions for sleepiness and sleep disturbances caused by shift work. http://t.co/VeozFUt3jZ
MT @NIOSH: "Improving sleep at night can increase alertness at work" #Melatonin helps #shift workers sleep longer: http://t.co/Czdg2sHqCL
MT @NIOSH: "Improving sleep at night can increase alertness at work" #Melatonin helps #shift workers sleep longer: http://t.co/Czdg2sHqCL
MT @NIOSH: "Improving sleep at night can increase alertness at work" #Melatonin helps #shift workers sleep longer: http://t.co/Czdg2sHqCL
MT @NIOSH: "Improving sleep at night can increase alertness at work" #Melatonin helps #shift workers sleep longer: http://t.co/Czdg2sHqCL
MT @NIOSH: "Improving sleep at night can increase alertness at work" #Melatonin helps #shift workers sleep longer: http://t.co/Czdg2sHqCL
Drugs for sleepness http://t.co/X5Lts0V1Av
Sleep disorders and OCCHEALTH drugs http://t.co/Pi9rUooRAg
#CochraneEvidence on drugs & sleep problems related to shift work. Melatonin proves a bit meh http://t.co/udO7xaNCZn via @UKCochraneCentr
#CochraneEvidence on drugs & sleep problems related to shift work. Melatonin proves a bit meh http://t.co/udO7xaNCZn via @UKCochraneCentr
#CochraneEvidence on drugs & sleep problems related to shift work. Melatonin proves a bit meh http://t.co/udO7xaNCZn via @UKCochraneCentr
#CochraneEvidence on drugs & sleep problems related to shift work. Melatonin proves a bit meh http://t.co/udO7xaNCZn via @UKCochraneCentr
#CochraneEvidence on drugs & sleep problems related to shift work. Melatonin proves a bit meh http://t.co/udO7xaNCZn via @UKCochraneCentr
Cochrane reviews drugs for shift work fatigue & sleep disturbance. Only of interest to those of you who work shifts. http://t.co/Xkm2zlE8x6
Melatonina mejora el sueño xo no en los trabajadors nocturnos que pierden una noche, resultado logico x cronobiologia http://t.co/dF6pYlHPAm
Los fármacos reguladores del sueño para los trabajadores por turnos no funcionan http://t.co/Jt2v3R9bRc
.@NIOSH_WSD Here's 1st of 3 #Cochrane reviews on what really helps people engaged in #shiftwork to cope http://t.co/aTLWlLxt2I
.@NIOSH_WSD Here's 1st of 3 #Cochrane reviews on what really helps people engaged in #shiftwork to cope http://t.co/aTLWlLxt2I
Are there pharmacological interventions for people whose sleep pattern is disturbed by shift work? Find out here: http://t.co/Wy1TOK8gPO
Are there pharmacological interventions for people whose sleep pattern is disturbed by shift work? Find out here: http://t.co/Jbrj2ir1MC
Si tu tambien haces guardias de noche, no te preocupes, parece que ningún fármaco podrá ayudarte. #cochranereview http://t.co/ug2vQLAm4T
No existe un medicamento ideal para ayudar a las personas a adaptarse al trabajo por turnos http://t.co/FJclh7tbjA
No existe un medicamento ideal para ayudar a las personas a adaptarse al trabajo por turnos http://t.co/FJclh7tbjA
New Cochrane review finds little evidence to support #sleep aids / stimulants for #shiftworkers. Read more: http://t.co/tSDdLGnpQP
RT @CochraneOSH: There is no ideal medical treatment for sleep problems induced by shift work. http://t.co/a3KS5UQ9xa
Cochrane reviews drugs for shift work fatigue & sleep disturbance. Only of interest to those of you who work shifts. http://t.co/Xkm2zlE8x6
Cochrane reviews drugs for shift work fatigue & sleep disturbance. Only of interest to those of you who work shifts. http://t.co/Xkm2zlE8x6
Cochrane reviews drugs for shift work fatigue & sleep disturbance. Only of interest to those of you who work shifts. http://t.co/Xkm2zlE8x6
Cochrane reviews drugs for shift work fatigue & sleep disturbance. Only of interest to those of you who work shifts. http://t.co/Xkm2zlE8x6
New Cochrane review finds little evidence to support #sleep aids / stimulants for #shiftworkers. Read more: http://t.co/tSDdLGnpQP
Pharmacological interventions for sleepiness and sleep disturbances caused by shift work #EBP http://t.co/ZTIxGfBDLI HT @UKCochraneCentr
RT @CochraneOSH: There is no ideal medical treatment for sleep problems induced by shift work. http://t.co/a3KS5UQ9xa
Medicamentos para trastornos de sueño asociados al trabajo a turnos http://t.co/wVKqRkRhA6
Medicamentos para trastornos de sueño asociados al trabajo a turnos http://t.co/wVKqRkRhA6
It is unclear if #Sleepingpills do more good than harm after #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/RJN2GK3WIl
Melatonin helps against sleeping problems from #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
#Shiftworkers: New #CochraneEvidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness drugs is weak: http://t.co/KG1TDMtYkV @CochraneOSH
Low quality evidence that melatonin improves sleep length after night shift but no effect on sleepiness during shift. http://t.co/6tvdX1tpml
MT @tlassers: New @CochraneLibrary review questions benefits of drug treatments for sleepiness in shift workers http://t.co/cu0RnY4SZj
MT @tlassers: New @CochraneLibrary review questions benefits of drug treatments for sleepiness in shift workers http://t.co/cu0RnY4SZj
MT @tlassers: New @CochraneLibrary review questions benefits of drug treatments for sleepiness in shift workers http://t.co/cu0RnY4SZj
New Cochrane review finds little evidence to support #sleep aids / stimulants for #shiftworkers. Read more: http://t.co/tSDdLGnpQP
Medicamentos para trastornos de sueño asociados al trabajo a turnos http://t.co/wVKqRkRhA6
Medicamentos para trastornos de sueño asociados al trabajo a turnos http://t.co/wVKqRkRhA6
シフト制の職業についている人は睡眠の問題が多い。で、薬物療法のメタ分析。RCT。夜シフト後のメラトニンはに中の睡眠時間を長くする。夜シフト前のアルモダフィニル・カフェイン+仮眠は眠気を抑える etc。 http://t.co/LeVUfDz0Q5
New Cochrane review finds little evidence to support #sleep aids / stimulants for #shiftworkers. Read more: http://t.co/tSDdLGnpQP
@NIOSH @WHSAUSTRALIA @iwhresearch Do you know the evidence on drugs to help people cope with #shiftwork? Check it out http://t.co/fn7WwkIW53
@NIOSH @WHSAUSTRALIA @iwhresearch Do you know the evidence on drugs to help people cope with #shiftwork? Check it out http://t.co/fn7WwkIW53
#Shiftworkers: New #CochraneEvidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness drugs is weak: http://t.co/KG1TDMtYkV @CochraneOSH
#Shiftworkers: New #CochraneEvidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness drugs is weak: http://t.co/KG1TDMtYkV @CochraneOSH
@NIOSH @WHSAUSTRALIA @iwhresearch Do you know the evidence on drugs to help people cope with #shiftwork? Check it out http://t.co/fn7WwkIW53
Melatonin helps against sleeping problems from #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
Melatonin helps against sleeping problems from #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
Melatonin helps against sleeping problems from #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
Melatonin helps against sleeping problems from #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
#Shiftworkers: New #CochraneEvidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness drugs is weak: http://t.co/KG1TDMtYkV @CochraneOSH
#Shiftworkers: New #CochraneEvidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness drugs is weak: http://t.co/KG1TDMtYkV @CochraneOSH
#Shiftworkers: New #CochraneEvidence for effectiveness of sleep inducing and alertness drugs is weak: http://t.co/KG1TDMtYkV @CochraneOSH
Melatonin helps against sleeping problems from #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
Medicamentos para trastornos de sueño asociados al trabajo a turnos http://t.co/wVKqRkRhA6
.@CDuddles Wouldn't it be nice if a pill would reboot the sleep-wake rhythm? Sadly, current meds don't seem to work. http://t.co/XU1xbbMw6y
Medicamentos para trastornos de sueño asociados al trabajo a turnos http://t.co/wVKqRkRhA6
RT @CochraneOSH: There is no ideal medical treatment for sleep problems induced by shift work. http://t.co/GDicQ3Ibps”#nursing
Many use drugs to stay awake in #shiftwork but harms and benefits hardly studied says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/RJN2GK3WIl
It is unclear if #Sleepingpills do more good than harm after #shiftwork says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/RJN2GK3WIl
#Coffee helps to stay awake during #shiftwork but only one study says new #Cochrane review http://t.co/hnd6AjYnTM
Modafenil/Armodafenil help staying awake in #shiftwork but serious side-effects in new #Cochrane review http://t.co/RJN2GK3WIl