Do you really need to take antibiotics if you're sick? Doctors explain how these work
Channel News Asia CNA,
Wellness It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them – and when to avoid them.
Wellness It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them – and when to avoid them.
Chasing away an infection with the right antibiotic can feel magical. Stabbing throat pain improves, coughs subside, ear aches…
Probiotics: Food vs. Supplements Probiotics can be found naturally in fermented dairy, such as milk, yogurt, and kefir, and in…
With our busy and hectic schedules, it isn’t easy to maintain good health. Due to this, we may suffer from problems like a…
Read Time: 8 Minutes Primary and recurring Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) continues to afflict patients worldwide; it…
Taking probiotics with antibiotics is safe and may help you cope with side effects of antibiotics.
Taking probiotics with antibiotics is safe and may help you cope with side effects of antibiotics.
Yes, you can take probiotics during or after a dose of antibiotics. In fact, some doctors recommend it.
Clare Collins, University of Newcastle Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria.
Credit: Shutterstock Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria. But they can also destroy the good bacteria in your gut.
Clare Collins, University of Newcastle Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria.
Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria. But they can also destroy the good bacteria in your gut.
Antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria. But they can also destroy the good bacteria in your gut.
Unter Probiotika (von lateinisch pro fr und altgriechisch bios Leben) versteht man Zubereitungen, die lebende Mikroorganismen…
Could these direct-to-consumer products provide personalized health solutions? Oct 16 · 6 min read M icrobes have existed on…
This transcript has been edited for clarity. Hello. I'm Dr David Johnson, professor of medicine and chief of gastroenterology…
Yes, you can take probiotics during or after a dose of antibiotics. In fact, some doctors recommend it.
It is safe to take probiotics while you’re also taking antibiotics. Probiotics may be most helpful when taken after a course of…
Yes, you can take probiotics during or after a dose of antibiotics. In fact, some doctors recommend it.
It is safe to take probiotics while you’re also taking antibiotics. Probiotics may be most helpful when taken after a course of…
It is safe to take probiotics while you’re also taking antibiotics. Probiotics may be most helpful when taken after a course of…
caption Don’t take probiotics and antibiotics at the same time. Yes, you can take probiotics during or after a dose of…
Although guidelines do not recommend probiotics for the prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection, or CDI, researchers…
Although guidelines do not recommend probiotics for the prevention of Clostridioides difficile infection, or CDI, researchers…
First off, a null result is not a negative result, and secondly, clinicians need to stop dismissing all probiotics based on one…
Photo It is not much past 7 a.m. and I am on my morning pre-rounds, pushing my rolling computer from room to room to examine…