@Marcin383069650 @kjfilipiak @lpietrzak20 @NaczelnaL @MZ_GOV_PL "Wszystkie wysokiej jakości randomizowane badania nie wykazały wpływu selenu na zmniejszenie ogólnego ryzyka raka lub ryzyka wystąpienia konkretnych nowotworów, w tym najbardziej zbadanego ...
@bF1Srfu5X2y7Zgp 『セレン摂取を増やすことによって癌発症リスクを低下できるという仮説に、疫学的エビデンスによる裏付けはない。』 https://t.co/dzSflaPs4S .
@Thekeksociety ”Selenium supplementation did not reduce overall cancer incidence nor mortality” ”Certainty of the evidence was high for all of these cancer sites, except for breast cancer” Breast cancer (RR 2.04, 95% CI 0.44 to 9.55; 1 study, 802 partici
癌予防のためのセレン https://t.co/snwVtIvy0O
RT @10mm_404: @Earstohearyou selenium & magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW Modern farming practices are depletin…
@Earstohearyou selenium & magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW Modern farming practices are depleting Mg from the soil. Taking Mg with vitamin D3 & B6 increases its cellular uptake. Taking Mg with carbohydrates improves its
@freestatebased #Magnesium helps the immune system for #antiviral and anti-tumor effects. selenium & Mg prevents #cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW Taking Mg with vitamin D3 & B6 increases its cellular uptake. Taking Mg with carbohydrates
@awakeandseeing selenium and magnesium prevents #cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGIbKo Modern farming practices are depleting #magnesium from the soil. It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 & B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will incr
@BlueEarthDx selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGIbKo Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will increase it
@yellowjm45 @AlexSpencerUSA Chemo won't help her. Selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW Modern farming practices are depleting Mg from the soil. It's best to take Mg with vitamin D3 & B6. Taking Mg with carbohydrate
@ArmyBrat682 @Madisontx76 The immune system needs selenium, zinc magnesium, vitamin D3, & other nutrients... Anyway, selenium & Mg prevents cancer in adults. Mg taken with D3 & B6 increases cellular uptake of the mineral. Taking Mg with carboh
@TimRunsHisMouth Selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGZMBW Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will increas
@97ftjoon @TansuYegen Here's more useful info. selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGZMBW IDK if I already said that farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/Rf7QpiCVaz
@jordanbpeterson selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGIbKo It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will increas
@DerpDream Selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will increase the
RT @10mm_404: @AgnesClaire @RealJamesWoods The god that made it so cancer exists? Selenium & magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern fa…
@AgnesClaire @RealJamesWoods The god that made it so cancer exists? Selenium & magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting Mg from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGZMBW Take Mg with vitamin D3 & B6. Taking Mg with carbo
@RealJamesWoods selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will increase
@IsabellaMDeLuca You'll still need to get a prostate exam when you're older. Selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. (1/…) https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW
@CindyKadohata @RealJamesWoods @luigi_warren Also, selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW
@natali3levin Thanks for the reply. 🙂 Selenium & magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGZMBW It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will increase the absorption. https://t.co/Rf7QpiCVaz
@acab1776 @IamNotADuck5 selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW It's best to take magnesium with vitamin D3 and B6. Taking magnesium with carbohydrates will
@LetsGoBrando45 I’m going off this meta analysis, my mind is open however, I’m intimately aware of how big pharma influences studies involving non drug related treatment methods https://t.co/ZNAAZref99
@emiliacosplay Dietary magnesium supports antiviral and anti-tumor effects. So does selenium and vitamin D3. Also, selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. Modern farming practices are depleting magnesium from the soil. https://t.co/BFNbkGIJzW —
@thehealthb0t Selenium and magnesium prevents cancer in adults. https://t.co/BFNbkGZMBW
癌Se DNA損傷や突然変異から細胞を保護 癌予防? 証拠は相反 https://t.co/zuceVW32H6 83研究 食事やサプリからが癌予防示唆する確固たる研究無し 非黒色腫皮膚癌⬆️RR 1.44 Se補給は、非黒色腫皮膚がんと2型糖尿病risk⬆️可能性を示唆
@taliawegman ¿Será? ¿curcumina? ¿resveratrol? ¿quercertina? ¿Niacina? https://t.co/9Ye0RttPus
@kasumikasumin25 「セレン」って新型コロナだけでなく、元々癌予防にも効果があるのですね。今まで全然知りませんでした。 https://t.co/nOfdOQ28BE
Selenium for preventing cancer https://t.co/iuSWqozbsu #DHPSP #INPST #NPMND
Selenium for preventing cancer https://t.co/iuSWqozbsu
There's is no evidence to suggest that increasing selenium intake through diet or supplementation prevents cancer in humans https://t.co/sjb4zAHAd8 My issue is abt spreading false info or information without any scientific evidence whatsoever 2/2 #bcsm
Selenium for preventing cancer. #systematicreviews https://t.co/Iwu21AmIrB https://t.co/T34VcBB2At
RT @MetaSystematic: Selenium for preventing cancer. #systematicreviews https://t.co/uA6wIjhWdL https://t.co/tYqqkvfniJ
Selenium for preventing cancer. #systematicreviews https://t.co/uA6wIjhWdL https://t.co/tYqqkvfniJ
On the 11th day of advent …. https://t.co/V4tdykK0ED Bringing you a run-down of our 2018 reviews & protocols in our Cochrane GNOC evidence advent calendar…… #CGNOCadvent18 @CochraneLibrary @CochraneUK @cochrancollab https://t.co/qo9ueiEbSp
On the 11th day of advent …. https://t.co/V4tdykK0ED Bringing you a run-down of our 2018 reviews & protocols in our Cochrane GNOC evidence advent calendar…… #CGNOCadvent18 @CochraneLibrary @CochraneUK @cochrancollab https://t.co/HR4ImKofk3
RT @RhonaA_PhD: Wrt cancer & Se if planning a visit to GNC/a supplement aisle—Don’t! Will cut to the chase-but pls read “Overall, there is…
Wrt cancer & Se if planning a visit to GNC/a supplement aisle—Don’t! Will cut to the chase-but pls read “Overall, there is no evidence to suggest that increasing Se intake thru diet or supplementation prevents cancer in humans” @CochraneLibrary http
#Sélénium dans la prévention du #cancer : https://t.co/TkkzYWrvgH
RT @EPharmacon: #Selen a #rakovina? Nejnovější studie na 27232 osobách neprokázala efekt selenu v potravě a v potravinových doplňcích na sn…
RT @ChristieLibrary: This updated @CochraneLibrary review concludes that overall there is no evidence that increasing selenium intake preve…
Selenio y cáncer: revisión Cochrane 2018. https://t.co/9XqXBxbXKo
RT @ChristieLibrary: This updated @CochraneLibrary review concludes that overall there is no evidence that increasing selenium intake preve…
This updated @CochraneLibrary review concludes that overall there is no evidence that increasing selenium intake prevents cancer in humans. More research needed to assess whether it may modify cancer risk in individuals with a specific genetic background h
RT @EPharmacon: #Selen a #rakovina? Nejnovější studie na 27232 osobách neprokázala efekt selenu v potravě a v potravinových doplňcích na sn…
#Selen a #rakovina? Nejnovější studie na 27232 osobách neprokázala efekt selenu v potravě a v potravinových doplňcích na snížení rizika výskytu rakoviny. #Potravinové doplňky se selenem mohou naopak zvyšovat #riziko rakoviny prostaty a diabetu. Více zde: h
RT @CochraneCAM: #CochraneEvidence Increasing selenium intake does not reduce cancer risk, but future studies should focus on whether it im…
RT @CochranePolska: Czy zwiększone przyjmowanie selenu może zmniejszać ryzyko wystąpienia nowotworów? #zdrowie #nowotwory #selen... https…
Czy zwiększone przyjmowanie selenu może zmniejszać ryzyko wystąpienia nowotworów? #zdrowie #nowotwory #selen... https://t.co/k442IiIIE5
Cochrane: Selenium for preventing cancer "no effect of selenium on reducing overall risk of cancer" https://t.co/SFAlfMiZbP https://t.co/bKIqhpT8J7
Selenium for preventing cancer. https://t.co/SQkylVkqNs #News #Cancer https://t.co/GrU6bFfYwt
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
RT @EvidNutrition: #CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser…
#CochraneUpdate @Cochrane_GNOCG ¿Suplementos de selenio para la prevención del cáncer? Busca en #Cochrane, pero va a ser que NO: https://t.co/yKH2uK17rd Cc @aecc_es @CGDNE https://t.co/kAGUO4d5Yq
RT @DrRPalmquist: Selenium for preventing cancer. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/LopUqb8YJ5
Selenium for preventing cancer. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/LopUqb8YJ5
Selenium may not prevent against cancer | See the latest results of our Cochrane Review https://t.co/Y91OjWiICv
Selenium for preventing cancer @CochraneLibrary 83 studies. All of the high-quality RCT reported no effect of #selenium on reducing overall risk of cancer or risk of particular cancers, including #prostate cancer https://t.co/nsLLvSz4Hy https://t.co/JPg8FK
#selenium shown to have no preventive benefit for #prostatecancer, and may increase risk of type 2 #diabetes. https://t.co/a7ZgJLXqX7
Selenium for preventing cancer https://t.co/PaouKghBys via @CochraneUK
RT @CochraneCAM: #CochraneEvidence Increasing selenium intake does not reduce cancer risk, but future studies should focus on whether it im…
#CochraneEvidence Increasing selenium intake does not reduce cancer risk, but future studies should focus on whether it impacts the risk of cancer in individuals with specific genetic backgrounds or nutritional status https://t.co/PYOHNvMacx https://t.co/5
Selenium may not prevent against cancer | See the latest results of our Cochrane Review https://t.co/O4rYzhSiKs
RT @Nutrevolve: Updated @cochranecollab - "Selenium for Preventing Cancer". Inconsistent epi data, no benefit seen in RCTs, possible harm.…
RT @Nutrevolve: Updated @cochranecollab - "Selenium for Preventing Cancer". Inconsistent epi data, no benefit seen in RCTs, possible harm.…
RT @Nutrevolve: Updated @cochranecollab - "Selenium for Preventing Cancer". Inconsistent epi data, no benefit seen in RCTs, possible harm.…
RT @Nutrevolve: Updated @cochranecollab - "Selenium for Preventing Cancer". Inconsistent epi data, no benefit seen in RCTs, possible harm.…
Updated @cochranecollab - "Selenium for Preventing Cancer". Inconsistent epi data, no benefit seen in RCTs, possible harm. https://t.co/NedzE4alan #RDchat #RDresearch #cancer
Selenium may not prevent against cancer | See the latest results of our Cochrane Review https://t.co/zl2TqyCRoZ
RT @breastguide: No evidence that selenium supplements prevent human cancer https://t.co/eqmNp0mOPw
No evidence that selenium supplements prevent human cancer https://t.co/eqmNp0mOPw
RT @rincondesisifo: (Cochrane) Los suplementos de Se no previenen el cáncer https://t.co/5T2Xy4TIUC Evidencia de ↑calidad
Selenium for preventing cancer. https://t.co/YTRRY2A3Sg
Selenium for preventing cancer. https://t.co/eV7aRBB3qs
Selenium for preventing cancer. https://t.co/XAtYE1RR12 #News #Cancer https://t.co/jcPPzgkxlO
Selenium for preventing cancer: What is the aetiological relationship between selenium exposure and cancer risk... https://t.co/g4ZmpYfLtS
(Cochrane) Los suplementos de Se no previenen el cáncer https://t.co/5T2Xy4TIUC Evidencia de ↑calidad
Selenium for preventing cancer https://t.co/SmAhE4UnsK
Selenium for preventing cancer: What is the aetiological relationship between selenium exposure and cancer risk in humans? Describing the efficacy of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in humans https://t.co/IMqA3cN0LP @CochraneUK @CochraneLibr