What about prebiotics/probiotics & immune health❓ 13 RCTs, 3720 participants👥 📝 Study: https://t.co/NrmbDWL9qd High level of heterogeneity of data, evidence level low or very low quality #ImmunityNutr #MyNutriWeb https://t.co/qyZJo4JrdD
RT @CochraneJapan: プロバイオティクス(生きた微生物)は、風邪などの上気道感染症を予防することができるか? https://t.co/84T7ur1Zhw
RT @CochraneJapan: プロバイオティクス(生きた微生物)は、風邪などの上気道感染症を予防することができるか? https://t.co/84T7ur1Zhw
RT @CochraneJapan: プロバイオティクス(生きた微生物)は、風邪などの上気道感染症を予防することができるか? https://t.co/84T7ur1Zhw
プロバイオティクス(生きた微生物)は、風邪などの上気道感染症を予防することができるか? https://t.co/84T7ur1Zhw
RT @Masuika_Maruka: ヨーグルトは美味しいし、栄養もあるし、まぁ、食べたかったら食べてもいいよね…程度ですわ😗 ※実際に効果を言うと法律違反なので、企業はいろいろな手法で効果をほのめかす 参考: コクラン 上気道感染症(URTI)(風邪など)を予防するため…
RT @Masuika_Maruka: ヨーグルトは美味しいし、栄養もあるし、まぁ、食べたかったら食べてもいいよね…程度ですわ😗 ※実際に効果を言うと法律違反なので、企業はいろいろな手法で効果をほのめかす 参考: コクラン 上気道感染症(URTI)(風邪など)を予防するため…
@shmrcrbn @PUSSYHAMAS На эту тему там тоже есть исследования. Он их не привёл для экономии места. https://t.co/VRLd5Y6gpI https://t.co/9TcnZiEizd https://t.co/74vKrzbkRh https://t.co/cBhFqhfI8t https://t.co/QaGscT9wki https://t.co/i26aOQl4DU https://t.co/W
乳酸菌を摂取することでウイルス感染を予防することができるのか。 子供はできそう。 大人はできなさそう。 とはいえ報告の“質”が総じて低い。そして大人を対象としたものが明らかに少ない。 だから正味な話…。 「はっきりしない」 たぶんそんな結論。 https://t.co/oWVBYywDWb
Probiotics defined by @WHO as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host” have been shown to reduce risk of infection in children and adults (https://t.co/kcjBzOvNUk) #EAAD2020CUOX
RT @CristinaDragani: Probiotics reduced #respiratory tract #infection incidence and antibiotic prescription rate, as compared with #placebo…
RT @CristinaDragani: Probiotics reduced #respiratory tract #infection incidence and antibiotic prescription rate, as compared with #placebo…
Probiotics reduced #respiratory tract #infection incidence and antibiotic prescription rate, as compared with #placebo. Cochrane Library: 12 studies, involving 3720 participants including children, adults and #elderly people. https://t.co/RksMZC68TL #infl
отличненько. только не всякий кефир сработает. надо брать рамнозис и/или инфантис. именно эти две ответственны за иммунитет. рамнозис был, если правильно помню, в актимеле и вагисане. а вот рамнозис и инфантис был в сухих заквасках кидс https://t.co/f8PYS
@adamcifu @TuckerGoodrich @OZmandia Cochrane, despite usual nihilism, find an effect on UTRIs. Note that the strongest quality study here is for the most rubust outcome - antibiotic prescriptions for UTRI. 2/n https://t.co/jXowEUvwnD
Gao et al. 2020 https://t.co/OtFl2Ell96 Ziriu Tay et al. 2020 https://t.co/21bXGbq125 Baud et al. 2020 https://t.co/kDlXPfpOIE Hao et al. 2015 https://t.co/IvI1XoveZ5 King et al. 2014 https://t.co/ymsObT2WGZ Van Puyenbroeck et al. 2012 https://t.co/LO
Warum man sich wohl auch Probiotika ein wenig genauer ansehen sollte: https://t.co/HP3BSmG6pq https://t.co/BED9os1Lu4
Vitamin D helps prevent URI in general: https://t.co/lDPdyAvcuw Along with probiotics: https://t.co/uPA7FvgOxu Interesting as it relates to C19 https://t.co/DYcEb1QKgg
Cochrane probiotic for URTI meta-analysis. Moderate quality evidence for the most robust end-point of antibiotic use. https://t.co/jXowEUvwnD
@SoSBega @AmandaZZ100 @nickjlo @BiggestComeback Or, you could just take a probiotic. This effect is replicated across various other fields of study, including vaccine research, and passes a Bradford Hill analysis as "yes, most likely". https://t.co/dr741Jx
@drdairy50 @TamarHaspel Probiotics increase vaccine efficacy and reduce upper respiratory tract infections through "boosting" the DAMP signal so that you recognise pathogens more quickly. The most-used herbal antivirals work the same way. https://t.co/dr74
@TamarHaspel You can still write about nutrition. Here are 2 ideas for you. https://t.co/k4S5qlaL63 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
@SoSBega @AmandaZZ100 @nickjlo @BiggestComeback I'm burdened with proof. I just wish someone would take it off my hands and make it more widely available. https://t.co/k4S5qlaL63 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
RT @puddleg: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections - the Cochrane review. n=3720 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
#Probióticos (microrganismos vivos) para prevenir infecções do trato respiratório superior (por exemplo, #resfriado comum). #Probiotics #coronavirus #coronavirusbrasil #coronavírus https://t.co/TBaedDMB9p https://t.co/p0nV3x6ebL
RT @puddleg: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections - the Cochrane review. n=3720 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
RT @puddleg: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections - the Cochrane review. n=3720 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
RT @puddleg: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections - the Cochrane review. n=3720 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
RT @puddleg: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections - the Cochrane review. n=3720 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections - the Cochrane review. n=3720 https://t.co/dr741JxcRX
@Melt_Dem An evidence based recommendation – probiotics: https://t.co/uPA7FvgOxu
Probiotics prevent the common cold better than vitamin C Dr. Ryan Hurt #MayoIMH18 https://t.co/GpoGwqLJoo
@langernutrition @pauldhondt @ryarmst @CTVLondon @CelineMoreauCTV @crackedscience Also, also, cochrane says probiotics no better than placebo for prevent colds or what we in the biz call upper respiratory tract infections https://t.co/Z1xLTUCzrT
@Soul_of_a_robot Det tycks finnas visst stöd för att probiotika skulle kunna ha viss effekt mot förkylningar https://t.co/0rCIaEmtra
@guzmannutrition No "?" according to Cochrane https://t.co/h5TGrbjTGi
RT @ruairirobertson: 2015 @cochranecollab review shows that #probiotics reduce prevalence & symptoms of colds https://t.co/SdoKaQ6Zk8. #mic…
RT @ruairirobertson: 2015 @cochranecollab review shows that #probiotics reduce prevalence & symptoms of colds https://t.co/SdoKaQ6Zk8. #mic…
RT @ruairirobertson: 2015 @cochranecollab review shows that #probiotics reduce prevalence & symptoms of colds https://t.co/SdoKaQ6Zk8. #mic…
2015 @cochranecollab review shows that #probiotics reduce prevalence & symptoms of colds https://t.co/SdoKaQ6Zk8. #microbiome @Pharmabiotic https://t.co/pYiqur4dDG
預防上呼吸道感染(URTIs)(例如:感冒)的益生菌(活性有機體) Cochrane https://t.co/kxivgWrb5a
@scottu487 In general, think benefits greatly oversold. However, some data here, see https://t.co/37ZNpsAqQP also https://t.co/R3g09M8wWF
Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections. https://t.co/fjra5CJhtA 2015
Upper respiratory tract infections can be reduced by #probiotics, and may also reduce antibiotic use @cochranecollab https://t.co/QjruNK9inG
#Rev_Sist @cochranecollab Uso de probióticos para la prevención de infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior: http://t.co/iSMCr85mDV
#Rev_Sist @cochranecollab Uso de probióticos para la prevención de infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior: http://t.co/iSMCr85mDV
#Rev_Sist @cochranecollab Uso de probióticos para la prevención de infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior: http://t.co/iSMCr85mDV
Analysis: Probiotics reduce upper respiratory infections (colds), reduce symptom duration, and use of antibiotics. http://t.co/AxGe9lJcuz
Cochrane update:#Probiotics better than placebo at reducing #colds/antibiotic use by improved immune function:http://t.co/ZPzmn2MUvY #health
Evidence of probiotic benefits! http://t.co/9HT0INrWR1
#إيجي_سبيس #egspace Do Probiotics Prevent the Common Cold? Updated Cochrane Review... http://t.co/BG0UuY6Qtb
Cochrane update:#Probiotics better than placebo at reducing #colds/antibiotic use by improved immune function:http://t.co/ZPzmn2MUvY #health
Cochrane update:#Probiotics better than placebo at reducing #colds/antibiotic use by improved immune function:http://t.co/ZPzmn2MUvY #health
Cochrane update:#Probiotics better than placebo at reducing #colds/antibiotic use by improved immune function:http://t.co/Qg35tpsGH0 #health
Cochrane update:#Probiotics better than placebo at reducing #colds/antibiotic use by improved immune function:http://t.co/ZPzmn2MUvY #health
#Longevity #Coaching Tip O’ the Day-Probiotics reduce risk of upper respiratory tract infections by 1/2 http://t.co/TEHVUwdkQK.
Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Feb 3;2:CD006895 http://t.co/Oz6uFMwZn6
VAYA. LA CALIDAD DE LA EVIDENCIA ES MUY BAJA para el uso de 'probioticos' en la prevencion de catarros. http://t.co/tQc74bSkcp
Study: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections #Cochrane http://t.co/nlPekBbFED #supplements #Athletics
Study: Probiotics for preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections #Cochrane http://t.co/nlPekBbFED #supplements #Athletics
褥瘡治療のための亜鉛サプリメントhttp://t.co/Oz6uFMOAeE 多施設盲検ランダム化比較試験。追跡8週で40%以上褥瘡面積が減少した患者の割合はE群で有意に多い。オッズ比1.98 [95%信頼区間1.12~3.48]
Probiotics to prevent upper respiratory infections - reduces number duration and #antibiotic use see #Cochrane review http://t.co/E1N07WbtH5