RT @picphysicians: Did you know that immune globulin is available to immunocompromised children exposed to rubella? It can be used to preve…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that immune globulin is available to immunocompromised children exposed to rubella? It can be used to preve…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that immune globulin is available to immunocompromised children exposed to rubella? It can be used to preve…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that immune globulin is available to immunocompromised children exposed to rubella? It can be used to preve…
RT @picphysicians: Did you know that immune globulin is available to immunocompromised children exposed to rubella? It can be used to preve…
Did you know that immune globulin is available to immunocompromised children exposed to rubella? It can be used to prevent severe symptoms. https://t.co/jcetZs0hCX #Physicians4InformedConsent #vaccines #informedconsent #PICphysicians #1stDoNoHarm http
RT @NNTonthefly: New NNT→Post-exposure passive immunisation for preventing rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. https://t.co/8t3NjkjeyJ
RT @NNTonthefly: New NNT→Post-exposure passive immunisation for preventing rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. https://t.co/8t3NjkjeyJ
New NNT→Post-exposure passive immunisation for preventing rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. https://t.co/8t3NjkjeyJ
Injecting antibodies into people without them seems effective at preventing rubella after contact #Cochrane https://t.co/xNwx4o4HrB
Post-exposure passive immunisation for preventing rubella and congenital rubella syndrome http://t.co/P3tdllimKD.
RT @AETSA_ "#Rev_Sist #Cochrane Inmunoglobulinas para la profilaxis posterior a la exposición contra la rubeola " http://t.co/FOSI42J3MH
RT @AETSA_: #Rev_Sist #Cochrane Inmunoglobulinas para la profilaxis posterior a la exposición contra la rubeola http://t.co/bplO7qeFgT @sef…
RT @AETSA_: #Rev_Sist #Cochrane Inmunoglobulinas para la profilaxis posterior a la exposición contra la rubeola http://t.co/bplO7qeFgT @sef…
#Rev_Sist #Cochrane Inmunoglobulinas para la profilaxis posterior a la exposición contra la rubeola http://t.co/bplO7qeFgT @sefh_ @safh_info
RT @NNTonthefly: New NNT→Post-exposure passive immunisation for preventing rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. http://t.co/8t3NjkAPqh
New NNT→Post-exposure passive immunisation for preventing rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. http://t.co/8t3NjkAPqh