@neotisuruhito もちろんです! このページのFull text links から読むことができます!! https://t.co/WpPzjBrUzh https://t.co/CQ6utM2NjS ⬆こちらは事例報告ですが参考までに!!!
Implementing complex interventions into stroke rehab: applying constraint induced therapy as a case study #UKSF22 We know CIMT is effective (see Cochrane review: https://t.co/IxkvhqMW41) But how do we implement it?! 🧵
CI療法のポイント☀️ ✅ 分類があるけど効果的には修正CI療法が◎ ✅ 急性期は低強度が望ましい ✅ 適応は軽度運動障害の患者さん CI療法はMorris DMら(2006)が提唱した構成要素を押さえておきたい🤔 ▶︎読みたい論文 https://t.co/yw9lII8ull
@rrangana1 Constraint induced movement therapy could be considered https://t.co/6TkvNC36Nt
New from #CSO_Scotland https://t.co/vh6QVYSRCJ Constraint‐induced movement therapy for upper extremities in people with stroke
RT @KhimKwah: Cochrane SR: CIMT led to small improvements in motor imp and fn of arm, but not overall disability after stroke http://t.co/i…
Cochrane SR: CIMT led to small improvements in motor imp and fn of arm, but not overall disability after stroke http://t.co/ij4ubXk2rB
@KPWChris @NeuroRedHabil @saeboukglyn @CIMTuk http://t.co/RpS8o3ibqd grouped all together for review
Nueva revisión Cochrane con interesantes resultados sobre "Constraint-induced movement therapy” en rhb tras ictus. http://t.co/9b3iqgNYZV