RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
RT @GregLehman: Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. B…
Do we really need to move beyond 3 sets of 10? Changing how we perform exercise can achieve different performance goals. But do those new abilities lead to better pain results. We don't see this in some SRs https://t.co/QO39F85ieF
High-intensity versus low-intensity physical activity or exercis... https://t.co/nx5zP4Vjan
Little difference between low-intensity and high-intensity exercise for improving pain and function in knee OA (however quality of evidence is low) https://t.co/BwOO9EONZf
RT @drSainzdMurieta: #prescriboejercicio Ejercicio de intensidad alta versus baja para la osteoartritis de la cadera o la rodilla https://t…
#prescriboejercicio Ejercicio de intensidad alta versus baja para la osteoartritis de la cadera o la rodilla https://t.co/hCa9bOkKQt
RT @GERAScentre: How can high-intensity vs. low-intensity #exercise affect hip or knee #osteoarthritis ? Find out here: https://t.co/KXqTB8…
How can high-intensity vs. low-intensity #exercise affect hip or knee #osteoarthritis ? Find out here: https://t.co/KXqTB8UcFJ #research
High-intensity versus low-intensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis. Cochr.. https://t.co/diHapa82RQ
RT @Actual_clinica: Actividad física o ejercicio de intensidad alta vs baja en personas con osteoartritis de rodilla o cadera Cochrane htt…
High duration > high resistance as high-intensity exercise in KOA? Systematic review 2015 https://t.co/trqN0UZnZt https://t.co/elLJJbZ3PQ
RT @kvaarbakken: Knee osteoarthritis: High-intensity or low-intensity exercise? Systematic review 2015 https://t.co/trqN0VgZo3 https://t.co…
Knee osteoarthritis: High-intensity or low-intensity exercise? Systematic review 2015 https://t.co/trqN0VgZo3 https://t.co/vnCmi9ikDF
Actividad física o ejercicio de intensidad alta vs baja en personas con osteoartritis de rodilla o cadera Cochrane https://t.co/yPniAui3hR
RS @cochranecollab Ejercicio intenso o ligero para personas con osteoartitis de rodilla o cadera https://t.co/adupPRVwPO Sin evidencias
RT @ArtroseExercise: Bewegen bij #artrose, moet dat op hoog- of laag intensief niveau? De wetenschap is er nog niet uit, Cochrane Review: h…
RT @ArtroseExercise: Bewegen bij #artrose, moet dat op hoog- of laag intensief niveau? De wetenschap is er nog niet uit, Cochrane Review: h…
High-intensity versus low-intensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis https://t.co/u4UBMJzS9Z
RT @ArtroseExercise: Bewegen bij #artrose, moet dat op hoog- of laag intensief niveau? De wetenschap is er nog niet uit, Cochrane Review: h…
Bewegen bij #artrose, moet dat op hoog- of laag intensief niveau? De wetenschap is er nog niet uit, Cochrane Review: https://t.co/xdOrtEsX0Y
Es mejor la actividad física de baja intensidad en personas con artrosis de cadera o rodilla respecto de alta... https://t.co/jm7YPGsuQT
RT @KneemoITN: New from @CochraneLibrary https://t.co/C1kWZkEnkh @AlessioBricca to close the gap on how much activity is good/bad for knee…
New from @CochraneLibrary https://t.co/C1kWZkEnkh @AlessioBricca to close the gap on how much activity is good/bad for knee cartilage
#Rev_Sist #Cochrane ¿Ejercicio físico intenso o suave en #artrosis de cadera o rodilla? https://t.co/ngHYT1Vpf7 @SEReumatologia @SERMEF_es
High-intensity versus low-intensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee... https://t.co/LxAsDR6rjD
RT @JuanGrvas: Artrosis, dolor y función. ¿Ejercicio físico intenso o suave? Como le guste. Vía @NNTonthefly https://t.co/4uJ4qtyF65
Highintensity versus lowintensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis https://t.co/XCobi2Hv7R
Highintensity versus lowintensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis- Regnaux https://t.co/heCeeD16ny
RT @JuanGrvas: Osteoarthitis pain and function. High-intensity or low-intensity exercise programs? As you like. https://t.co/4uJ4qtyF65
RT @JuanGrvas: Osteoarthitis pain and function. High-intensity or low-intensity exercise programs? As you like. https://t.co/4uJ4qtyF65
Artrosis, dolor y función. ¿Ejercicio físico intenso o suave? Como le guste. Vía @NNTonthefly https://t.co/4uJ4qtyF65
Osteoarthitis pain and function. High-intensity or low-intensity exercise programs? As you like. https://t.co/4uJ4qtyF65
Benefits and harms of high- versus low-intensity exercise programs for hip or knee… https://t.co/1GfipjtQLC
New NNT→High-intensity versus low-intensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis. https://t.co/AgL4Gqrbyd