RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)?https://t.co/oAaXeN4OWI
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)?https://t.co/oAaXeN4OWI
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8
ちなみに2015年の論文では拡大装置の使用が臨床的予後に与える影響については明確でないらしい。 分析に値するランダム化比較試験は存在しないかららしい。 それから5年たってるのでどうなんだろ。 https://t.co/Cw8wAPFL7v
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8 #endod…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8 #endod…
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8 #endodontics
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? #Cochrane could not find any c…
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? #Cochrane could not find any clinical trials to answer this question: https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8
@aHydroxyapatite La majorité de leur méta-analyse est bien. Le fait de ne pas pouvoir conclure EST un état des lieux. Ceci https://t.co/7VH6ylT4DO (mais ce n’est pas le texte dont je me souvenais 🤔) ne conclue pas. Dans mon souvenir, la conclusion n’allait
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
مع التحية لبعض الزملاء
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
CC: اللي يقول اشتر لوبز ب ٨٠٠٠ ريال علشان تضبط الإندو (معلومه بلا دليل علمي = رأي او سالفه )
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from rando…
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? There's no evidence from randomised controlled trials. What's your view? https://t.co/oAaXeMNdy8
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from randomised controlled trials on the use of magnification devices in #endodontics https://t.co/5NRrleobr7
No evidence from randomised controlled trials on the use of magnification devices in #endodontics https://t.co/5NRrleobr7
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeN4OWI
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/oAaXeN4OWI
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (#endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/91O2Ft84gh #Coch…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (#endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/91O2Ft84gh #Coch…
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (#endodontic therapy)? https://t.co/91O2Ft84gh #Cochrane
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? This #Cochrane review could no…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? This #Cochrane review could no…
RT @CochraneOHG: Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? This #Cochrane review could no…
Do magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatments (endodontic therapy)? This #Cochrane review could not find any evidence: https://t.co/maY3EXBE4K
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/BTj8u03cXq
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
RT @CochraneOHG: No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/B…
No RCT evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal therapy https://t.co/BTj8u03cXq
RT @CochraneOHG: Clarity of vision - or is it? No RCT evidence available on magnification devices & their use in root canal therapy: https:…
Uso de magnificacion en endodoncia https://t.co/R0ntnvxZH9
Clarity of vision - or is it? No RCT evidence available on magnification devices & their use in root canal therapy: https://t.co/A1vfmFZhmo
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from RCTs available on whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatment https://t.co/…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from RCTs available on whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatment https://t.co/…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from RCTs available on whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatment https://t.co/…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from RCTs available on whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatment https://t.co/…
No evidence from RCTs available on whether magnification devices improve the success of root canal treatment https://t.co/HoUBan2SO2
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of endodontic therapy: https://t.co/bZCz…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of endodontic therapy: https://t.co/bZCz…
No evidence available to assess whether magnification devices improve the success of endodontic therapy: https://t.co/bZCzn1xnO8
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from randomized controlled trials on whether magnification devices improve root canal treatments https://t.co/…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from randomized controlled trials on whether magnification devices improve root canal treatments https://t.co/…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from randomized controlled trials on whether magnification devices improve root canal treatments https://t.co/…
RT @CochraneOHG: No evidence from randomized controlled trials on whether magnification devices improve root canal treatments https://t.co/…
No evidence from randomized controlled trials on whether magnification devices improve root canal treatments https://t.co/2NpDrjINz3
Magnification devices for endodontic therapy https://t.co/ZVsgiRZ6Fx