@jimbog_76 @alayne_gagen @nick_inston @SocietyAccess @KidneyAcademy @aishaikh @wasse_m @renalpages From an individual comparison yes... https://t.co/0XSgSdGe4e
RT @jl_cobo: Corrección preventiva para la estenosis del acceso arteriovenoso en la hemodiálisis | Cochrane @SEDENenf https://t.co/gK3pFpU…
Corrección preventiva para la estenosis del acceso arteriovenoso en la hemodiálisis | Cochrane @SEDENenf https://t.co/gK3pFpUu7P
RT @CochraneKidney: Pre-emptive correction of AV access stenosis does not improve access longevity https://t.co/li9aTT5d5N
RT @CochraneKidney: Pre-emptive correction of AV access stenosis does not improve access longevity https://t.co/li9aTT5d5N
Pre-emptive correction of AV access stenosis does not improve access longevity https://t.co/li9aTT5d5N
Pre-emptive correction of stenosis of the arteriovenous access for haemodialysis https://t.co/q6iAuI1E7H