RT @edna_keeney: This is a nice surprise from our work comparing inhalers for people with moderate to severe COPD:…
RT @UoBrisHEB: Congratulations to @UoBrisHEB’s @edna_keeney on her Top Downloaded Paper on effective & safe inhalers for people with COPD
RT @edna_keeney: This is a nice surprise from our work comparing inhalers for people with moderate to severe COPD:…
Congratulations to @UoBrisHEB’s @edna_keeney on her Top Downloaded Paper on effective & safe inhalers for people with COPD
RT @edna_keeney: This is a nice surprise from our work comparing inhalers for people with moderate to severe COPD:…
This is a nice surprise from our work comparing inhalers for people with moderate to severe COPD: #networkmetaanalysis
RT @cochrane_russia: Какие ингаляционные средства длительного действия наиболее эффективны и безопасны для людей с поздними стадиями хронич…
Quels sont les traitements inhalés à action prolongée les plus efficaces et les plus sûrs pour les personnes atteintes de bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) avancée ?
RT @Karim_Sandid: A huge meta-analysis with 101 311 patients shows LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD f…
A huge meta-analysis with 101 311 patients shows LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare-ups. LAMA-containing inhalers have an advantage over those without. Inhaled steroids carry an increased risk of pneumonia. https:/
RT @qgorgas: Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting bronchodilators alone for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systemat…
RT @qgorgas: Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting bronchodilators alone for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systemat…
Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting bronchodilators alone for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review and network meta‐analysis - Oba, Y - 2018 | Cochrane Library
RT @CochraneIberoam: Tratamiento combinado dual versus broncodilatadores de acción prolongada solos para la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva…
Tratamiento combinado dual versus broncodilatadores de acción prolongada solos para la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC): revisión sistemática y metanálisis en red una revisión de @CochraneAirways
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @Actual_clinica: ¿Qué inhaladores de acción prolongada son los más efectivos y seguros para los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstru…
RT @Actual_clinica: ¿Qué inhaladores de acción prolongada son los más efectivos y seguros para los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstru…
RT @Actual_clinica: ¿Qué inhaladores de acción prolongada son los más efectivos y seguros para los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstru…
¿Qué inhaladores de acción prolongada son los más efectivos y seguros para los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) avanzada? Cochrane
¿Qué inhaladores de acción prolongada son los más efectivos y seguros para los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) avanzada?
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
LAMA containing Rx best see comments on ICS
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
Great evidence based medicine we would love to discuss this and other issues at our inaugural meeting in Oxford 22-23 March. Some bursary places still available @OxfordRespirat1
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
RT @PCRSUK: The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review htt…
The #LABA/LAMA combination is likely the best treatment in preventing #COPD flare‐ups, reports a Cochrane systematic review @Garry42779 @stonny999 @ARNS_UK @RespNetwork
Dual combination therapy versus long-acting bronchodilators alone for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review and network m... - PubMed - NCBI COPDにはLAMA/LABAが良さそう
RT @NickHartThorax: "LAMA containing inhalers may have an advantage over those without a LAMA for preventing COPD exacerbations based on th…
RT @NickHartThorax: "LAMA containing inhalers may have an advantage over those without a LAMA for preventing COPD exacerbations based on th…
Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting #Bronchodilators alone for #COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease @CochraneLibrary #ECM
"LAMA containing inhalers may have an advantage over those without a LAMA for preventing COPD exacerbations based on the rank statistics. Combination therapies appear more effective than monotherapies for improving symptom and quality‐of‐life scores'. ht
@cccunursing S16 M3 useful evidence for the Tina DSEC1 trigger and for DSEC2 if discussing element of COPD
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD @CochraneUK #COPD
RT @ProfAnestesista: Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting #Bronchodilators alone for #COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease htt…
Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting #Bronchodilators alone for #COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease @CochraneLibrary #ECM
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
Dual combination therapy versus long‐acting #Bronchodilators alone for #COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease @CochraneLibrary #ECM
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @DrHugoA: Network meta-analysis of COPD trials suggests - LAMA/LABA best for exacerbation reduction & symptoms - LAMA-containing regimes…
Network meta-analysis of COPD trials suggests - LAMA/LABA best for exacerbation reduction & symptoms - LAMA-containing regimes better for exacerbation reduction (not ICS) - combination therapies (LAMA/LABA or LABA/ICS) better for symptoms
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
おーコクランのネットワークメタ! 読まねば
New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD @CochraneUK #COPD
RT @AlvarezDobanoJM: LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
LABA/LAMA combination was the highest ranked treatment group to reduce COPD exacerbations and also was more effective than monotherapies for improving symptom & QoL scores. LAMA containing inhalers may have an advantage over those without LAMA for prev
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD…
New @CochraneAirways evidence from a network meta-analysis on long-acting inhalers for people with COPD @CochraneUK #COPD
RT @mbeyp2: Metanálisis de terapias inhaladas en EPOC, muy interesante !!!@SEMERGENap @EdSEMERGEN @rafamanuEl68 @KINGPERITA @semergenpv @SE…