心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法 https://t.co/DFQkmmPoqE
『心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法』 https://t.co/Ol2gJPMRgp #PTSD #心的外傷後ストレス障害 #認知行動療法 #CBT
『心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法』 https://t.co/6rgR2I8Edm #PTSD #心的外傷後ストレス障害 #認知行動療法 #CBT
[#TCC #SSPT] Thérapies cognitives et comportementales sur Internet dans le traitement du syndrome de stress post-traumatique : https://t.co/MpWbEKTLRN
RT @psycle44: 2018年のレビューです。日本語で概要をしれるのはとてもありがたいですね。 https://t.co/L0jvHdFiLR
RT @CochraneJapan: 心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法 https://t.co/WxY8mqCLGN
RT @CochraneJapan: 心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法 https://t.co/WxY8mqCLGN
RT @CochraneJapan: 心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法 https://t.co/WxY8mqCLGN
RT @CochraneJapan: 心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法 https://t.co/WxY8mqCLGN
心的外傷後ストレス障害(PTSD)に対するインターネットによる認知行動療法 https://t.co/WxY8mqCLGN
Internet-based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults. https://t.co/5yEJJn6myr
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
#PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence was very low due to the small number of included trials. More studies are needed. https://t.co/zAwzevps6c @CochraneLibrary @cardiffuni
[#TCC #SSPT] Thérapies cognitives et comportementales sur Internet dans le traitement du syndrome de stress post-traumatique : https://t.co/HlSyksuxyw
Dispinible en @Saludteca https://t.co/meqBemauuW
Nueva revisión de @Cochrane_CCMD: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el #TEPT en pacientes adultos https://t.co/eA2Mw5PrGB 10 EC, 720 participantes, evidencias de baja calidad en 8 estudios muestran más efectividad reduci
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence…
Nueva revisión #Cochrane: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) en pacientes adultos https://t.co/HsAWaASmrO @CochraneIberoam @CochraneChile @CochraneMexico #BibliotecaCochrane #T
#PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence was very low due to the small number of included trials. More studies are needed. https://t.co/zAwzevps6c @CochraneLibrary @cardiffuni
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: Nueva revisión #Cochrane: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el trastorno de estrés p…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: Nueva revisión #Cochrane: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el trastorno de estrés p…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: Nueva revisión #Cochrane: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el trastorno de estrés p…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence…
#PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence was very low due to the small number of included trials. More studies are needed. https://t.co/zAwzevps6c @CochraneLibrary @cardiffuni
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: Nueva revisión #Cochrane: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el trastorno de estrés p…
#PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence was very low due to the small number of included trials. More studies are needed. https://t.co/zAwzevps6c @CochraneLibrary @cardiffuni
Nueva revisión #Cochrane: Terapias cognitivas y conductuales basadas en el uso de Internet para el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) en pacientes adultos https://t.co/5D80ID25l9 @CochraneIberoam @CochraneChile @CochraneMexico #BibliotecaCochrane #
Интернет-опосредованные когнитивные и поведенческие виды лечения при пост-травматическом стрессовом расстройстве (ПТСР) у взрослых Надёжные доказательства. Информированные решения. Во благо здоровья. @cochrane_russia https://t.co/wMtpSiDcHm https://t.co/Y
RT @CochraneCAM: New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in…
New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in adults https://t.co/yluwqMLaNc 10 studies, 720 participants, low quality evidence from 8 studies showed more effective than no therap
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @NiftyFoxCreativ: Here's a little video I produced with Cochrane to communicate their systematic review findings on PTSD. Really honoure…
Here's a little video I produced with Cochrane to communicate their systematic review findings on PTSD. Really honoured to work with such an inspiring organisation doing great things for mental health ❤️
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults - Lewis, C - 2018 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/H0UBkV9tt5
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evide…
New #PTSD review finds some beneficial effects of internet-based CBT and behavioural therapies, the quality of the evidence was very low due to the small number of included trials. More studies are needed. https://t.co/zAwzevps6c @CochraneUK @cardiffuni @c
New Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in adults https://t.co/zAwzevps6c https://t.co/7Tiwh9HVFG
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTS…
New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in adults https://t.co/pFDSxRxWt4 10 studies, 720 participants, low quality evidence from 8 studies showed more effective than no therap
New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in adults https://t.co/pFDSxRxWt4 10 studies, 720 participants, low quality evidence from 8 studies showed more effective than no therap
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: Internet-based cognitive and behavioural therapies for reducing post-traumatic stress in adults. Click https://t.co/XRR…
Gerenciamento de casos de estresse pós-traumático
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: Internet-based cognitive and behavioural therapies for reducing post-traumatic stress in adults. Click https://t.co/XRR…
Internet-based cognitive and behavioural therapies for reducing post-traumatic stress in adults. Click https://t.co/XRRSwsRVwk to read the full review. #PTSD #MentalHealthMatters #mentalhealth #MentalHealthAwareness #Cochrane @CochraneUK https://t.co/mwB
New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in adults https://t.co/pFDSxRxWt4 10 studies, 720 participants, low quality evidence from 8 studies showed more effective than no therap
Cochrane Review finds some beneficial effects for Internet‐based CBT for PTSD despite low quality evidence/ small number of studies. Calls for more research to ascertain the optimal level of therapist input and determine who can benefit from Internet‐CBT f
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTS…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTS…
RT @CochraneLibrary: New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTS…
New @Cochrane_CCMD Review - Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD in adults https://t.co/pFDSxRxWt4 10 studies, 720 participants, low quality evidence from 8 studies showed more effective than no therap
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
@DrSMcMullen @elizabethduff2 @vickyfobel @DrBecLang
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
RT @Cochrane_CCMD: New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidenc…
New Review: Internet‐based cognitive and behavioural therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder #PTSD #CochraneEvidence @CochraneUK https://t.co/XRRSwsRVwk https://t.co/kVfzAgRyjc