Specific allergen immunotherapy (SIT) is a treatment that may improve disease severity in people with atopic eczema (AE) by inducing immune tolerance to the relevant allergen. Read more about this topic here https://t.co/eZA9TfKEeN
Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic #eczema https://t.co/pO5iVMzyZi https://t.co/zNxKSApMHL
Czy #odczulanie polegające na podaniu serii zastrzyków lub kropli pod język zawierających substancję, na którą dana osoba jest #uczulona jest lepsze niż np.... https://t.co/l684oekl9b
Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic #eczema. https://t.co/PTAKKe98tT https://t.co/kKWTPb7OrA
Open Access UCL Research: Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic eczema https://t.co/xUIitRsWgL
RT @KFSHRC_Research: Specific allergen #immunotherapy for the treatment of #atopic #eczema https://t.co/wiDS7gQnzn https://t.co/fy0Kcxaiz8
RT @KFSHRC_Research: Specific allergen #immunotherapy for the treatment of #atopic #eczema https://t.co/wiDS7gQnzn https://t.co/fy0Kcxaiz8
Specific allergen #immunotherapy for the treatment of #atopic #eczema https://t.co/wiDS7gQnzn https://t.co/fy0Kcxaiz8
Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment #eczema - The Cochrane Library https://t.co/iwzaAzVoKI
RT @BSACI_Allergy: Specific allergen immunotherapy for atopic eczema - Tam - 2016 - The Cochrane Library - Wiley Online Library https://t.c…
RT @BSACI_Allergy: Specific allergen immunotherapy for atopic eczema - Tam - 2016 - The Cochrane Library - Wiley Online Library https://t.c…
Specific allergen immunotherapy for atopic eczema - Tam - 2016 - The Cochrane Library - Wiley Online Library https://t.co/uWTNAhaRBz
Inmunoterapia de alergeneos específicos para tratamiento de ezcema atópico https://t.co/3Yd26czlga
Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic eczema - Tam - 2016 - https://t.co/Q0tlFOM6j0
Specific allergy immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic eczema https://t.co/aQemKPoIu0 #dermatology
Cochrane review on allergen #immunotherapy for #eczema: https://t.co/K83KOx8m2D Limited evidence means more questions than answers
Inmunoterapia Alergénica específica en el tratamiento de Dermatitis Atópica (revisión Cochrane, vía @drmoralesraya) https://t.co/bv4hbLjcZT
Specific allergy #immunotherapy for the treatment of #atopiceczema https://t.co/taal7v6aEC #aedv #skin #atopia #piel
RT @rincondesisifo: (Cochrane) Inmunoterapia en eczema atópico https://t.co/57AvXQZjHW ↓ evidencia y de ↓ calidad
RT @rincondesisifo: (Cochrane) Inmunoterapia en eczema atópico https://t.co/57AvXQZjHW ↓ evidencia y de ↓ calidad
Specific allergen #immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic #eczema - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews https://t.co/D9Dxhw1TTH
RT @rincondesisifo: (Cochrane) Inmunoterapia en eczema atópico https://t.co/57AvXQZjHW ↓ evidencia y de ↓ calidad
RT @rincondesisifo: (Cochrane) Inmunoterapia en eczema atópico https://t.co/57AvXQZjHW ↓ evidencia y de ↓ calidad
(Cochrane) Inmunoterapia en eczema atópico https://t.co/57AvXQZjHW ↓ evidencia y de ↓ calidad
Specific allergy immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic eczema https://t.co/5CZwQsEoVU
Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of atopic eczema. https://t.co/ZtK2aHMLQR