@PulmCrit So I don’t know. Is it better to stick with the evidence, but cause significant stresses to your culture? Or accept culture in the face of contradictory evidence? Especially when we still have no data suggesting superiority of any agent over a
@joshmcgoo dopamine (due to arrythmia) https://t.co/ewFaZE6F4P (cochrane review)
@ChampCaI @joshmcgoo dopamine(due to arrhythmia) https://t.co/ewFaZE67fh (cochrane review)
RT @iceman_ex: Not just me- ping @avkwong @AndromedaShock I firmly believe that a rapid haemodynamic profile is now within reach, by comb…
Not just me- ping @avkwong @AndromedaShock I firmly believe that a rapid haemodynamic profile is now within reach, by combining #pocus and clinical assessment.
But which to use when? Data suggests it doesn't really matter BUT @iceman_ex advocates regular haemodynamic profiling #RCEMcpd https://t.co/Vm35M21HCM
@mina_el_naguib @load_dependent @redneeraj Weeeeeeeell cochrane says it doesn’t matter which one you give in shock https://t.co/OFMYRACsYh
@rbauld @_garmc @mina_el_naguib @redneeraj Yup See also https://t.co/OFMYRACsYh
@cianmcdermott @EmergencyEcho @khaycock2 @EGLS_ @EMNerd_ @IM_Crit_ @echonepean @msenussiMD @PulmCrit @icmteaching @Wilkinsonjonny @PaediatricFOAM https://t.co/OFMYRACsYh https://t.co/D2wfRKdbzj TLDR: @CochraneUK says no benefit for any type of drug over
RT @iceman_ex: @PulmCrit Bruh This is known https://t.co/OFMYRACsYh https://t.co/Ic98hESyKk
@PulmCrit Bruh This is known https://t.co/OFMYRACsYh https://t.co/Ic98hESyKk
@reepRN NE seems to always be the best when there's a difference. Cardiogenic: https://t.co/Hpj4kIfPin Septic: https://t.co/M2jJ3WMj7j All-cause shock: https://t.co/E3hE88tzJw
RT @avkwong: Vasopressors for hypotensive shock - Cochrane review https://t.co/Usq9OUXX0x #SGANZICS
RT @avkwong: Vasopressors for hypotensive shock - Cochrane review https://t.co/Usq9OUXX0x #SGANZICS
RT @avkwong: Vasopressors for hypotensive shock - Cochrane review https://t.co/Usq9OUXX0x #SGANZICS
RT @avkwong: Vasopressors for hypotensive shock - Cochrane review https://t.co/Usq9OUXX0x #SGANZICS
Vasopressors for hypotensive shock - Cochrane review https://t.co/Usq9OUXX0x #SGANZICS
No evidence of substantial benefit between vasopressors - Nice network analysis comparing them all https://t.co/9q2uhiP68B #Athens17
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
Vasopressors for hypotensive shock | Cochrane https://t.co/VibOQXhLgw
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @relucho: Vasopressors for hypotensive shock https://t.co/Z8cEazvUjS
Vasopressors for hypotensive shock https://t.co/Z8cEazvUjS
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @avkwong: Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
Cochrane Review - vasopressors for hypotensive shock 2016 #ISICEM16 https://t.co/Usq9OUGm8Z
RT @ryoma_tanaka: 昇圧剤でショックの死亡率は変わらない。ドパミンを使うとノルエピネフリンを使ったときより不整脈の頻度が上昇する。コクランから。 https://t.co/B3M6gIrRfC https://t.co/FLbz1CIZgX
RT @ryoma_tanaka: 昇圧剤でショックの死亡率は変わらない。ドパミンを使うとノルエピネフリンを使ったときより不整脈の頻度が上昇する。コクランから。 https://t.co/B3M6gIrRfC https://t.co/FLbz1CIZgX
昇圧剤でショックの死亡率は変わらない。ドパミンを使うとノルエピネフリンを使ったときより不整脈の頻度が上昇する。コクランから。 https://t.co/B3M6gIrRfC https://t.co/FLbz1CIZgX
RT @accpcritprn: Cochrane Review: Vasopressors for Hypotensive Shock #CritPRN #Sepsis #Pressors https://t.co/sFCrBBasUd
Cochrane Review: Vasopressors for Hypotensive Shock #CritPRN #Sepsis #Pressors https://t.co/sFCrBBasUd
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
RT @Links_Medicus: Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary htt…
Dopamine increases the risk of arrhythmia compared with norepinephrine and might increase mortality @CochraneLibrary https://t.co/SgqWwuatHB
Vasopressors for hypotensive shock https://t.co/F72vNmJeG5
Updated review:"Vasopressors for hypotensive shock" No evidence of substantial differences #FOAMcc #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/YzUhwzs76z