@tom_goffin @OECD Er is bovendien géén evidentie. De cijfers waar soms mee wordt gezwaaid worden weerlegd door @cochranecollab review. https://t.co/IHIZSDPjvP
Rond ziektebriefje afschaffen: er is géén bewijs dat dit kan zonder gevolgen voor patiënten. Recente resultaten van @acerta zijn niet representatief: Daling verzuim vaststellen na recordjaar = misleiden @radio1be #deochtend https://t.co/IHIZSDPjvP
#wetenschap: There is low‐ to very low‐certainty evidence of inconsistent effects of changing the period of self‐certification on the duration or frequency of short‐term sickness absence periods or the amount of work time lost due to sickness absence. ht
@PH7831 @Delacuisse @FZores Pas de preuve que l'auto-certification des arrêts de travail augmente l'absentéisme https://t.co/jHJHEfaAJS
https://t.co/rfM15Oh2fL (2/2)
仕事病欠するのに自己申告でよいか、それとも医師の証明がいるか比較したコクランレビューなのかな。タイトルからして違和感しかないのだけど、どういうことなのか・・・ Self‐ versus physician- certification of sick leave for reducing sickness absence https://t.co/uhw6wAhHnr
Alterar o período de tempo que um trabalhador tem permissão para tirar folga do trabalho por causa da doença sem o certificado de um médico https://t.co/3cpgnbfKuP https://t.co/xl6GxcjFBT
RT @Liiketta: Self‐certification versus physician certification of #sickleave for reducing #sicknessabsence and associated costs - Kausto,…
Self‐certification versus physician certification of #sickleave for reducing #sicknessabsence and associated costs - Kausto, J - 2019 | Cochrane Library #health #sairauslomat : https://t.co/rogXc64KCy https://t.co/1QjVut9WWH
RT @USGRADEnet: Changing the length of time a worker is allowed to take time off work because of illness without a physician's certificate…
RT @USGRADEnet: Changing the length of time a worker is allowed to take time off work because of illness without a physician's certificate…
Changing the length of time a worker is allowed to take time off work because of illness without a physician's certificate https://t.co/7KqQ3Hoo0n #systematicreview @cochranecollab @OSHdoc @MrJaniR @CochraneWork https://t.co/Wc316Rfr75
Tuttu tulos @CochraneTyoterv katsauksesta: better studies are needed. Kiinnostavaa myös se, että omailmoituskäytännöstä mixed results. Vallitseva käsitys lienee ollut myönteisempi.
RT @CochraneTyoterv: #Omailmoituskäytäntö vaikutus #Sairauspoissaolo ihin ja niistä koituviin kustannuksiin: https://t.co/TLupedRulU Tuorei…
RT @OSHdoc: New #Cochrane review: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence: https://t.co/jTvoFf…
Laadukkaita tutkimuksia tarvitaan
RT @CochraneTyoterv: #Omailmoituskäytäntö vaikutus #Sairauspoissaolo ihin ja niistä koituviin kustannuksiin: https://t.co/TLupedRulU Tuorei…
Zelfattestering versus doktersattest? Dit is wat we weten uit beperkt onderzoek.
RT @CochraneTyoterv: #Omailmoituskäytäntö vaikutus #Sairauspoissaolo ihin ja niistä koituviin kustannuksiin: https://t.co/TLupedRulU Tuorei…
New #Cochrane review: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence: https://t.co/jTvoFfboWQ. One large RCT from 1988 shows longer sick leave and higher costs for self-certification. Such a study (but with better meth
RT @CochraneTyoterv: #Omailmoituskäytäntö vaikutus #Sairauspoissaolo ihin ja niistä koituviin kustannuksiin: https://t.co/TLupedRulU Tuorei…
#Omailmoituskäytäntö vaikutus #Sairauspoissaolo ihin ja niistä koituviin kustannuksiin: https://t.co/TLupedRulU Tuorein katsauksemme on julkaistu. @tyoterveys @Kelantutkimus @HotusFI #NäyttöKäyttöön https://t.co/0KIhYJ07eM
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
Changing the length of time a worker is allowed to take time off work because of illness without a physician's… https://t.co/8tX9DsNIDo
RT @OSHdoc: Could it be that self-certification is more expensive than doctors-certification for preventing sick-leave? Five studies of whi…
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
Could it be that self-certification is more expensive than doctors-certification for preventing sick-leave? Five studies of which one RCT.
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
RT @CochraneWork: Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review publish…
Self‐certification versus physician cert of #SickLeave for reducing #SicknessAbsence and associated costs, review published: https://t.co/e7TRsDGdGi @FIOH @CochraneInsMed @CochraneRehab @iwhresearch @CochraneUK @EU_OSHA @NIOSH_TWH @stami_norge @CSWahlin #