RT @CochraneSkin: #CochraneSkin has produced a systematic review concerning the use of multiple dietary supplements for established atopic…
#CochraneSkin has produced a systematic review concerning the use of multiple dietary supplements for established atopic #eczema Summary: https://t.co/McYeKd0CtI Review: https://t.co/5N2AUil80w #dermtwitter #dermatology #Cochrane
@rmttaan ご意見ありがとうございますを しかしながら、「素人とかわりない」とはどの部分でしょうか? 私はたしかに医師ではありませんが、 発信の内容は基本的にエビデンスをもとにした発信をしております。 今回のツイートの参考資料はこちらになります。 https://t.co/PDXGrnD7Ml https://t.co/Tc5W9Q2Kxi
「美肌菌」「腸内細菌」などのワードは「自然派」っぽくてウケが良いですが、これらを利用した美容治療は現時点で確立されたものは有りません。根拠の無いエセ医学に気をつけましょう! <参考文献> https://t.co/wUNri8JGBl https://t.co/HA16ya3BbQ https://t.co/7Qi2do13rj https://t.co/4Yej1Og9ak
@masudanaika 2012年の Systemic Review の時点では no convincing evidence みたいです https://t.co/Zzqqk5UrFN
@An_armadillo #VitD #eczema No convincing evidence & high doses of vitamin D may give serious medical problems https://t.co/RDgZyXFjR4
No convincing evidence of the benefit of dietary supplements in eczema https://t.co/uTumtdPMC7
There is no convincing evidence of the benefit of #dietary supplements in #eczema, and cannot be recommended http://t.co/ydZLHAjG
Only fish oil had modest effect, Cochrane suggests larger study MT @JuanCIvancevich Supplements in eczema http://t.co/Ux7URHXL
“@JuanCIvancevich: There is no convincing evidence of the benefit of dietary supplements in eczema. http://t.co/mgMLUgNf”
There is no convincing evidence of the benefit of dietary supplements in eczema. http://t.co/xXKz6SKU
Dietary supplements for established atopic eczema in adults and ...: Eczema is a skin condition characterised by... http://t.co/pWvS8OZ1
Dietary supplements for established atopic eczema in adults and ...: This review looked at the following dietary... http://t.co/4YNiUQt4
RT @6_minutes: Cochrane review - no evidence of benefit for dietary supplements in eczema, should not be recommended http://t.co/bR7fPYji
Cochrane review - no evidence of benefit for dietary supplements in eczema, should not be recommended http://t.co/bR7fPYji