المصدر وللتوسع بالمعلومات: https://t.co/zqQWaH5tHY
【運動は糖尿病の改善に効果的】 少し古めの論文ですが、どうやらウォーキングやジョギング、筋トレ等の運動は糖尿病の改善に効果的なようです 人間ドックなんかで糖尿病予備軍と診断された方は、週3回ほどの軽い運動から始めてみて下さい 効果は治療薬と同等だそうです https://t.co/cTS7imNMJm
@MacroFour @EAllen0417 @ScottVMeyers @bigfatsurprise I never denied the conclusion of the intervention. I just pointed out limitations in regards to weight loss. I said already that I wasn't sure at first what this study was supporting. Exercise also impro
W kontekście zbliżającego się Tłustego Czwartku: stwierdzono, że wykonywanie ćwiczeń fizycznych poprawia https://t.co/mAoble6JmO.... https://t.co/mspMpeXMiM
Team in Oz is updating Workplace #pedometer interventions for increasing physical activity. https://t.co/ZekO9006zE https://t.co/75O8mXW3Nr
@exerciseworks @M_Stamatakis @ma_hamer assume want 2 show Ex in positive light? These however might not: http://t.co/5ki1Pz9RPa
Type2 diabetes: exercise improves glycaemic control, reduces belly fat & blood triglycerides even without weight loss http://t.co/pQjBhBUZcC
Reading #spark by Dr John Ratey stokes my interest in the benefits of #exercise. Here is a another link re: diabetes http://t.co/p2k1SgLE
Fysisk aktivitet gir positive helseeffekter blant type 2 diabetikere også uten vekttap http://t.co/9V8k2MVA