Vanessa’s Law expansion puts natural health products in their place
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The post Vanessa’s Law expansion puts natural health products in their place appeared first on Healthy Debate.
Der Beitrag Multivitamin: gesund oder gefährlich? erschien zuerst auf Medizin transparent.
In the fight against cancer, we need all the help we can get.
Fotografía de Deepak Chopra (2013). Foto cortesía de Lifescript (CC-BY 2.0). De una u otra forma, algunas personas, al…
Much mystery surrounds the physiological processes by which humans age, but scientists are learning more all the time. A new…
Teilweise bin ich etwas überfordert, wenn ich die Regale verschiedener Supermärkte passiere. Die Reihen an Döschen mit…
Vitaminpräparate bewahren nicht vor lebensbedrohlichen Krankheiten. Einzelne könnten sogar die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen frühz…
The latest celebrity to use the Internet like a a public speculum is Khloe Kardashian. I know this because my phone blew up…
Many people don’t get enough nutrients from the diet alone (1). Currently, over half of the US population takes synthetic…
Cara Agnese, Buon anno! Speriamo tu abbia passato le Feste in serenità! Per noi come al solito niente vacanze: lo sanno tutti, è…
Though Vitaminwater contains added vitamins and minerals, it's...
A beverage called Vitaminwater has been very popular in recent years. It contains added vitamins and minerals, and is marketed…
I spent over a decade of buying little else than organic food. During that whole time, I never justified my choice by claiming…
One of the greatest triumphs of marketing over evidence was the incredible rise of vitamin supplement use in the 20th century.
Suffering from migraines, back pain, acne, diarrhea or constipation? Rexall pharmacies have a product that might help, but it’s…
Este es el artículo 2 de 2 de la serie Suplementos vitamínicosYa conocemos el contexto socio histórico del comienzo de esta manía…
Este es el artículo 2 de 2 de la serie Suplementos vitamínicosYa conocemos el contexto socio histórico del comienzo de esta manía…
“Eating flowers grown in British gardens could help to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, according to a new study,…
Think those extra vitamins can’t be doing you any harm? Think again. Your body definitely needs vitamins to…
you’re an astute reader of my blog then you’ll notice that, apart from blogging about how to drink wine without killing your…
The Atlantic recently published an excerpt from Dr. Paul Offit’s book Do You Believe in Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of…
The Atlantic recently published an excerpt from Dr. Paul Offit's book Do You Believe in Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of…
The Atlantic recently published an excerpt from Dr. Paul Offit's book Do You Believe in Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of…
The Atlantic recently published an excerpt from Dr. Paul Offit's book Do You Believe in Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of…
Taking vitamin supplements might not be as healthy as you… A Guardian commentary by Henry…
If a tadpole loses its tail, it can simply grow another. The process takes less than a week. Humans can only dream of such…
Headlines claiming that “vitamins lower cancer risk” don’t truly reflect trial…
Headlines claiming that “vitamins lower cancer risk” don’t truly reflect trial…
Another reason to write about alternative medicine: risk. Alternative therapies have associated risks that practitioners may…
An incomplete list of alternative therapies, and comment on some of the benefits and risks. Acupuncture Acupuncture involves…
The newly alive Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says POM Wonderful must stop making unscientific claims for the health benefits…
Las archifamosas y milagrosas bayas Goji. Neutralizan los radicales libres y vienen del Himalaya! Exóticos como las bayas de…
One of the big health trends these days is antioxidants. I’m always coming across articles and advertisements about how certain…
‘Are vitamins killing you?’ – the latest instalment in TV3’s documentary series Inside New Zealand, broadcast October 28 …
Vitamin supplements do not reduce the risk of…