首の痛みに対しての鍼灸の効果 ・慢性、急性むち打ちや慢性的な首の痛みが対象 ・プラセボと比べ、痛みや障害が短期的に改善 https://t.co/cPrXK00Uv3 ✅長期的な効果は不明ですが、短期的に効果の改善があるんですね。鍼灸師の腕により左右はされそうですが。 https://t.co/5kkV7OfEi9
@BenhammouCom @SheeroChana @baptiste_verger @torrentcielle @HomereHoupette @_D_E_F_I @Matadon_ @OSC_Mal_ @Ascl_Pios Oui c'est même plus sérieux et moins dangereux que les placements boursiers et les montages bancaires à deux cents type subprime https://t.
@dpaxorales A dificuldade da acupunctura é a evidência contra placebo porque é preciso uma agulha. Em estudos mais recentes isso é ultrapassado com agulhas rombas "sham acupuncture". E em algumas situações tem resultados +, não tem é em tudo onde a querem
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
#Evidencia científica sobre #acupuntura y #cervicalgia. Última revisión de la #Cochrane: https://t.co/CcvoDO1SqE https://t.co/LYcvfBEcRU #AcupunturaMédica #MedicinaIntegrativa #Acupuncture #IntegrativeMedicine https://t.co/jOx2Fd8Xqo
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @DrJorgeVas: Revisión sistemática: acupuntura mejor que placebo en la cervicalga mecanica para dolor y discapacidad, a corto plazo, sien…
RT @sawara_kajiki: 治れば鍼でも灸でもカイロでも良いと仰っていたのにホメオパシーがダメなのはなぜだろう… https://t.co/xtbQ6qNWTs
治れば鍼でも灸でもカイロでも良いと仰っていたのにホメオパシーがダメなのはなぜだろう… https://t.co/xtbQ6qNWTs
Can acupuncture help in treating neck disorders and in providing pain relief for neck pain?... https://t.co/yT9rnyn6tx
@MAGC707 @tori600RR @AtheistRepublic Hey, @MAGC707 , being a medical professional, I'm assuming you're familiar with the cochrane database? https://t.co/agkNBhduVt
@neru2000neru https://t.co/7Ctyii1OoZ 治れば何でも良いそうですよ
@HRHSKYM その治療家は医療ガバナンスの記事で名指しされていましたから。久住先生はこのようにお考えのようですが、おかしいですよね? https://t.co/7Ctyii1OoZ
RT @CochraneLingual: #Acupuncture for neck disorders translated into German: https://t.co/A7F6BVsPjj @CochraneAT @wissenwaswirkt @CochraneB…
Acupuncture for neck disorders - 2016 Cochrane Review https://t.co/lnYusmB4yY
@unnieik @NRKYtring Hva tenker du om denne studien da? https://t.co/nIa1XcZ5mN
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
Evidencia moderada de la #acupuntura en el dolor crónico de cuello frente a no hacer nada. Alivia #dolor. https://t.co/DGfXjdVQb5
Cochrane review for neck pain and acupuncture concludes that moderate evidence exists for short term pain relief... https://t.co/0tRDxAiBtr
RT @CochraneCAM: True #acupuncture better than sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/jWxlkn2yGo #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/5ahQ5HsX…
Some evidence for the use of Acupuncture in neck disorders for pain relief. No long term benefits shown https://t.co/FYkY5DeMt0 #physio
RT @Acuphys_carl: Coch review of acupuncture for neck pain https://t.co/Y7oykHnKFa https://t.co/wCxDCziGUB
RT @Acuphys_carl: Coch review of acupuncture for neck pain https://t.co/Y7oykHnKFa https://t.co/wCxDCziGUB
Coch review of acupuncture for neck pain https://t.co/Y7oykHnKFa https://t.co/wCxDCziGUB
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
[#Acupuncture, #Cervicalgie] L'acupuncture pour le traitement des cervicalgies : https://t.co/uILugeodjs
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
True #acupuncture better than sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/jWxlkn2yGo #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/5ahQ5HsXJB
Moderate quality evidence for short term benefits of #acupuncture for chronic neck pain #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/QowlFUtg7j
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
RT @CochraneFinland: #Akupunktio voi tepsiä krooniseen #niskavaiva'an, ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä. #niskakipu #niskajumi #akupunktuuri ht…
RT @CochraneFinland: #Akupunktio voi tepsiä krooniseen #niskavaiva'an, ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä. #niskakipu #niskajumi #akupunktuuri ht…
RT @CochraneFinland: #Akupunktio voi tepsiä krooniseen #niskavaiva'an, ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä. #niskakipu #niskajumi #akupunktuuri ht…
RT @CochraneFinland: #Akupunktio voi tepsiä krooniseen #niskavaiva'an, ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä. #niskakipu #niskajumi #akupunktuuri ht…
#Akupunktio voi tepsiä krooniseen #niskavaiva'an, ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä. #niskakipu #niskajumi #akupunktuuri https://t.co/tHUWKsa2Q9
Acupuntura para los trastornos del cuello https://t.co/LTk9C7YF1C
short term beneficial effects of #acupuncture for chronic neck pain #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/vPvr44iMIs https://t.co/coRqfxhGQn
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
Acupuncture for neck disorders | Cochrane https://t.co/j0XuEs3GbF
RT @Qigong__Life: Acupuncture for neck disorders https://t.co/UrblUFSPgx https://t.co/9xrz2VmPLD
RT @CochraneCAM: True #acupuncture outperforms sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/OyHj6Jn4yi #CochraneEvidence
@EdzardErnst @stevennovella Hi. Am I missing something about this acupuncture study? https://t.co/N86ytU6KIy
RT @MOFI_FT: Interesante revisión sistemática. Efectividad #acupuntura vs placebo en problemas cervicales https://t.co/eJTR6fOeKV https://t…
RT @CochraneCAM: True #acupuncture outperforms sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/OyHj6Jn4yi #CochraneEvidence
True #acupuncture outperforms sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/OyHj6Jn4yi #CochraneEvidence
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @MOFI_FT: Interesante revisión sistemática. Efectividad #acupuntura vs placebo en problemas cervicales https://t.co/eJTR6fOeKV https://t…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @MOFI_FT: Interesante revisión sistemática. Efectividad #acupuntura vs placebo en problemas cervicales https://t.co/eJTR6fOeKV https://t…
Neck problems.Thought about acupuncture https://t.co/zAI8763TgB Suggests positive outcomes, something we acupuncturists have known for ages
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @MOFI_FT: Interesante revisión sistemática. Efectividad #acupuntura vs placebo en problemas cervicales https://t.co/eJTR6fOeKV https://t…
Interesante revisión sistemática. Efectividad #acupuntura vs placebo en problemas cervicales https://t.co/eJTR6fOeKV https://t.co/7AqV7f0qaR
"#Acupuncture for #neck disorders. " https://t.co/O72A468UzN
RT @CochraneCAM: #CochraneEvidence that true #acupuncture outperforms sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/N1LRxuKRLO
RT @CochraneCAM: #CochraneEvidence that true #acupuncture outperforms sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/OyHj6Jn4yi
#CochraneEvidence that true #acupuncture outperforms sham in treating #neck pain https://t.co/OyHj6Jn4yi
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
RT @drmike001: #acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.c…
#acupuncture for neck pain - Cochrane SR update: +ve with familiar cautions re evidence https://t.co/V0DuXYBokX https://t.co/kpkx8Erqrr
Neck problems.Thought about acupuncture https://t.co/zAI8763TgB Suggests positive outcomes, something we acupuncturists have known for ages
La #acupuntura es eficaz para el dolor del cuello-cervical, al menos a corto plazo. https://t.co/pb4xDDttQr
Utilidad de la acupuntura para los trastornos del cuello. Esta revisión Cochcrane encuentra pruebas de calidad... https://t.co/SEpLXfmEEL
RT @CochraneCAM: Newly updated #CochraneEvidence on #acupuncture for #neck pain suggests benefit https://t.co/3WML9xN2Mq
RT @AAMAcupuncture: Latest Cochran DB article on #acupuncture for #NeckPain. It's safe and effective. https://t.co/sL427IGFTI
Acupuncture for neck disorders. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/pgn7DJGv0G
RT @AAMAcupuncture: Latest Cochran DB article on #acupuncture for #NeckPain. It's safe and effective. https://t.co/sL427IGFTI
Latest @CochraneLibrary Review finds #acupuncture for neck pain is works, is safe and cost-effective. https://t.co/JzVx3jTt0E
Latest Cochran DB article on #acupuncture for #NeckPain. It's safe and effective. https://t.co/sL427IGFTI
Have you ever had acupuncture? Was it effective? Would love to see how compares to other methods. https://t.co/qbhtNrHNuX
Newly updated #CochraneEvidence on #acupuncture for #neck pain suggests benefit https://t.co/3WML9xN2Mq
Acupuncture for neck disorders. https://t.co/sQj9TFc9xo
https://t.co/sMiei3SHuP L'agopuntura e' efficace... https://t.co/ueUC1vspsa
Acupuncture for neck disorders. - PubMed - NCBI https://t.co/9oDI3pwJzN
Acupuncture for neck disorders. https://t.co/e05Ry9Grjf