RT @JaredPowell12: "Although it is an established procedure, no high-quality randomised trials have been conducted to determine whether sho…
RT @JaredPowell12: "Although it is an established procedure, no high-quality randomised trials have been conducted to determine whether sho…
RT @JaredPowell12: "Although it is an established procedure, no high-quality randomised trials have been conducted to determine whether sho…
RT @JaredPowell12: "Although it is an established procedure, no high-quality randomised trials have been conducted to determine whether sho…
RT @JaredPowell12: "Although it is an established procedure, no high-quality randomised trials have been conducted to determine whether sho…
"Although it is an established procedure, no high-quality randomised trials have been conducted to determine whether shoulder replacement might be more effective than other treatments for osteoarthritis or rotator cuff tear arthropathy of the shoulder." ht
RT @Rongen_Jan: Although becoming an established procedure, no high quality RCTs have been conducted to determine whether shoulder replacem…
RT @Rongen_Jan: Although becoming an established procedure, no high quality RCTs have been conducted to determine whether shoulder replacem…
RT @Rongen_Jan: Although becoming an established procedure, no high quality RCTs have been conducted to determine whether shoulder replacem…
RT @RomCastLoz: NO hay ECAS de alta calidad para determinar si el reemplazo de hombro es más efectivo q otros ttos conservadores para osteo…
NO hay ECAS de alta calidad para determinar si el reemplazo de hombro es más efectivo q otros ttos conservadores para osteoartritis o la artropatía por rotura manguito. -incertidumbre sobre si existe beneficio clínico?. -dolor o función? -calidad de vida?.
Existe incertidumbre acerca beneficio clínico en dolor, función o calidad vida informada paciente. Necesitamos información sobre la toma de dicisión más confiable y conclusiones sobre eventos adversos/daños en cirugía hombro. https://t.co/WcmvBga2hc