@RogerSeheult https://t.co/mNl98pflJL No RCT evidence that changes in LDLc via diet affect CVD or mortality https://t.co/rDol9781Sr https://t.co/vReWVdvjLr https://t.co/KlkVCONLLL MA of RCTs show no effects from meat https://t.co/zwv4VireUg High meat low
@ThelastStyleb16 I know, but they often address different research questions. Still, the conclusions align. https://t.co/k7h98Q0QOY https://t.co/RUhRIEZHDh
So what should we believe? Traditional evidence? Older studies? New evidence? New meta-analyses? A Cochrane review looked into all the evidence available. https://t.co/fu5EmbGPh4
@Fight_of_Lies @sibaburck There is this one: https://t.co/ZyB2beMb5W
@khaou_ Je te conseille de lire plusieurs études tout n’est pas blanc ni noir : On a des preuves tengibles (grosses cohortes et études meta de plusieurs publications) qui prouvent un lien direct avec augmentation de gras saturé dans l’alimentation et risqu
@agargmd @LifeandliesSyra @nicknorwitz How can we respect outright liars that lead the general public right to the grave? No! https://t.co/SlN37gDyTD
@dylanarmbruste3 @hufcm @StevenMBelknap @GardnerPhD @American_Heart Yes and the others. Discussion on the Hooper paper. https://t.co/BV5QRULrl8 https://t.co/1v8qO8iYjs
RT @mindmusclepro: @Bharatashree Some studies to look into 1. https://t.co/1Mx6UDuF9A 2. https://t.co/OezPuGZA0X 3. https://t.co/kvKVQsk…
@Bharatashree Some studies to look into 1. https://t.co/1Mx6UDuF9A 2. https://t.co/OezPuGZA0X 3. https://t.co/kvKVQsk2Gy 4. https://t.co/ZjOtbA4zyR 5. https://t.co/IrbEyobpIT 6. https://t.co/pcISeVh84O 7. https://t.co/fmL5QWxVVM 8. https://t.co/r2
@BroChillerman I would argue not so similar For mortality, the estimate of causal effect with RCTs of sat fat is directionally the same as observational evidence (power could be an issue) For CVD, RCTs of reducing saturated fat fat show reduced CVD event
@Gearoidmuar @naturalguy @ScepticalAnna They do. Hooper 2020: “There was a 17% reduction in cardiovascular events in people who had reduced SFA compared with those on higher SFA” https://t.co/GCpfLLL5nh
@HoldOnStil60450 @ScepticalAnna You should be more worried about sugar than SFA. SR of RCTs: "We found little or no effect of reducing saturated fat on all‐cause mortality... or cardiovascular mortality... or on non‐fatal myocardial infarction" https://t
"don't support" and "large amouts" meaning what? The purpose of the studies you cited vary, not actually controlling for saturated fats intake.... https://t.co/2dQVWhnMzq
@rf121rf @pyroliquidsci @ElieJarrougeMD "Common sense" Please read this review of RCTs: https://t.co/d6t1N14noZ
@ElieJarrougeMD Wrong. Cochrane Review with 15 RCT: "reducing saturated fat intake for at least two years causes a potentially important reduction in combined cardiovascular events" https://t.co/pEJXu4zYnq
Humans were opportunistic omnivores. They ate whatever they could. That's what anthropologist like Dr Herman Pontzer say. @HermanPontzer Citing one article that is not in congruency with the totality of evidence isn't helpful. Reducing saturated fat inta
@EricTopol @NatureMedicine @ClemensWittenb2 SR of RCTs: “We found little or no effect of reducing saturated fat on all‐cause mortality or cardiovascular mortality... [or] on non‐fatal myocardial infarction or CHD mortality" https://t.co/mNl98peNUd
@triagemethod Or maybe the conclusions of PURE are correct considering they are supported by 2-5 year long RCTs of saturated fat: "We found little or no effect of reducing saturated fat on all‐cause mortality or cardiovascular mortality" https://t.co/mNl9
@drmatthewnagra Still doesn't address the issue of needing to hold SFA constant w/in study design. Considering RCTs show "little or no effect of reducing SFA on all‐cause mortality or cardiovascular mortality," quibbling over *maybe* 4 mg/dL of LDLc is a
@BroChillerman @NutritionMadeS3 Can you share data that trumps a meta analysis of RCTs on this topic which considers the replacement nutrient? https://t.co/Qj7jPK9eto).
@823jjd @Cotic @Nutradvance That's the problem,you don't like some scientific consensus so you just say "but I don't like how the science is done".The only people who will spew this anti nutrition research nonsense are influencers, not scientists But here
@haarvig RCT-er om når de onde frøoljene erstatter mettet fett: -Innflammasjon; Nøytral - positiv effekt (PMID: 34608514 og 15774905) -Hjerte/karsykdom; Nøytral-positiv effekt (PMID: 28526025 og 20351774) Om reduksjon av mettet fett og kardiovaskulær
@kokken_tor1 RCT-er om når de onde frøoljene erstatter mettet fett: -Innflammasjon; Nøytral - positiv effekt (PMID: 34608514 og 15774905) -Hjerte/karsykdom; Nøytral-positiv effekt (PMID: 28526025 og 20351774) Om reduksjon av mettet fett og kardiovasku
@theproof @GardnerPhD @bigfatsurprise Why don't people in the high SFA intake interventions die more often in RCTs? Why is SFA's reputation nearly as bad as tobacco's despite exonerating evidence from RCTs? https://t.co/mNl98peNUd
@jibtie @NutritionMadeS3 https://t.co/mNl98peNUd SFA RCTs make it clear that increasing LDLc does not increase mortality https://t.co/LrurwG05st Torcetrapib is a drug that reduced LDLc and increased mortality https://t.co/5UOn33ZMHn hsCRP predicts mortal
So, what happens when you reduce dietary satuated fat? A Cochrane review found cutting down on saturated fat led to a 17% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease (including heart disease and strokes. https://t.co/LwEAhChwsz
Hooper, L., Martin, N., Jimoh, O. F., Kirk, C., Foster, E., & Abdelhamid, A. S. (2020). Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (8). https://t.co/8cEYQfc48n (6/8)
@TamarHaspel https://t.co/mNl98pflJL SR of RCTs: "We found little or no effect of reducing saturated fat on all‐cause mortality" https://t.co/Ec925X8txL Statin benefits could be from their anti-inflammatory effects. Statin evidence may not be relevant to t
@SBakerMD @drdairy50 These correlations are not good evidence re saturated fats. Stronger evidence: Cochrane review of randomized controlled trials: replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat reduces the risk of CVD events, esp when blood cholesterol wa
RT @KetoCounselor: Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (8). (4/6) https…
RT @KetoCounselor: Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (8). (4/6) https…
Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (8). (4/6) https://t.co/8cEYQfbwiP
@vapidbobcat @danyal9600 @BioLayne You haven’t actually posted where this study comes from once. That said we have a larger mega analysis with more RCTs showing that “reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17%”
@DietHeartNews @Edward_Smith92 I agree that we're not lab rats. But human studies have altered diary/meat OR sat fat of diets (typical, mixed meals). Sat fat has a clear impact on circulating cholesterol - that doesn't mean "don't eat any foods with sat
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
@StephenPiment @Meaningness Good RCTs, that randomize people to different diets and examine the effects on hard clinical outcomes such as cardiovascular events or mortality, (1) are possible and (2) exist. For example, see this Cochrane review of RCTs ab
@lumpenspace For context, meta-analyses looking at CV events instead of biomarkers tend to be consistent with this MA. PUFAs may reduce the risk of CV events when compared to SFAs. (Though the effect of MUFAs is unclear and there’s no difference found for
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
@DBelardoMD @AviBittMD RCTs: "We found little or no effect of reducing saturated fat on all‐cause mortality or CVD mortality" https://t.co/mNl98peNUd It's too bad there's no convincing evidence that reducing saturated fat saves lives. It would be nice to
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
RT @Rizzenhouse: These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
These people, man. “Sure” 🤓 https://t.co/Xos1QvKE5G
@renatodumbra @MacroFour @LDLSkeptic If SFA ⬆️ LDL and LDL causes CVD, it does not follow SFA cause CVD - https://t.co/7nXIMchqd6 LDL per se harmless - https://t.co/eCD7XFPi8s See our comments to Cochrane - https://t.co/5C8zYOQtLm And further analysis u
@MacroFour @ZahcM @LDLSkeptic 2 great papers for you: https://t.co/Si3toLXMMl https://t.co/rLPLItApnE
@carnivore_jt This one is better. It looked at RCTs it also took into account the threshold issue https://t.co/4xENk8aWDM
@ketogrillbakery Hooper 2020 was the Cochrane review meta-analysis for RCTs on saturated fat reduction. The Minnesota Coronary Experiment was excluded because the average duration was too short (the inclusion criteria called for 24 months or more) https:/
@ESYudkowsky Bad take. Keys was not a scientific fraud: https://t.co/P7Cc1HFPlF But who cares anyways? We have much better evidence now that shows that replacing SFA with PUFA (e.g., veg oils) reduces cardiovascular disease. https://t.co/qjqgVE6aA4
@ESYudkowsky Is that actually true? Cochrane did a meta-analysis of fifteen more recent RCTs, and found that the effect of saturated fat on health was either neutral or bad, definitely not positive as the thread claims https://t.co/4uceVyEuEw
Cochrane-katsauksessa havaittiin riskisuhde 0.94 (95% luottamusväli 0.78-1.13, näytön varmuus oli kohtalainen) sydän- ja verisuonitautikuolleisuuden osalta. "Reducing saturated fat intake probably makes little or no difference to cardiovascular mortality."
@Kirsten3531 Random nutrition podcasts aren’t the best source of nutrition information. > The included long‐term trials suggested that reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17% [RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.9
@exfatloss @FrogHarmless @Tellit007 “The included long‐term trials suggested that reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17% (risk ratio (RR) 0.83; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.70 to 0.98 […])” https://t.co/
@BenDavi13814607 @MohammedAlo Multiple meta-analyses of RCTs and genetic studies find a log-linear relationship between lower LDL-c and lower CVD, and reductions in saturated fat and lower CVD too. https://t.co/zV81852dnB https://t.co/rTtlii1T6d http
🍗🌭🍔🍟🍕Kesan mengurangkan lemak tepu yang dimakan terhadap risiko penyakit jantung 🫀🧠 Klik sini untuk info tambahan 👇🏼 https://t.co/5Jl0XYwfd1 #cochrane #cochranemalaysia #cochraneevidence #cochranelibrary #cochraneorg #cochranelibrary #lemaktepu #penyaki
@AaronBergman18 @ChadNotChud “When we subgrouped according to replacement for SFA, the PUFA replacement group suggested a 21% reduction in cardiovascular events” https://t.co/lROAKiCTzm
@jmmulet Llevo días pensando en esto. He mirado esto https://t.co/MNoNofBPPr y no me ha impresionado mucho. Hay otros aspectos de la salud relacionados con las grasas saturadas aparte de la salud cardiovascular? A lo mejor estoy buscando mal.
@Paul_James_1 @shelly_187 I linked it purely to explain the chart, it doesn't matter who he is really. I linked it to explain why there is conflicting information out there. https://t.co/w3yon9Ey4B
Hyvä esimerkki minkä takia keinotekoiset raja-arvot ovat ongelmallisia. Mitä satunnaistettu tutkimusnäyttö kertoo tyydyttyneiden rasvojen vähentämisen hyödyistä? https://t.co/ZskScydbLZ
@aCarnivoreDiet @BioLayne "The included long‐term trials suggested that reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17%" https://t.co/Si3toLXMMl
@trigsjourney https://t.co/1UCivsx0VY 56,675 participants The included long‐term trials suggested that reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17%
@cashandcarrots @SentientBlobBob @CaryKelly11 It doesn't matter. The data today is clear that Ancel Keys was right about saturated fat: https://t.co/4xENk8aWDM
@aCarnivoreDiet @BioLayne “The included long-term trials suggested that reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17%” https://t.co/3LKn3xCX1A
RT @ZahcM: They continue to include a study with many red flags and "concerns of fraud." As we noted 👇 https://t.co/uFrWirh2Ed https://t…
@carniyogi @SteAssent Zero? By reducing your LDL-c levels, you can even lower the risk of cardiovascular events. Here's a systematic review w meta-analysis on Cochrane: https://t.co/RSoomf6E06
RT @ZahcM: They continue to include a study with many red flags and "concerns of fraud." As we noted 👇 https://t.co/uFrWirh2Ed https://t…
RT @ZahcM: They continue to include a study with many red flags and "concerns of fraud." As we noted 👇 https://t.co/uFrWirh2Ed https://t…
They continue to include a study with many red flags and "concerns of fraud." As we noted 👇 https://t.co/uFrWirh2Ed https://t.co/jxm3neoIxe
@rootkits10056 @ChadNotChud Yeah he is basically telling us he failed 1st grade math without telling us he failed 1st grade math. Supposedly reduces deaths from CHD yet does not reduce total all cause mortality. Hmmm so 2 - 1 = 2! https://t.co/pIhCmzyd8X
@DavidVio2 E.g. https://t.co/RmcUnhtXfl Replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat reduced risk of CVD events (though statistical significance was not reached for overall mortality)
@lcmail2 @Ainz__Sama @rc_tullius @vegan_logic Saturated fats have been demonstrated over and over to increase risk of CVD. RCTs that actually have sufficient power and aren't confounded by trans fats show this. https://t.co/4xENk8aWDM
Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease https://t.co/lxeZKcSNDk Cochrane warning https://t.co/Dhnksb72ME
@Gerlat_Of_Rivia @malott_austin @hum_dunkin https://t.co/elNNJ4VqFQ https://t.co/SCMFUKpzrQ low and high density lipoprotein are acutely associated with chronic heart disease. These enter the body through saturated fats, like butter and tropical oils, and
@bigfatsurprise Or this one? https://t.co/NC8Taj3b7H There are more, but for you to be so confident in your assertions just demonstrates YOUR clear lack of objectivity
@primary3down "reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17%" "greater reductions in saturated fat (reflected in greater reductions in serum cholesterol) resulted in greater reductions in risk of CVD events" http
ودي الدراسات الحديثة https://t.co/Zr6ALny7yT أيوة في دراسات اتعلمت بتقول أن مفيش فرق ف استخدام الدهون المشبعة عن الدهون التانية لكن لسة الevidence مش بالقوة اللي تغير guidelines أنا مش باخد المواضيع شخصيا أنا طبيبة وأكاديمية وحفضل احترم التوصيات والبحث ا
@Malnutridos El meta de Hooper analiza SFA en general, y su sustitución por otros macronutrientes. https://t.co/AKVNAEMjwf
@MyNutritionSci right but which month. from the screen grab I think its the previous version before they added Sydney and the numbers changed? https://t.co/zPCKMsyJGy
Replacing the energy from saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat or complex carbohydrate appear to be useful strategies to reduce risks of cardiovascular events. https://t.co/Xa6ymtBOAa
@gAlecsyBrain @dr_cois @TheBhupiThakur @NutritionMadeS3 @raulmartin_n “15 RCTs, that used a variety of interventions from providing all food to advice on reducing saturated fat” “reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular e
@MohammedAlo There is a slightly later version (21st Aug 2020 vs 19 May 2020) of the Cochrane review at Doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011737.pub3 https://t.co/rbEfHlrr7s
@ExMuslimsMN No there is a basically a consensus. All (except two badly made ones) RCTs show that saturated fat increases risk. This is the biggest meta analysis on the topic: https://t.co/4xENk8aWDM
@me_fafo @RomeoStevens76 @bananamelter @lillybilly299 @sunofdopamine @romeostevens Myth? Really? You mean the myth that's been shown by almost every single RCT out there? That myth? https://t.co/4xENk8aWDM
@PeterFaberSP @NutritionMadeS3 15 RCTs. “The included long‐term trials suggested that reducing dietary saturated fat reduced the risk of combined cardiovascular events by 17% (risk ratio (RR) 0.83; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.70 to 0.98” Looks like he
Wirkung der eingeschränkten Aufnahme gesättigter Fettsäuren über die Nahrung auf das Risiko von Herzerkrankungen https://t.co/2kz1IyfY88