@curious_soul___ @calmdiscuss @theliverdr https://t.co/RI2FaAPtEK. Here is the one of the many published articles on the topic, it's more scholarly in nature
Effect of atorvastatin on testosterone levels https://t.co/Vi52ndr9YX
RT @CaloriesProper: Oh, this is ripe. Carnivores: "You need to eat meat & cholesterol to make testosterone! Statins kill testosterone!" S…
What is the effect of atorvastatin on testosterone and other hormone levels in men and women? https://t.co/LY48z8XOrq @CochraneLibrary
@amerix https://t.co/OIeXpwsKUR Studies don't exactly supoort this hypothesis. I also conducted quick and dirty Mendelian Randomization in MRbase and the results were not very conclusive, although there may be some effects, I guess.
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @MHcsba: Solo en SOP?
Solo en SOP?
What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which includes evidence from 6 RCTs: https://t.co/RFmhUmVbPV #statins #cholesterol #testosterone https://t.co/H1Z1ArWdMO
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @primastcar: #FlashMedCV #CardioTwitter #Meded Revisión vía @CochraneHTN 💊Atorvastatina : 👉No modifica niveles de testosterona en 👨 👉…
RT @primastcar: #FlashMedCV #CardioTwitter #Meded Revisión vía @CochraneHTN 💊Atorvastatina : 👉No modifica niveles de testosterona en 👨 👉…
RT @primastcar: #FlashMedCV #CardioTwitter #Meded Revisión vía @CochraneHTN 💊Atorvastatina : 👉No modifica niveles de testosterona en 👨 👉…
RT @primastcar: #FlashMedCV #CardioTwitter #Meded Revisión vía @CochraneHTN 💊Atorvastatina : 👉No modifica niveles de testosterona en 👨 👉…
#FlashMedCV #CardioTwitter #Meded Revisión vía @CochraneHTN 💊Atorvastatina : 👉No modifica niveles de testosterona en 👨 👉 redujo la testosterona total, el IAL, la androstendiona y el DHEAS en 👩 con Ovário poliquístico 👀🤔Niveldeevidenciabaja: 6 ensayos (2
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which includes evidence from 6 RCTs: https://t.co/RFmhUmVbPV #statins #cholesterol #testosterone https://t.co/CIIqFNpAm0
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which…
What are the effects of #atorvastatin on testosterone levels?💊 Find out in our @CochraneLibrary #SystematicReview, which includes evidence from 6 RCTs: https://t.co/RFmhUncMHt #statins #cholesterol #testosterone https://t.co/bB7w0u78Bw
New Review! Effect of atorvastatin on testosterone levels https://t.co/Vi52ndIKQv #kahnchronicle
RT @cochrane_russia: Как аторвастатин влияет на уровень тестостерона и других гормонов у мужчин и женщин? https://t.co/hJ7JaHF6ji
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
Revue Cochrane sur l’effet de l’atorvastine sur les niveaux de testostérone https://t.co/oFhXFPL3kC https://t.co/YTNJ6slSB0
RT @CochraneIberoam: ¿Cuáles son los efectos de la atorvastatina en el nivel de testosterona y otras hormonas en hombres y mujeres? https:/…
¿Cuáles son los efectos de la atorvastatina en el nivel de testosterona y otras hormonas en hombres y mujeres? https://t.co/4l7OKGWb6g Revisión sistemática de @CochraneHTN con 6 estudios y 265 participantes. Certeza de la evidencia baja o muy baja.
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
Effect of atorvastatin on testosterone levels (22 January 2021) https://t.co/WXxs0sLwNi https://t.co/zvL2V36KBL
RT @CochraneLibrary: What is the effect of #atorvastatin on testosterone & other hormone levels in men and women? https://t.co/vC0Nlp99Z2 T…
What is the effect of #atorvastatin on testosterone & other hormone levels in men and women? https://t.co/vC0Nlp99Z2 This @CochraneHTN systematic review included evidence from 6 studies, involving 265 participants...but the certainty of the evidence wa
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
RT @Drug_Evidence: Congratulations to @shawish_ismail on the publication of his first @CochraneCollab review! https://t.co/HU1lIsoExC
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
Congratulations to @shawish_ismail on the publication of his first @CochraneCollab review!
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
RT @CochraneHTN: What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includ…
What are the effects of atorvastatin on testosterone levels? Find out in our latest @CochraneLibrary review, which includes evidence from 6 RCTs: https://t.co/RFmhUncMHt #statins #SysRev #CochraneEvidence https://t.co/u706kQqN6d