Ein Wegbereiter der modernen evidenzbasierten Medizin: Ignaz Semmelweis
Wissen was wirkt,
Einfache Hygienemaßnahmen wie gründliches Händewaschen sind wichtig und effektiv sind, um Infektionen zu kontrollieren. Das…
Einfache Hygienemaßnahmen wie gründliches Händewaschen sind wichtig und effektiv sind, um Infektionen zu kontrollieren. Das…
#18,205Although we've seen ample evidence that the consistent wearing of surgical masks and/or N95 respirators in high risk…
Last year I wrote that a day may come, when we have evidence about masks that’s so strong, so convincing, only the most…
Photo Credit PHIL (Public Health Image Library)#17,926Although in western cultures, long before COVID burst onto the scene in…
Five months from now, health ministers from the 194 sovereign states recognized by the United Nations (UN) will meet in Geneva…
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Much onerous and harmful government regulation can be prevented by the application of well-known and well-understood principles…
This post by Adam Mastroianni about dental hygiene caught my eye and got me thinking about my life, career, and the importance…
#17,744While the topic of wearing face masks in public is highly divisive for some people, we continue to see strong…
The most recent review into the effectiveness of face masks has confirmed that they do help to prevent covid-19, but the…
The post Are mask mandates in health-care settings justified? appeared first on Healthy Debate.
The Cochrane Collaboration was established in 1993 as an idealistic grassroots organisation with the aim of publishing updated…
WhatsNew2Day - Latest News And Breaking…
Having gotten a taste of what unlimited power and authority they could wield under the pretext of pandemic management, the…
(Scott Johnson) We’ve had Anthony Fauci’s number for a long time. I took to calling him the fallacious Anthony Fauci during the…
Image: Disorientation, by heiwa4126 (CC BY 2.0) In…
Never Forget: Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors During CovidBy Brandon SmithAlt-Market.usAugust 12, 2023donate Fac…
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, public scientific knowledge in the US concerning masks and vaccines was often politicised and…
The end of the federal government's health emergency has left COVID-conscious Americans feeling vulnerable. Here are some steps…
From The Daily…
(Don Boudreaux) TweetGeorge Will decries the current state of the city of Chicago. A slice: Since Chicago’s population…
Schneider Shorts 17.03.2023 - St Carlos of Cnidaria in PNAS, appropriate action on fraud in Grenoble, protests in Groningen…
Today's assignment: You write for the most influential newspaper in America. Your recent column about COVID relied on dubious…
Last week, the Cochrane Collaborative was forced to walk back the conclusions of a review by Tom Jefferson et al that had been…
The World Health Organization (WHO) first declared the COVID-19 outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEI…
#17,340Although there is ample evidence that the consistent and proper wearing of a good quality (preferably N95) face mask or…
The Cochrane Review 'Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses' was published in…
Šíria sa správy, že rúška nefungujú – dokazuje to údajne nová štúdia z Cochrane Library. Vedecká komunita poukazuje na množstvo…
From Science…
Ross McKitrick writes at Financial Post Policing misinformation from the misinformation police. Excerpt in italics with my…
Ross McKitrick writes at Financial Post Policing misinformation from the misinformation police. Excerpt in italics with my…
Enlarge / Asian woman with protective face mask using smartphone while commuting in the urban bridge in city against crowd of…
We may never have a definitive answer to COVID's origins. Reserve your anger for the way the Trump administration bungled its…
On the necessity of working to convince rather than compel.
Labeling a newspaper column an “opinion” doesn’t create a license to play fast and loose with facts. All of my op-eds for the…
In this episode of Talk Evidence, Helen Macdonald is joined by Juan Franco and Joe Ross, to bring you the newest evidence in…
In this episode of Talk Evidence, Helen Macdonald is joined by Juan Franco and Joe Ross, to bring you the newest evidence in…
Bret Stephens and other conservatives are hawking a new study that supposedly says mask mandates are useless. Anyone who…
“An intervention that you don't use correctly probably won't work well.”View Entire Post ›
OPINIONBRET STEPHENSThe Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?Feb. 21, 20234 MIN READCredit...Benjamin LowyBy B…
A recent Cochrane review, limited in scope and problematic in methodology, does not show that masks do not work, despite common…
The gold standard of evidence-based medicine has not shown the effectiveness of masks against the coronavirus.
The government of Japan will no longer request universal masking from March. To coincide with this, the government’s Covid…
(Don Boudreaux) TweetEric Boehm of Reason reports on the Biden administration’s stubborn opposition to a Congressional…
Thestudyreviewed 78 randomized control trials—experiments that have long been considered "the gold standard" for medicine—which…
The management of the Covid-19 pandemic by national governments, public health departments and international agencies has often…
The Cochrane Library just published an analysis of the effect of wearing mask, using N95 respirators, and hand washing on the…
Listen to the podcast on YouTube (if they don’t whack it for hurting their feelings), BitChute, or Gab. Dear reader, a full-on…
Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses – Cochrane…