@a_longhurst Please cite your sources as to how respiratory diseases like Covid reduced spread by wearing masks. I’d love to learn more. https://t.co/dgrt6hkWM1
@scott_squires Idiotic lies. People under the age of 19 have an almost zero percent chance of dying from COVID. And masks don't work... IFR by Age: https://t.co/JwLmc0sEfz Masking effectiveness: https://t.co/hTZHop9vlZ https://t.co/EdAmwlaGB3
@joes_world @Russell01391521 @TorontoStar These are not single, low quality studies. They are literature reviews of what the highest quality studies (RCT) in the literature show. Cochrane: https://t.co/32qlEn0ctG CDC: https://t.co/qWYaq2JJkG WHO: https://t
@DocBass4 @chil8for5 @bruce_steiner You’re dead wrong! Here’s actual science: https://t.co/4CfFmTBFWQ
@BarryHunt008 It turns out… you’re STILL in a denialist cult. https://t.co/kagUmbEVFx
@Drcharliefraud He's right mask don't work https://t.co/zzdCWE5gqW https://t.co/2pzyQm99Ai
@WADeptHealth "The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks." https://t.co/lwT3e8kSqf
73/ #Cochrane-Studie: "Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness ... COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks" https://t.co/TlqLzLzzZg
@DocAhmadMalik @Jikkyleaks Someone’s spreading misinformation but it’s not this guy. https://t.co/J4GBzivay7
@AwhatsN @TheBreakdownAB Please. COVID is no ordinary respiratory virus. It's sad people like you are that dumb. It's .13 microns. Masks are useless. https://t.co/qjWgehwEvt https://t.co/M5LrrhL2Vd https://t.co/VmCjNa4a1o https://t.co/Cd4luEMuyB ht
RT @0waki: コクランがマスク無効を認めた!と一部で話題のこれ、あんまり言われてないみたいだけど責任著者がポール・グラジウーなんだよね。ガイアットやチャーマーズと並んでEBM運動の中核と言うべき人が出てきてるってことはこの論文にEBMの威信が懸かってる。そしてマスクは無…
コクラン 、マスクの件 https://t.co/LYBGeWYANj
@bbysnoopi @big_monkeyball @cleebennett @realDonaldTrump I implore you to actually read this well renowned research article from a reputable source. https://t.co/hQ1em7I3ys
@masking__mama @_lolololno @JeromeAdamsMD @MROmarketplace “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used i
@masking__mama @JeromeAdamsMD @MROmarketplace “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine ca
@ZaleskiLuke @elonmusk “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce respirator
RT @ScienceBlog3: @ebennett74 @RigMatthew @AmerAcadPeds @US_FDA 💉This new Cochrane review from January of 2023 again showed that masks had…
@HolgiD @DoHeinerultras Gern.geschehen. https://t.co/6AebivOXYh https://t.co/6cR82vNne1
@JeromeAdamsMD @MROmarketplace “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce re
RT @trishgreenhalgh: 51. COCHRANE REVIEW OF MASK RCTs You may have seen the headlines in the last couple of weeks, that a ‘Cochrane review’…
@chinamanblue @atrupar @RandPaul @RonJohnsonWI https://t.co/ArdU9gltsK QUOTE: The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use o
RT @KarenBearss: @RenzTom And they do not work https://t.co/qgZKQiBLPk https://t.co/QOtFlI7aIj
RT @KarenBearss: @RenzTom And they do not work https://t.co/qgZKQiBLPk https://t.co/QOtFlI7aIj
@RenzTom And they do not work https://t.co/qgZKQiBLPk https://t.co/QOtFlI7aIj
@GANyborg @espenteigen Kanskje du skulle holde deg til vitenskapelige studier, som viser at munnbind har liten eller ingen effekt overfor influensa-lignende sykdommer som covid, og ikke surre med konspirasjonsteorier. https://t.co/8Yye4ME0pe
@raportti @Aki_Nummelin Mitä väliä sillä on, kuka sen tutkimustiedon linkkasi? Osaatko käyttää Googlea? https://t.co/ebZqiHUERg
RT @herbthefox1: @zalaly Blaming the child when there is now ample scientific evidence, cloth masks do not prevent covid spread. This is…
@AlfonsoRamosGl1 @Kenneth72712993 @brandondaly2018 1st Provide citation case for mask studies reference being "debunked" (we know you're talking out of your ass) 2nd "Probabilistic calculations" is low quality evidence. 3rd. Catch up. 78 Randomized Cont
@Maribel24091971 "Un estudio". Aqui hay otro: https://t.co/221WX5kHJ4
@tmenke88 @A_tothe_Z_Amber @tacticalbaggle @RonFilipkowski Lol no. Even Pfizer and Moderna’s own results showed that their vaccine did not reduce deaths and when infections from the time of vaccines included and it makes you more likely to get infected wit
RT @herbthefox1: @zalaly Blaming the child when there is now ample scientific evidence, cloth masks do not prevent covid spread. This is…
RT @herbthefox1: @zalaly Blaming the child when there is now ample scientific evidence, cloth masks do not prevent covid spread. This is…
@zalaly Blaming the child when there is now ample scientific evidence, cloth masks do not prevent covid spread. This is media propaganda. Disgusting, shameful and wrong. 🤬 https://t.co/D9erFVlv8q https://t.co/cjtOzkXxq3
RT @5rHxIhQGQnnRSOe: コクラン編集長のいちゃもんは協議の結果、却下。 「著者との対話の結果、平易な要約と抄録の変更は内容の科学的完全性に影響を与えないと判断されたため、コクランは本レビューの平易な要約と抄録の更新を求めないこととした。」 https://t…
RT @5rHxIhQGQnnRSOe: コクラン編集長のいちゃもんは協議の結果、却下。 「著者との対話の結果、平易な要約と抄録の変更は内容の科学的完全性に影響を与えないと判断されたため、コクランは本レビューの平易な要約と抄録の更新を求めないこととした。」 https://t…
コクラン編集長のいちゃもんは協議の結果、却下。 「著者との対話の結果、平易な要約と抄録の変更は内容の科学的完全性に影響を与えないと判断されたため、コクランは本レビューの平易な要約と抄録の更新を求めないこととした。」 https://t.co/GDLTruk034 https://t.co/GUSErqpx2Y
@zalaly Masks don't work. What a disgraceful thing to say about a child. https://t.co/xJSZXRtlHR
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
RT @HowieHardcore: @CovidDataReport “There is just no evidence that they make any difference.” Become familiar with the Cochrane study (th…
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
@wotakumame パンツ北村氏より、コクランを信じた方が良いと思いますけどね。 https://t.co/ZSE8LypD91 https://t.co/H8LslnnFBM
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
> We obtained the following results: Medical or surgical masks Ten studies took place in the community, and two studies in healthcare workers. Compared with wearing no mask in the community studies only, wearing a mask may make little to no difference in h
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
RT @MNHR_Labo: エビデンス大好きな皆さんに朗報です。 コクランが昨日「マスクの感染予防効果」についての最新エビデンス(エビデンス界で最高峰と言われるシステマティックレビュー)を出しました。(コロナ禍の11件を含む78件のRCT) 「効果はない」そうです。 現場…
https://t.co/Vh2yEsgj3q suggested reading @VitalikButerin https://t.co/HOl5wSMw6P
@twtomcat Bei medi-chir. Masken im Vergleich zu keinen Masken wurden 12 Studien ausgewertet. D Tragen von Masken hat keinen oder nur einen geringen Einfluss auf d Auftreten von Grippe u. (ILI)/COVID-19-ähnl. Erkrankungen im Vergleich zum Nichttragen von
@CovidDataReport “There is just no evidence that they make any difference.” Become familiar with the Cochrane study (the gold standard) which destroys the mask narrative: https://t.co/KcvCi9ePts NYTs story here: https://t.co/sEPBnwIXgB
@Lillymaxx @WHO @WHO_Europe @WHOWPRO @WHOAFRO @WHOEMRO @WHOSEARO @pahowho “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in
@BronskiJoseph Not very convincing data. And logically the ‘Foegen effect’ will always be at play and is well-documented. https://t.co/aTixBeYjuu https://t.co/b8KnOcfWGP
RT @A1an_M: Cochrane review link: https://t.co/GD3krtoBxS Interview with the lead author: https://t.co/IxTn0agj0Z Trust the evidence substa…
@bern_identity There is no science to support masking, but we do get a virtue signal. “when you care about others”. Nauseating. https://t.co/cN7ZdbvReI
@raubreywhite Kanskje du skulle ta deg bryet med å lese konklusjonen fra Cochrane-stiftelsen, som gikk gjennom 12 studier om masket/munnbind, og konkluderte med at de har "liten eller ingen effekt". https://t.co/8Yye4MEyeM
@Fawful52919496 @Jim_my_Villano @Swede__American @ctefft11 @MilaLovesJoe @POTUS It's probably above your IQ but here goes: https://t.co/ZtHDiutKL7
@whurlacurl @ibrake4ants Here is the famous/infamous Cochrane review: https://t.co/3Fyr0oWwUl
@AlbertaLeonidas @ABDanielleSmith "Following the science (tm)". Enough of this fckn bullshit already. The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. https://t.co/XVJcTr34y3
信じたいものを信じるのは勝手ですが「キチンと読もうね」って話です。 ↑ へー じゃあ「読め」よ https://t.co/0wxeOshzhi で、なんと書いてある? 😂 https://t.co/lWxzqTAGyF
@ztisdale It was the flu rebranded. How do I know that? Because the data shows that the flu vanished and that's not how any of this works. I can't fathom how stupid people are. The data is RIGHT FCKN THERE! No, it wasn't because of masks and stickers on th
@rakefet199 @dallasalexandr You should educate yourself and read the actual data - belief is not fact! https://t.co/jFQOEY3nmL. Full of what, the flu? Perhaps because all the jabs have ruined individuals immune systems. Facts not fiction, data not feelings
@sandyfukiu @JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce respir
@AccessPediatric @JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce r
@BrandyBeeRose @JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce res
@RedSqwirrell @JeromeAdamsMD @DrEricDing “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to
@DixieT13 @JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce respirat
@shugckb9 @JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce respirat
@DuhTroof @JeromeAdamsMD @TRyanGregory “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to r
@JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral
@JeromeAdamsMD “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral
@djsampson @gerberi51 @JeromeAdamsMD @MROmarketplace “RCT did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection w-the use of medical/surgical masks..no clear differences between the use of masks compared with N95respirators in HCWs when used in rou
@ferrydevries32 @StevenArra @radio1be Hoe triest is Steven, blijft maar zeiken die nietsnut. Serieus ? https://t.co/WWm9I3LHNK
Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses - Jefferson, T - 2023 | Cochrane Library https://t.co/SSV0LPv5mh
@CLestuzzi @Lulu_larossa Questo è lo studio sul sito Cochrane, c'è il link nell'articolo Magari leggi, prima di commentare a vanvera https://t.co/fE7OXct4Se
RT @ExtraSaltedNuts: @Broekm @rotten_guts5 @DrSpooky_ER Several confounding factors in efficacy: 1. Aerosols are smaller than gaps in the…
@Broekm @rotten_guts5 @DrSpooky_ER Several confounding factors in efficacy: 1. Aerosols are smaller than gaps in the N95 weave. 2. Static attraction of fibers is moot at ~15 minutes of moisture buildup from exhalation. 3. Size of filter is meaningless whe