@lasstmichdurch @sittenstrolchin Gern. So sieht das aus: https://t.co/UE464ZO925 Und Studien: https://t.co/IsjjRXfwtZ https://t.co/9WJlGn2NZ6
@Aidan_Baron @nomadicgp this is where I will bring in the last Cochrane review on reducing perineal trauma (Aasheim et al 2017) showing poor quality evidence for hands on/off but warm compresses/massages had moderate quality evidence https://t.co/OCIkTNcz
@buist_rob @GillMoncrieff @believemeithurt Hopefully they are not quoting this study alone but hopefully it will be included in the next Cochrane review(which I recommended). This CSR (level 1 evidence) includes 5 other studies that show no difference (ha
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma. A fantastic read https://t.co/oLu4JEuFbg
RT @radmidassoc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma | Cochrane #OASI #ARM2020 #HowBirthWor…
RT @radmidassoc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma | Cochrane #OASI #ARM2020 #HowBirthWor…
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma | Cochrane #OASI #ARM2020 #HowBirthWorks https://t.co/q8p9sGefEO
@Eirenezurita Te copio un enlace con una revisión sistemática al respecto. https://t.co/CEOkpCpoXb
RT @CochraneJapan: コクランレビュー「会陰損傷を減らすための分娩第2期の会陰ケア手技」の平易な要約は日本語でもお読みいただけます。 https://t.co/i7A3AbccNs
RT @CochraneJapan: コクランレビュー「会陰損傷を減らすための分娩第2期の会陰ケア手技」の平易な要約は日本語でもお読みいただけます。 https://t.co/i7A3AbccNs
Did you know that perineal tears can be reduced/managed with the right care during labour? Read the details in the post below to find out how! #labour #perinealmassage https://t.co/LuwGRUgmJc
コクランレビュー「会陰損傷を減らすための分娩第2期の会陰ケア手技」の平易な要約は日本語でもお読みいただけます。 https://t.co/i7A3AbccNs
RT @PlymouthMIDSOC: 2017 Cochrane Review: the use of a warm perineal compress and perineal massage may reduce the incidence of third- and f…
2017 Cochrane Review: the use of a warm perineal compress and perineal massage may reduce the incidence of third- and fourth-degree tears https://t.co/DhXxGyMXto
Vaginal births are often associated with some trauma. Techniques are being used to slow down the birth of baby’s head, & allow the perineum to stretch slowly to prevent injury. Massage, warm compresses, etc are widely used by midwives & birth atten
RT @jimgthornton: OASIS care bundle. Why have we started believing biased association studies in preference to RCTs? https://t.co/1D8yK8ZMII
RT @jimgthornton: OASIS care bundle. Why have we started believing biased association studies in preference to RCTs? https://t.co/1D8yK8ZMII
RT @jimgthornton: OASIS care bundle. Why have we started believing biased association studies in preference to RCTs? https://t.co/1D8yK8ZMII
RT @jimgthornton: OASIS care bundle. Why have we started believing biased association studies in preference to RCTs? https://t.co/1D8yK8ZMII
RT @jimgthornton: OASIS care bundle. Why have we started believing biased association studies in preference to RCTs? https://t.co/1D8yK8ZMII
OASIS care bundle. Why have we started believing biased association studies in preference to RCTs? https://t.co/1D8yK8ZMII
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/jJrffegzHD #birth #PregnantProblems
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
RT @OctaviaWiseman: Important to remind ourselves of the evidence. So much more work needed. Pity they did not look at position, communicat…
Important to remind ourselves of the evidence. So much more work needed. Pity they did not look at position, communication or place of birth https://t.co/lU0nIwzOZT
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
RT @drtraceyc: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/Q03LPD55zL
@CharleneSTMW @SagefemmeSB @beetrooter @Sunnydownlane @WhoseShoes @RCM_SMF @JennytheM @CovUniMidSoc @WeMidwives @LesleyPageRCM @MidwivesRCM @byromandbyrom @optimalclamping @CUBcass Definitely up for that!! Especially in light of recent article. There's als
More higher quality evidence needed on perineal techniques in 2nd stage of labour to reduce perineal trauma. https://t.co/FzK8nwhu9u
#CochraneEvidence - Warm compresses and massage probably reduce 3rd/4th degree perineal tears in labour #EEMidwifery https://t.co/SwH9LBqUZU
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/qKkXEbHz9A
RT @evidpediatria: CochraneLibrary: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/ueE4d23…
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing... https://t.co/lXnUuP6uyZ
Who knew?! https://t.co/pxyDZXr62a
RT @SandallJane: Well nice to know https://t.co/2R468wPjuK
RT @SandallJane: Well nice to know https://t.co/2R468wPjuK
RT @SandallJane: Well nice to know https://t.co/2R468wPjuK
Well nice to know https://t.co/2R468wPjuK
CochraneLibrary: Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma https://t.co/ueE4d23axu https://t.co/IdUkx8NAtL
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma. https://t.co/0S9pu6iPxd
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing... https://t.co/lXnUuP6uyZ