RT @wissenwaswirkt: Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkrankung (COPD)? https:/…
RT @wissenwaswirkt: Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkrankung (COPD)? https:/…
RT @DG_PTW: Selfmanagement bei COPD. Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkranku…
RT @DG_PTW: Selfmanagement bei COPD. Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkranku…
Selfmanagement bei COPD. Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkrankung (COPD)? https://t.co/aKoq3LsaAZ #COPD #WissenWasWirkt https://t.co/5YsspNEWFe
RT @wissenwaswirkt: Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkrankung (COPD)? https:/…
Handlungspläne sind ein wichtiger Teil von #Selbstmanagement - bei der Umsetzung unterstützen wir Menschen mit chronischen Erkrankungen mit einem evidenzbasierten Programm: https://t.co/WRFxtLQNhZ
RT @wissenwaswirkt: Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkrankung (COPD)? https:/…
Helfen Selbstmanagement Interventionen mit Handlungsplänen bei chronisch obstruktiver #Lungenerkrankung (COPD)? https://t.co/pwO1eY6DHG #COPD #WissenWasWirkt https://t.co/NfEULIkcpc
COPD患者のセルフ・マネジメント https://t.co/Z0w2wsrwi6 https://t.co/GUFZvdAseO
RT @drlaurajane: What is self-management in #COPD? ERJ review https://t.co/L3ASB0H8QY What is the evidence base? Cochrane review https://t.…
RT @drlaurajane: What is self-management in #COPD? ERJ review https://t.co/L3ASB0H8QY What is the evidence base? Cochrane review https://t.…
What is self-management in #COPD? ERJ review https://t.co/L3ASB0H8QY What is the evidence base? Cochrane review https://t.co/X6d7caXauk #BTSSummer2018 #RespEd
Les interventions d'#auto-prise_en_charge incluant des plans d'action pour les exacerbations par rapport aux soins habituels chez les personnes ayant une #maladie_pulmonaire_obstructive_chronique : https://t.co/TRmnMgzbJz
New NNT→Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations versus usual care in patients with… https://t.co/qctzuAMinl
Intervenciones de autocuidado incluidos los planes de acción para pacientes con EPOC Cochrane https://t.co/oRPdnWX4Ue
Self-management w/ AECOPD action plan improves HRQoL and probability of respiratory-related hospital admissions. https://t.co/ou1DRzVKYS
Self-management interventions including action plans for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) https://t.co/wjeBl8ljPK
RT @CochraneAirways: Here are the full abstract results from the self-management plus action plans for COPD SR results https://t.co/CoO7Ic…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneUK: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve QOLfor people with COPD: https://t.co/Yf4B684Byz
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CumbriaOT: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD... https://t…
Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD... https://t.co/xc2eqkFYj5
RT @stevenwib: But only 26% of people who completed the @lunguk COPD passport had a self management plan... https://t.co/e6RRvOVeNn
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @stevenwib: But only 26% of people who completed the @lunguk COPD passport had a self management plan... https://t.co/e6RRvOVeNn
But only 26% of people who completed the @lunguk COPD passport had a self management plan... https://t.co/e6RRvOVeNn
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
RT @CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https…
Self-management interventions that include exacerbation plans may improve quality of life for people with #COPD: https://t.co/9cupAB02wC
RT @CochraneAirways: New #CochraneEvidence: Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations vs usual care for COPD h…
Self-management interventions including action plans for patients with COPD can be beneficial and effective: https://t.co/SDwzkIGPXq https://t.co/HZN3zkiH6C
RT @CochraneAirways: New #CochraneEvidence: Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations vs usual care for COPD h…
RT @evidpediatria: CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions including action plans for patients with Chronic Obstructive… https://t.c…
RT @CochraneAirways: Here are the full abstract results from the self-management plus action plans for COPD SR results https://t.co/CoO7Ic…
RT @CochraneAirways: New #CochraneEvidence: Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations vs usual care for COPD h…
Here are the full abstract results from the self-management plus action plans for COPD SR results https://t.co/CoO7IcEPB9 https://t.co/7wpnnErXFz
New #CochraneEvidence: Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations vs usual care for COPD https://t.co/CoO7IcEPB9
RT @evidpediatria: CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions including action plans for patients with Chronic Obstructive… https://t.c…
Self-management interventions including action plans for patients with Chronic Obstructive… https://t.co/zwX2yieEK5
CochraneLibrary: Self-management interventions including action plans for patients with Chronic Obstructive… https://t.co/5XCvnTw1M5 https://t.co/Wk30e4EdFc