Anthony Power Nutrition,
I'm going to go out on a limb and saying...this bloke is a true champion of HUMANITY
I'm going to go out on a limb and saying...this bloke is a true champion of HUMANITY
Our children are suffering. No doubt our elderly are suffering. All because these 'experts' have an anti-meat agenda? https:/…
So dairy and eggs are now 'in'. But meat is still on the outer. This despite the fact they contain almost the same amount of…
“Cereais Integrais: o melhor para a saúde” …
Background Whole grain foods encompass a range of products and include whole grain wheat, rice, maize, and oats. The term 'whole…
Einen Moment, Trommelwirbel, hier kommt er wieder - der wir brauchen Vollkorn weil sonst müssen wir alle sterben Mythose 😖 44…
An interesting 2017 review of studies that strongly calls into question the benefit of whole grains for heart disease. "There…
Тип углеводов и здоровье человека: серия систематических обзоров и мета-анализы. The Lancet. 10 January 2019. Потребление большо…
Anyone surprised? There is NO EVIDENCE that grains, deuterium bombs, are healthy for humans. LOL. More evidence-based…
“There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
Also ein wenig habe ich schon geschrieben zum Thema Milch, Carbs, Detox, Protein, Gemüse, Krebs, Alk, etc. Hier sind mal ein…
Grãos integrais para prevenção da função cardiovascular, colesterol e a pressão arterial ? A Cochrane, organização médica sem…
Цельнозерновые хлопья при сердечно-сосудистых заболеваниях:
"There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
Is there no line at all separating government and the food industry? Apparently not in Australia (nor in Canada, for that matter…
The Australian government is very concerned that we are not eating enough fibre. Kellogg's has calculated that if we could all…
The Australian government is very concerned that we are not eating enough fibre. Kellogg's has calculated that if we could all…
‘Eat more cereal to beat heart disease’? Really? Oh yes, this major Australian Government Health announcement today was…
Arbeiten, die interessant sein könnten: Neues von der Vollkornfront, Vitamin-C und Immunsystem, Infos über Übergewicht, Omega-3…
"Grãos integrais previnem doenças cardiovasculares ? Os cereais, mesmo integrais, serão a melhor opção ??? A ciência mais…
Grãos integrais previnem doenças cardiovasculares ??? Os cereais, especialmente integrais, ao pequeno almoço serão a melhor opçã…
Whole grain cereals... are they healthy?
On 10/2/17 Congressman Andy Harris had an opinion piece in The Hill entitled "Mandate is clear: Flawed dietary guidelines…
'Eat lots of whole grains' is a staple recommendation of most official health organizations. While it's easy to cite dozens of…
'Eat lots of whole grains' is a staple recommendation of most official health organizations. While it's easy to cite dozens of…
Zdravé srdíčko můžete mít i bez celozrnných obilovin. Aktuální systematický přehled literatury zkoumající vliv konzumace…
The "healthy whole grain" franchise continues to crumble: "There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to…
“There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
Raining on the parade of the grain industry and those it sponsors
The next time someone tells you that whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease, ask them for the evidence because according…
Przegląd 9 różnych badań dał jeden wniosek - zboża w postaci pełnoziarnistej nijak nie zapobiegają chorobom układu krążenia.
Suomessa täysjyvävilja on pyhä asia. Sillä väitetään olevan lukemattomia terveyshyötyjä, etenkin sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien…
Dagens #forskningsoversigt fra @sciasupdate: Whole grain cereals for the primary or secondary prevention of cardiovascular…
9 studies were reviewed on the benefits of whole grain in your diet. No benefit was found for heart disease. 5 out of the 9…
Co wybrać: dieta pełnoziarnista, zawierającą produkty oczyszczone a możę zwykła dieta, które bardziej wpływa na poziom…
Insufficient evidence from RCTs on the role of wholegrain consumption
Background Whole grain foods encompass a range of products and include whole grain wheat, rice, maize, and oats. The term 'whole…
There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
WHOLE GRAINS OR WHOLE LOT OF NONSENSE? “Heart-heathy wholegrains” is what you hear time and time again. Well, you might be…
I often see, read and hear the opinion that a low carbohydrate, healthy fat diet is unscientific or that it's a fad or that it's…
Background Whole grain foods encompass a range of products and include whole grain wheat, rice, maize, and oats. The term 'whole…
Hasn't stopped us so far! The conclusion from Cochrane report just published: "There is insufficient evidence from…
There is evidence from observational studies that whole grains can have a beneficial effect on risk for cardiovascular disease (C…
For nearly 40 years, health authorities have strongly recommended everyone eat whole grains to reduce their risk of…
"There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
Cereais, incluindo cereais integrais, é comida para aves ou para engordar animais... …
"There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
Pass this on to anyone who still believes the wholegrain myth.
"There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
Eat your whole grains they say, they're good for you they say.... Cochrane review shows no support for these claims in regards…
Hasn't stopped us so far! The conclusion from Cochrane report just published: "There is insufficient evidence from…
Whole #grains for cardiovascular disease | #cvd -Cochrane
¿Son los cereales integrales beneficiosos para reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular? Nueva revisión de Cochrane (1) (o…
Interesting cochrane review suggesting the trials of "whole grain cereals" vs refined versions didn't do much for "cholesterol…
The Cochrane report finds "insufficient evidence about whether whole grain diets reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or…
There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets to…
???? 😂 "There is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to date to recommend consumption of whole grain diets…
More high quality research which may help to turn the current dietary guidelines upside down..
What might be "healthy" about whole grains is that they're just not as bad as refined grains, not that they contain any…
New study out - there is no evidence that whole grains prevent heart disease. An analysis of clinical trials. http://www.cochrane…
There is "insufficient evidence" from randomized, controlled trials to recommend whole grains to prevent heart disease. Review…
Hot off the presses from the Cochran Reports which are typically unbiased in their review of the available literatures "There…
¿Comer cereales integrales es realmente efectivo para disminuir el riesgo cardiovascular? Parece que no. http://onlinelibrary.wi…
La última revisión Cochrane concluye lo que llevo años diciendo: "No hay evidencia que haga recomendar el consumo de cereales…
#CochraneUpdate Cereales integrales para la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares: Cc…