Kaiserschnitt: Antibiotikaprophylaxe in Kohortenstudie auch nach...
Deutsches Ärzteblatt,
/Gordon Grand, stock.adobe.com Bern Die Antibiotikaprophylaxe, die bei den meisten Operationen vor der Hautinzision erfolgt…
/Gordon Grand, stock.adobe.com Bern Die Antibiotikaprophylaxe, die bei den meisten Operationen vor der Hautinzision erfolgt…
The authors of a new study on the timing of antibiotic administration in women undergoing cesarean section say the findings…
Professor Dame Sally Davies, England's Chief Medical Officer, recently warned that the world could face a "post-antibiotic…
The International Infection Prevention week is the 3rd full week in October every year - a good time to share some of our…
1. Women receiving azithromycin in addition to standard antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean section (c-section) were 49% less…