Public Health Graz,
Nachdem aktuelle wieder viel Hoffnung in die Grippeimpfung gesteckt wird, ein paar Informationen zur Wirksamkeit bei gesunden…
Nachdem aktuelle wieder viel Hoffnung in die Grippeimpfung gesteckt wird, ein paar Informationen zur Wirksamkeit bei gesunden…
PODIVUHODNÁ STRATÉGIA BOJA PROTI SARS-CoV-2 MZ začalo robiť veľkú kampaň na očkovanie proti chrípke, napriek tomu, že chýbajú…
Under the cover of an alleged pandemic for a different disease, governments across Australia are mandating flu vaccination for…
Under the cover of an alleged pandemic for a different disease, governments across Australia are mandating flu vaccination for…
Po dlhšej dobe znovu niečo o očkovaní. „K prepuknutiu celoštátnej chrípkovej epidémie na Slovensku zatiaľ nedošlo, no jej…
VAKCÍNY NA PREVENCIU CHRÍPKY U ZDRAVÝCH DOSPELÝCH Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy…
They really are crazy
"Here is the vaccine the doctor ordered for you" okay bring him, I'd be happy to stick him with it.
Even though the facts about the influenza vaccine's ineffectiveness speak for themselves (meta-analyses of the RCT's and…
Even though the facts about the influenza vaccine's ineffectiveness speak for themselves (meta-analyses of the RCT's and…
Even though the facts about the influenza vaccine's ineffectiveness speak for themselves (meta-analyses of the RCT's and…
Ocena efektów szczepienia przeciwko grypie u zdrowych dorosłych w okresie sezonu infekcji grypy. #szczepienie #grypa #dorośli #in…
I am going to use their numbers whether their numbers they used are correct or not. Though, according to the Cochrane Review…
The Cochrane review does the most extensive meta-analysis of peer reviewed research in the world. This meta-analysis is on the…
La réalité de la vaccination contre la grippe après 65 ans : faible protection contre la maladie (2,4 à 6%), pas de données…
I keep saying the flu vaccine makes as much sense as taking a birth control pill once/year or only locking one car door because…
Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. 2018.…
As winter fast approaches in Australia, you may be considering getting your annual flu vaccine. The Cochrane database is the…
Actualización de la revisión de la Cochrane sobre la vacuna antigripal.
Did you know that, on average, 71 healthy adults have to be vaccinated in order to prevent one infection of the flu? “Injected…
Der Cochrane Review zur Wirkung der Grippeimpfung bei gesunden Erwachsenen wurde wieder aktualisiert. Das Ergebnis bleibt auf…
Вакцины для профилактики гриппа у здоровых взрослых
Here’s the #CochraneEvidence from Cochrane ARI on #influenza vaccination for healthy adults #EEHealthChoice…
Flunssarokotteen teho on lähes olematon, sanotaan tässä Cochrane-instituutin selvityksessä.
Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults.
A review of 25 studies showed that the flu shot reduced influenza by 1-2%.…
Science declaring that the flu vaccine is only 1% effective. ". Authors' conclusions: Healthy adults who receive inactivated…
In 2016 the prestigious, respected, and impartial Cochrane Commission reviewed research from 1966-2016 on the influenza vaccine.U…
To me, it's outrageous that people would lose their jobs when the flu vaccine given to healthy adults gives only a 1…
At this point, all we can do is laugh at the flu vaccine. 99% fail rate. ~Dr. C
Thank you Allie Fujito! The latest Cochrane Review of the flu shot was just published on February 1, 2018. It is not a…
#BigMikesBill #OhioHB193 According to the published studies, 71 healthy adults would have to be vaccinated in order to prevent…
The latest Cochrane Review of the flu shot was just published on February 1, 2018. It is not a favorable review. According…
Those who received the vaccine experienced between 1% and 2% increased protection from influenza. Get this rate of results with…